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  • James
  • Lives in Australia au
  • 17 years, 7 months and 23 days
  • Profile hits: 15
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Recent News (1)

ET:QW Interview with Ed Bongoboy Stern: Senior Game Designer

GameArena, a service provided by the biggest telco in Australia, and home of Australia's Wolf:ET community, recently had a short Q&A with one of ET:QW's senior designers, Ed Stern, who worked on Wolf:ET.

Taken from Q&A:

Quote"GameArena was recently afforded the opportunity to quiz the developers of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars for a bit of juice on their hotly anticipated multiplayer first person shooter.

Recent Articles (1)

m_pitch, and a planned countermeasure

Dear xfire readers,

My name is slappa and I'm an etplayer from Australia. From what I've seen, recently various big leagues have unlocked m_pitch (because I don't really follow them, I'm not sure, but I think clanbase and other big leagues have) because of the recent Razer and Logitech mice, to even out the playing field.

Recent Comments (8)

  1. what i mean by... 11 Jun 2007
  2. george r r martin... 10 Jun 2007
  3. no need to use... 29 Mar 2007
  4. i live in australia... 29 Mar 2007
  5. http://sport.guardia 24 Mar 2007
  6. its noice in... 19 Mar 2007
  7. its live on... 17 Mar 2007
  8. kquery etc 1 Dec 2006