LavOd's profile picture
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  • Lives in Netherlands nl
  • 17 years and 5 days
  • Profile hits: 8312

Recent News (1)

The new OVERLOAd

image: logo

Last week Sainted announced that he had no motivation anymore to continue with OVERLOAd but felt it would be a waste to throw his work and the good name of the organisation away, the story of OVERLOAd should not be ended!

A fresh breeze

After the departure of Sainted the organisation was left unmanned and called for a replacement.

Recent Articles (1)

Wezor parle!

Yesterday the first EC Groupmatch has been played between Europe FatGames and France dESIRE. After a great performance of the french powerhouse Europe FatGames ended up on top with a well deserved 4-2 Victory.

Recent Topics (4)

  1. Serious team (LavOd) 14 Dec 2010
  2. sereNity at AEF 18 May 2010
  3. LavOd for EC 2 Mar 2010
  4. nOu way! 15 Nov 2009

Recent Comments (7)

  1. best riven NO? 20 May 2013
  2. Ik ben ranked aan... 26 Feb 2013
  3. SJOEEEEEERD 26 Feb 2013
  4. Heuj! x 26 Feb 2013
  5. Labod, never heard... 16 Oct 2012
  6. Die zijn alleen via... 16 Oct 2012
  7. I'd like to... 15 Oct 2012