Damon_'s profile picture
  • Lives in Romania ro
  • 9 years, 8 months and 20 days
  • Profile hits: 625
Does not follow anyone.
Followers (6)

Recent Topics (4)

  1. 2k15/2k16 1on1 ladder 11 Nov 2015
  2. 30 seconds to MARS 5 Jul 2013
  3. TEAM SAMPLE in need 13 May 2013
  4. Damon avi. 5 May 2013

Recent Comments (6)

  1. Talent and base... 27 Feb 2019
  2. I won vs him 2... 8 Feb 2019
  3. Lol this thing is... 6 Feb 2019
  4. We will see about... 8 Jan 2019
  5. Deli as decider wtf... 8 Jan 2019
  6. Nickname:... 30 Sep 2018