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  • Daniel
  • Lives in Sweden se
  • 16 years, 5 months and 16 days
  • Profile hits: 558
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Ventinizor 1.4

image: Ventinizor1_4_2

After a long period of no updates idcation releases a new version of the famous Ventinizor. Ventinizor allows you to use different version of ventrilo while saving your passwords in between version. A few bugs have been fixed including the closing and next to that new voice programs have been added. Finishing it all with a new interface idcation hopes that the gamers will enjoy the package.

Recent Journals (4)

  1. 1 Jun 2010
  2. america, fuck yeah! 29 May 2010
  3. no AEF slots tonight 28 May 2010
  4. TFT, monitors and etc 19 May 2010

Recent Topics (1)

  1. mqtriix 25 May 2007

Recent Comments (8)