Codec xvid Filesize 328.00 MiB Length 701


Made by Finland Ruipperi. A miracle happened.

This also starts the new years waiting calendar of Ruipperi's failed projects. Keep an eye on the movie section.
Yes it's very nice.
ruipperi is the best :p
DJ polarsoul!! OMG AMAZiNG
LEGENDARY MOVI !! (I even changed my flag after watching this masterpiece.)

e: it's pretty good actually, 10/10
So, which one of you trolls actually made this movie.
ruipperi, as its says u stupid homo
suomipallo's flame-allstar too stupid to read between the lines, damnit
Liked it a lot.
gg Ruipperi!
Comment reserved <>

e: That was fucking amazing!

+ hitsounds
+ Cams!
+ frags
+ Qually
+ Most things

- Muzzle flash
Sick movie
Well done Ruipperi old friend. =)

Finland's finest
move is quite sick, surprised me

oon vähä ootellu tätä :)
great movie great frags
rly great movie, 2nd in my all-time-favourites, got not much else to say.

oh, songlist pls!
awesome movie, and great frags

I enjoyed it :)
good one :)
nice one ruipperim8 :DD
liked it alot :)
Really nice movie.

disliked one thing. i found myself looking in the left corner because i wanted to know who was fragged. so missed a lot of frags:(
good thing you eventually popped up then!
Sick frags.

Sick movie.

Best fragmovie this year together with ALNC movie. (learn to shoot fucking other noob moviemakers :D)
u forgot psykotic movie starring kot? :|
That was 2010. :D
Yea, but right at the end of the year, wasn't included at 2010-awards.
Well I wasn't really talking about xfire awards (but more globally january-december 2011) because Polarsoul probably won't get mentioned there (too late like psykotic was last year).

It was a sick movie anyway (psykotic) and should really win this year's awards (imo).
Yeah, my vote is going for it too, great movie.
It will be nominated this year ;) the movie got released after 15 december last year and didn't enter the latest Community award ;)
It probably will not, like psykotic will go to the next years shortlist as it depends when the votes are taken etc. :) which was before this was released.
I guess you misunderstood me. I was talking about Psykotic movie. I was explaining it will be nominated this year because it wasn't last year!
^^ then you are correct sir
Obviously you're talking about me in the end of your sentence right? :(
I think you are overlooking scarzy's movies ;o

very orginal baggiez, amazing, clap clap clap
It took you a year to realise it's an ET remake of DREMLOCK AKA THE BEST WOW MOVIE EVER?
I've never seen alnc movie before untill 2 days ago
Nice, now go make torspo's movie. :p
Will be ready 2017 by this rate :)
just do it :P
Would've been massively disappointed if it didn't have FinlandDJ Polarsoul music.
Glad it did, nice movie!
sick movie!
realy nice movie!
u got download lynk as well?
first link is download-link
Maybe i'm just a noob here
but it just opens and plays in my browser, can't download it
Ati_ 1 1 1 1
Gemb 2 1 1 1

killing list increasing
Come at me bro
Im not your bro you dumb
sister then
Why did u voted that ?
he should be in the retarted movie hater poll
Im not a retarded movie hater, I liked that movie, I just didnt like the rating :)
so many ppl voting 10/10/10/10, and I wanted to be like Ati_
Ok :D its ur choice
why did u vote 10/10/10/10 then? :>
Bcs its probably the best ET movie in 2011 with Fly high - fanatic the movie and 7ele - Aggression
wait, what? :DDD
so, if everyone was voting 10 10 10 10 on a movie you created you would balance the votes by putting 1 1 1 1? no, you wouldn't. and unless you actually didn't like the movie (you've said you liked it) you have no reason to actually give it bottom votes, besides the most obvious reason of all: jealousy.

