Deactivated5835's profile picture
  • Chris
  • Lives in United Kingdom uk
  • 12 years, 9 months and 9 days
  • Profile hits: 529
Followers (2)

Recent Journals (4)

  1. maus egoquit 16 Jun 2010
  2. WARNING TO MEEZ 10 Jun 2010
  3. Overload strikes back 2 Jun 2010
  4. Trolled vila picz 1 Jun 2010

Recent Comments (8)

  1. old news are old 19 Jun 2010
  2. first esl and now... 18 Jun 2010
  3. omfg!!1 need more... 15 Jun 2010
  4. /bind mouse1... 14 Jun 2010
  5. haha you fail 14 Jun 2010
  6. expected 13 Jun 2010
  7. :DD need gif 12 Jun 2010
  8. haha i knew this... 12 Jun 2010