good day
No, I never rate my own movies :) How was your day btw? Mine was quite ok, had a lot do to today at job and also had to buy some christmas presents :S never buy christmas presents at the last day, city is so overcrowded :(
still didn't get shit for my dad yet + just finished wrapping my gf's present, writing her card now, damn you creativity, WHERE ART THOU!:£
will see :)
really nice job, enjoyed alot :) 10/10
rlly good :) nice work.
Oh well, I guess it's good or... wait... wateva. I don't think people involved in the movie want feedback :D (from me or anyone), so nice job santaland :D! "10/10"
no idea how you came up with this summary. isnt it normal to give some feedback about the movie and then just add: content was good/bad?
I don't think criticizing a Finnish movie to which every finish guy put 10's everywhere during the Christmas period was very tempting. But now I am in the mood so:

Why put a decent intro or outro? To make a better flow throughout the movie and to give a sense of closure, completeness, and it shows your dedication to your work. (And to make it look "pro" but most of you won't care about this last point so don't mind it.) But he didn't have time or doesn't have good and quick ideas? Sure it's better to edit frag scenes instead of intro/outro.

Why is it better to keep frags vs. randoms/unknows/mixes/fakes out as much as possible? Because it gives a way better impression at the end of the movie and gives more credibility. You remember better frags vs teams, and more importantly vs good ones, because the people watching can relate to these teams, like "oh yeah 3hs to fra-emorej and 2hs to fra-maxuh! emorej the EC silver and maxuh the cheater, they are good! This is a nice frag!" But if it's the only way to keep your buddies in the movie sure, go for it I guess. I just wonder how you can rate 10 to the content. It's good, but guys come on.

Why put music more appropriate to the atmosphere of the actual game, unless there is a theme or something? Well that's just my opinion This is how I see things, my honest opinion and I am very curious to see if people agree with me I don't see why the music choice gives this movie a plus, unless you like reggae... This is far from something like "Elegie" by fredd.

Why cut the popups at the right time? Seriously you have the ability to sync 5 bodyshots on beats during 1 second, but you can't be arsed to cut popups correctly?

Why don't I whine about the sync, the colors and the quality? I liked them.

This would have been the same feedback if everyone voted 1's. Though the fact that comments were insanely good, made me so disappointed at the end :<, but I hope my opinion helps more than it upsets.
im here to answer your critizism because it looked like you wanted answers for these bits that bothered you.

the movie was in the same condition from march and i had no motivation or need to make anything more or distracting for intro and outro.

i myself am against the ideology of just having the most known(and i mean 'known' as that seems to new word for 'best' nowdays) players in the movie, because i find that boring and not interesting. i prefer entertaining frags over the regular so called ec-frags

for your taste; every song was sampled from classical or equivalent. theme of polarsoul was there also.

popups are cut just the way i wanted to cut them, with same amount of time, interest and dedication as syncing hitsounds. in this case its either the normal(default) way how you would have wanted them to be or just personal interest.
If you say it looked as so then so be it :D, I wasn't expecting an answer but it's always better to see how my perception is compared to the "directors" views.

I understand most of your points (but we ll have to agree to disagree about the fact that EC skilled frags are less entertaining compared to regular ones).
About the theme, the prob was that noone knows what polarsoul is (or maybe I am the only one), but I guess the audience this was intended for was a Finnish audience.

For the popup cutting I meant that for instance (there are many times I am not gonna watch the whole thing) at 2:00, 2:04, 2:11, 2:23, 2:47,etc...... the top left text fade away after the actual scene has faded/ended.
thats how i made the popups to be, so that you dont need to rewind and pause to see who got fragged, if one is intrested in such thing.
oh okok I didn't get it, so yeah it distracted me because I kept noticing (there are some exception) but I can't say it's annoying so why not.
Well, one of the best movies of 2011, if not the best ^^

I don't know what kind of comment are you expecting. Do you want me to justify why i "gave a " ag0n 7 9 9 9 or a overall comment of the movie?

If you want to explain my vote, well:

creativity 7: there isn't anything that creative or new at all right? Maybe with a "never seen" intro / outro i would have given a better value

editing 9: it's really great, even if in the end it is mostly a mp3 + hitsounds movie with few cams, the editing/sync is almost perfect, one of the best movies i've seen since i started playing et. Easly in my top5 or less!

Content 9: The frags are great, sync made them even better. Too bad they are not against the soo called "highskill/top teams", otherwise it would be a 10

Quality 9: x264 could have helped, few cams are not smooth enough (maybe record with more fps next time?). If it makes you feel better i have never voted a "quality 10" at any movie afaik. 10 would need to be something fantastic/amazing, with super colors n stuff, 9 is like the best!

No hard feelings? It's definitely a awesome movie, one of the best, together with Requiem; Fragarea 3; mAx chapter 3..

Either way, nice flow, music, frags n stuff! Congrats mate! Looking forward to the other movies!!
10/10 only because of slarto. but still a very nice movie! :D
Best ET Movie of 2011

Finally something to watch.

Rlly nice work !
hard job for you now :p
fucking true :D
:O niceee Vanhaomena <3
+brilliant gaming movie

+best this year

- frags not that impressive
loved the movie, big [-] for no killmessages in the center tho, it was very annoying to have to to look up into the console after every frag, especially considering the fast pace of the movie and it took away a lot imo.
It tastes like miracles
Sample best player ever
not bad, reminds me a lot of requiem cause of the slow mo and cams (which I hate, though the slow mo is bearable). good sync but expecting better after comments...
I even took the effort of logging in for this movie...

Sick frags & dito editing , I like

Big plus : Music

BelgiumEDiT : first song = ?
you really didnt have to
go back to your cave and use SHAZAM! :D
Seriously? :P Using my phone during a fragmovie to shazam the music :p

& doesn't work :D
Beats getting trolled by nerds here because of your past :)))))))))))
Maradona used cocaine, so what ? ;)
Doesn't change the fact you cheated on an online game:P
Put me in prison
got songname already?
first song is my remix of a song by Hilltop Hoods from album The Hard Road Restrung song called the Captured Vibe restrung
Very Well Done!

missing WALLE's frags :/
Finns so crazy;P
Quote+brilliant gaming movie

+best this year

- frags not that impressive

Must go with this, also could have been longer! But i understand that one minute was worth of around 50 days so this is fine.

Varjohaikarat :D
Varjohaikarat indeed! :Dd haha
wtf, krp lost to varjohaikarat :D good gaming club
yes, i remember BACK in the days when varjohaikarat came from nowhere and were very ownake
"came out of nowhere". Hulluja puhut, oltiin nimittäin pelattu ainaki vuos ellei jopai kaks 2.6B jo ennen kyseistä ottelua. Muistan kyl ikuisesti tazin kommentin; "te tuutte quittaan 5 minuutin sisällä ku ylijuostaan teidät". :D

Hienoja aikoja. :')!
En kyl tajuu miten krp hävis sillon, ku täystuho buzheri oli pelaamas. :D Pelasko jäbä muute siin matsis?
en pelannu, specin muistaakseni
ei lähetä yleensä voittamaan pelejä vaan pelataan pasua, covoa, jne jos vihu vaikuttaa "juoksuvihulta", sama pätee yhä.

nimi VARJOHAIKARAT ei varsinaisesti saannu eSport-sielua syttymään pelille ihan satasel vaan heitettiin varmaan pippeli-kakka-nörtti -läppää ventis jne.

tai sit vaan oltii paskoja ja tehä hyviä!
First movie that I have ever given a vote on crossfire. :) Amazing movie.

Like some people above says, I think the movie could've have been longer.

I liked the frags, but I think it might have something to do with the awesome sync up.

Nicely done ruipperim8. :)
I don't get it why people want the center popup so badly. I personally don't really care who got fragged in which scene and what does it matter? I might have a quick glance at the killfeed to recognise the opposing team.
extremely well done, it was just too short!
very nice!

e. wtf @ torspo frag?
just showin off how attacking smg engi should be played :)
more like eth32 tutorial
just amazing, nice work fintard <3
nice movie :)
amazing movie !! <3

AMAZING frags by sample & co
FUCKING AMAZING flow, playing with velocity of frags
INCREDIBLE cams, finally some1 do it good like me, requem and Max
GREAT looking radar, other maps too
U convinced me - rap music iz watchable with fm ;)

Peace, I hope its not ur last fm?
stop boosting your own ego
Maybe u can learn something from this for ur next shit movies
Superboyy = best cams

you = shit and you haven't made a single good movie yet, stop acting like you're a good moviemaker
agree m8 :)
ur movies sucked tbh :D
cams went through walls = reckless cams not incredible :l
great movie, too bad about intro/outro but it didnt need a better one due to the great flow of the movie
how long did he take to finish this one?

e: very good movie overall, since I like such hitsound syncing style(I also tried it when i was making nuggan's minimovie). but popup(some of them wasnt fading out when the frag scene was)/hitsounds sync(at some parts, but most of them were great) couldve been better.
Over one year, maybe one and a half :D Though not working actively.
true, ruipperi made most of the movie within few months and the rest came very slowly.. quite typical
approximately 90% of the movie was the same one year ago as it is now
Music ? Can't shazam ^^ , the 1.43 - xx part
sick! 10/10/10 ofc

really liked the music!

the only thing i missed was a nice intro and end:<
wha the fuck ppl need intros/outros by the way?
image: fintard-o

nice movie enjoyed alot !
Now THIS is nice! :D

gj Ruipperi!
best movie 2011

song names pls :P
cool movie, nice cams and sync but the music sucked and personally i didn't like the hitsounds either :(
nice movie, voted higher for use of trebuchet ms
actually enjoyed this more than any other i can recall of 2011 :d some small preferences like quieter hitsounds and popups in the centre but overall id give it like 8.5-9/10, really enjoyed!
best movie for times !
Loved it. Great to watch. Nice frags, editing, music....

Very enjoyable ! :)
Strange movie. Didn't like music, hitsounds and some of the frags. I liked most of the frags and the cams but quite boring in general. Also, your text work is really plain, how long was that text intro? :/

Expected something better anyways.
i liked it :)
torspo = ownage
very well done !
E: sync of the hitsound/music is very cool camflys are amazing
Fucking incredible
Amazing head shots!
Nice panzering Blindi :D
Don't know why but I more enjoyed Mettle II Leftovers (4-day project) than this. :|

-intro ( 30s for 3 texts )
-music ( only liked 1 or 2 synced action )
- some frags could be deleted

+ some frags
+ some sync
+ time of work ( add hitsounds one by one etc )
+ cams

expected something rly better after reading comment ( before watching the movie )
bit disapointed.
nice frags, nice music, nice quality. enjoyed it alot 10/10
super awesome movie, nice slowmo, everything nice :)
was expecting fraps masterpiece
should've shorten the length of the intro and increased the length of the fragmovie :D

Quality was great, frags were amazing, sync was awesome and loved the music. Really enjoyed it, movies like this make me want to play ET :)
voted 1 1 1 1 for people who voted 10 10 10 10
Tu es toujours aussi mongole toi :D
lol la movie vaut pas une note parfaite alors je compense avec une note de merde
Et comme la moyenne n'est pas de 10, tu mets ta putain de vraie note et tu arrêtes de la baisser, la moyenne..........
ok ma vraie note: 1 1 2 1
nice movie all round, frags were top notch although perhaps not always against the top opposition / could have removed some but guess wanted to keep everyone who was in the 'crew' involved ;)

quality wasnt amazing, music went nice perhaps could have had full game sounds rather then hitsounds only.
Quotequality wasnt amazing, music went nice perhaps could have had full game sounds rather then hitsounds only

well man that just like your opinion man..
on music for sure, quality isnt opinion though - pixelation around the crosshair and some on the fragtext. full game sounds would have given a better atmosphere, which seemed a bit lacking. Was enjoyable overall though :)
you are being too picky imo :)
As much i hate finnish ET players, this was fucking awesome . Amazing headshots , cam's, music etc.
7/10 max, 5/10 because of no smoxu.
Valhalla frag in framovie = best fragmovie ever
To be honest that was a really sick frag.
it was a random headshot while jumping... not sooo special on valhalla :S I have had simliar frags with 3 headshots while jumping above someone (but with smg)
video or it didn't happen!
too many valhalla demos to check them all :(
hehe ali got fragged twice :)
worth the hype, best movie of the year, amazing job. torspo has some sick frags and loved the hs synch
just amazing
Yeh. That was probably one of the best ET movies ever for me.
Sick movie, the only thing I could spot was that a few of the popups especially near the start were a little out of sync, but that's incredibly minor. 10/10
I liked how it focused on quality of frag rather than names (though arguably they are strongly linked). Good hS sync and impressive cams. Nice movie. Also that torspo b4 frag is probably the best takedown I've seen since mAx supply upstairs vs img.
yep, that was one sick frag! Allthough I don't know which frag of mAx you are talking about
me rikeyy
Great syncing,cams and flow! 90% of the frags were enjoyable to watch. A few were more or less confusing to me and wouldn't have made the movie worse if left out, like a 3 man kill with only a few hits or a single or double pistol hs kill, but perhaps some frags were added for the sake of the syncing and letting everyone feature? :P
Ruipperi told me that he picks the frags which will look good in the movie - it doesn't matter how much headshots you make or how many enemies you kill.

Or thats what he always said when I insisted him to tell me why he denied 99% of my frags.
Your frags are so boring to watch anyway
That's what I'm trying to say stupid...
Then say it and don't just imply
Where did I imply anything? YOU ARE WRONG ONCE AGAIN!!!!
Quote by SlartiThat's what I'm trying to say stupid...
didnt expect black people music but its okay
+ awesome quality
+ frags
+/- music
- no intro/outro

btw the voting criteria must be changed imo...
rly nice movie
really enjoyed it. perfect length imo, eventhough if I do enjoy a movie like this I always wish it'd have been double the length :D
good movie but i expected some more creativity and some fresh ideas.
polarsoul - winter symphony theme in d-minor
polarsoul - shostakovich riddim medley

the ones i know. i had polarsoul discography on my computer but it has mystically disappeared :l

think ruipperi can reply when he comes online
thx, I want the 1.43 -xx one :p
its a remix of a polarsoul remix and my remix of a edit's song battling go-go yubari in downtown L A
Thx man, song rocks
mikä iha viimene biisi o? toi mis o ulinaa
se on joku välikohta joltai pollen radiomixiltä. jos kiinnostaa nii löytyy kankaanpään pääkoneelta mut ei tästä nyt.
joo kiinnostaa paljon, huutele ircissä joskus jos saisit sen käsiis
liity polarsoulin grouppii facebookis tarvii 20jäsentä nii tulee uus mixtape ulos, kesäkuusta asti pidetty rajana 2000 eikä vielkä oo tullu :II
Best movie I've seen in a while, great job. :)
awsome movie :) <3 frags :) GJ
in what year did you start making this? :Z
just a popup bug at 4.20 but sick movie, really nice ones :)
Four minutes dot twenty seconds
360 degrees of pure awesome
hitsound are strange
i liked it..

most of the frags were in GR KRP's home map then :D
Simply amazing.

Song list please ?
Commenting since ruip asked me to.

- Intro and outro could've used some more creativity. Feels like there's plenty you could have done to the music that was playing that would introduce the movie well.

- Cams had some good positives and negatives. Some of them show you've visualised what you want us to see quite well but I think they could have been executed a little better. Some of the turns aren't as smooth as they could be.

- The audio mix with regards to hitsounds and music doesn't seem to be consistent throughout the movie. On the first track the hitsounds are way too high in the mix and as a result there's a bit of a lack of atmosphere since you didn't include any of the other sounds. (On second viewing, it seems like you've only lowered the volume for certain weapons which ended up feeling a bit weird)

- Frags are all pretty good but I don't understand why you wouldn't use centertext. First time I watched the movie I had no idea who was killing or being killed as looking up in the corner tends to distract me from more important things.

- Colours are pretty good although on some maps, the players can look a little overexposed at times.

- The contrast in colours between supply and frostbite at 3:10 when it was flicking back and forth made it a little nasty.

- Music was fine. Didn't have any problems but the hitsounds really were too loud in contrast with the music imo.

- Quality was good but you should've sacrificed some more filesize to get a little better quality since people generally don't care about filesize anymore, within reason.

- Overall, obviously a well above-average ET movie with some good sync but nothing that took my breath away creatively etc.

Good job though. :-)
Agreed with most of it.
been asked to do some more extensive review, so:

Music (soundtrack):
When it fits fragz (well, this also depends on editing style as well) and keeps you focused on action and its fast paced nature, I cant say anything bad about it. And this is this case, despite the fact I am not listening to this kind of music normally, I must simply say, when it works, it works :)

I am not fan of big variety of skill involved in one movie, on one side there is sample, torspo, ensam... pwning shit out of top clans and right next to it there are actions where I dont recognize a single name. But I wont rly count this into voting since if ppl play against players of equal skill, it doesnt matter whether its med vs med or top vs top. Lots of headshots, nice spam and fast actions, thats all that matters.
On the other hand, there were too many single/double kills for my taste, certainly some more 4+ sprees would make it more impressive.

I am not that kind of guy who would burry good movie under the ground because it didnt bring anything new. Actually as being pretty simple and often copying moviemaker myself and after many years of watching fragmovies, I must say its almost impossible to bring something brand new to moviemaking scene. Mostly ppl are influenced by others, and they just bring some new elements into their favourite style. I am personally really familiar with this style, I am using manually added hitsounds for couple of years already, doing velocity magic to play a bit with fluidity (many ppl dont like that as they may be distracted and it may break the flow of movie). And after seeing many ppl fail with manually added hitsounds, you did nice job to keep it as simple as possible, without leaving any noticeable blank space (often I saw in other movies muzzleflashes but with some missing shots). However, there is something that I didnt like, which is really important to me. I call it consistency, at the begining bodyshot sounds are noticeable louder than anything else but later on they are back to normal. Same goes for popups, I am making manual popups as well, but in this movie I sometimes got disctracted by popups which were disappearing too late, in middle of next scene. However, I marked one big plus in field "consistency" for you, you used hitsounds in whole movie, exactly the way I like it. I hate to see movies like Mettle II, when he does 2HS, he just puts hitsounds there, but its just random and you can say just by not hearing hitsounds, that some actions werent rly that special (I dont see a difference between action with 4 kills and 9 headshots and 4 kills with 5 headshot but 60%+ accuracy, I just want to hear ppl hitting).
Cam work was nice, but sometimes it was just too chaotic/fast to actually fully pickup whats going on.
To sumarize, I can really relate myself to this kind of style eventhought I can say you could have pay more attention to some little details (popups, consistent sound levels). But this is just my hidden shitty moviemaker which lives inside me speaking, and he is really obsessed with such details :). I also lacked some kind of nice intro/outro, didnt need to be anything fancy with shitloads of glitter and 3D, but nicer text with some nice background would be better.

To be completely honest, I gave 10 just because I dont have resources to actually watch this movie in full quality, my laptop cant handle it. I saw it on stream, colors werent disturbing (but not impressive either, but everything was clear and crisp). But I may have take 1 point down for using XviD, this codec is a past and for such movies is h264 much more suitable.
probably because some frags are made 2 years before you even knew about ET :))
Well,the quality of Your movie was okay,not the best but not the worst!However the colors weren't good between maps,it was more like contrast problem,it just made my eyes blur.

I liked the style of Your editing.Nothing over edited or non-edited.
The sync was just perfect,after showing it to my master music expert friend,he said that the sync was absolute perfect for this kind fragmovie. You did great job at the music and syncing!

I must admit that you have creativity..
Then use it what god has given you!
However,the cameras were cool.
But I noticed the supply,where the camera flyed through the door,it not nice to watch it.

Frags were okay,but didn't surprise me,because I had seen these frags already.
But now about the hit sounds.It was just terrible,I turned speakers off at first.
Just don't next time turn the hit sounds volume so high.

Overall I could give you high-five!
great work
awesome. i guess someone finally studied my cam tutorials :P

probably the best cams i saw apart from R3 Trailer

synching is nice at most parts. content is great (although im not a fan of those revive kills).

i only miss an intro and outro. the frag part looks and feels like something i would make. but to a different music :P
just dropped by to rofl at this post
f_cking finns. this movie is very good. :)
e: adrus, eSrael... good old ET
you know what's amazing about this movie? that it is the first that has made me want to play ET again in a long, long time and therefore it sincerely deserves the best available score which is 10/10.
nice to watch !
skill of opponents?
expected more,
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