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Winghaven OOTW3, Renaissance

Creator: Nonix
Game: Enemy Territory
Type: Frag Highlights
Length: 7m0s
Size: 290 Megs
Codec: x264

Frags: Winghaven
Edit: Nonix

the last Winghaven's ET movie, featuring CDC frags played in the Netherlands, when New project placed 2nd.

Also featuring frags against the best european clans.
nice! dling
Overedited, really over edited, can hardly enjoy the fragging..
It was a nice movie overall but there were a few things that bothered me.
Due to the overuse of editing I could hardly see the frags in the movie. Since the frags are the most important to me, it bothered me allot.
The movie was way too fast.
Music wasn't really good either. I only liked the first song because it had a little japanese theme in it. :)

It's a good movie but don't overuse the effects so much. It can be allot more watchable then.

Ps: What do you mean with "this is the last frag of the movie" @ 1:33

Pss: I found 1 R :(
it was the camera of the last frag in the movie vs vae, pay attention! ;P
where did u find the R?
I got two.

"R" in : 2:43
"R" in : 6:04
R in 1:00 in tree its white map was radar
R in 2:43 in wall its black map was gr
R in 6:03 in wall its whitemap was gr
we need here !
the last Winghaven's ET movie(...)

next will be ET:QW fosho
2 much editing
and very n1ce frags overall
worst movie ever..................just kiddin, downloading atm! plz :< computer is too fucking slow to watch the movie :(
massive frameloss
Downloading, will comment shortly.
dling .. :D can't wait
must be pro! nonix ftw

nice edit/sync
strange colors
very nice that you kept the oftw 1/2 style...
Looks shit, from what I was able to see due to shit compression.
not as good as i expected
due to this shit editing the frags are getting unwatchable and that kills the movie
i like it :> n1
anything about the audio?
very nice movie! thx nonix and wing
too much cams for my personal taste, frags are superb ...
news plz! :D

overexposed at some points.
awesome editing
dl'ing atm
:D hope its good!
Yeah, great movie! I love the style. It was just too short. ;) Quality could have been better and some transitions weren't that great. But brilliant editing. I can't understand the whine about "too much editing", it should be always like this. If you want to watch pure frags, then watch ETTV, Replays or demos. Otherwise the movies before were better.
fucking ownage frags. qualitywise it could have been better but nevertheless a really nice production again, gj nonix and wing
liked it
Nonix movies <3
its a good movie, but gets too strong at the end
music is killing my ears, didnt like the music switch @ 6 mins, was definately too sharp.
colors were original- but do you always need to be? didnt like them too much tbh.
if you mean frags, i was suprised with some not-too-good frags, aka expected sth more from such a player-was not bad tho.

overall movie definately needed lots of work- but it`d be better really if u made +1 or 2 mins of this movie, simply to slow the action down- would be better for all i guess :<

didnt understand some basic epic fails like zp frag on sd with a black sky for example, or just goldrush looking totally crappily :<

for the R signs i found the 3 ! one is on the gr wall around 5minute, 2nd is @ "found the R signs" and 3rd is @ last renaissance logo \o/

a strong 7/10 imo, just for the first 5 mins :< my head didnt take my 2nd watching of this till the end :I
nice frags but just as out of the way 2 it's overedited
awesome movie, i fucking love the style of the movie
pretty good
Nice movie =), gj
I'm really disappointed..
But still editing in effects and stuff like that was nice , music was pretty similar to previous winghaven movies.. easy to sync :) frags were also nice..but you can expect that from winghaven :P
dling tomorrow
Love Nonix movies. :)

Imo the best part was the supply CP spawnkill vs mQ. -.-
nice 1 tbh overall
I am now blind , too much effect . :(
n1, but too much editing :-<
well u ve proven once again, what a great knowledge about moviemaking u have, but this overedited shit really takes all the fascination of the frags...

some of the frags were quite average but most of em were as expected very nice...
the quality was not too bad, only the dark maps were colored pritty ugly...
the music was totally your style and like in the other movies, but i was missing this fragmusic... it was just this kind of music, that brings some exciting feeling, but i prefer the usually used fragsongs...

i just cant say, that its a brilliant movie because i cant get used to ur style... but keep working like this, many people love it and u cant make a movie good for everybody...

liked it, especially that blue colors filter you used.

the only thing i didnt like was that the motion blur was missing later in the movie. but i think you did that because it fits better to the music, am i right or not?
n1 movie, really nice panzer frags, music was cool and quality also. I found all three "R" signs. :)
quality editing, however overkill in editing as well, which made the movie less enjoyable to watch.

oh and for one, I did love the music.
too much editing, music was horrible
quality & frags were great.
me agrees 101%
didnt like it sorry, too much editing, flashing screens, different camera positions, i think in like 2 seconds i saw 8 or 9 different views of a kill.

it had a lot of potential, but the editing style and colors didnt do the movie much good. Also the quality should have been a lot better then this, with a project like this i really expected A LOT MORE in all 3 departments mentioned above.

I really think you wanted to do to much in not a lot of time and that really killed this movie. Too bad :(
- ingame material quality
- config
- used frags
+ editing
+ frags
+- if a movie can be overedited, its this.

overall a keeper, good movie, gj nonix
Nice quality
ole sergi trameando
gj nonix, it really suits my taste since i hate those slow crappy movies
the best part of whole trilogy!
6/10 The Japanese movie was better
I know I'm being nitpicky but I hope you'll appreciate what I say, because I generally enjoy your movies. I've watched it twice. Once from start to finish, and one where I was pausing to type comments. :-)

It's a strange movie for me.

There were some parts I liked, for example, there were times when the music and the content were very energetic, but overall I didn't enjoy it as much as the previous movies.

The intro, although the music had potential, didn't do anything for me. The orange "cdc" text at the side of some of the frags in the intro looked really out of place and clashing with the blue filters. Also, the flipping camera around the panzer gave me a sort of motion sickness feeling.

The one thing that I haven't liked in all Nonix movies is the config, and it doesn't seem to have changed.

Some of the sync is awesome, it's clear that some of it is frame by frame sync in nature, which I like to do also. So that really looked good.

Some of the drastic changes between normal screen and the cropped scenes were a bit odd. Don't know why they were there.

The music after the hitsound scene made me feel so alienated from the content. I don't quite know how to describe it. Not sure whether it's down to the music itself, or the fact that we've just come out of a hitsound section. The style of that music also didn't seem to suit the colours of the footage.

However, the cameras did A LOT to save this section. The cam at 3:58 in particular.

The transition into the next song wasn't overly good, but the cameras again really made this part much better. 5:12 to 5:25 was probably my favourite part of the movie.

The "NO REEL" thing at 6:07 felt kind of cliché, but was followed up by a not so bad zoom effect a few seconds later.

When it gets to the very energetic section at around 6:20 that was interesting from an editing sense but it just took focus of the frags completely, which I'm guessing is the section that other people are talking about.

Would've been nice to see the 5 man kill support fire at the end as a cam. Not sure if some models were out of range though.

EDIT: Watched again and realised this was included near the beginning. Still, don't see why it was put there and not at the end...

Overall, it's a different, quite interesting movie but I didn't enjoy it that much. The compression isn't great, the flow between the music tracks isn't great and the config isn't great.

It is quite innovative, and I generally like your style, but I didn't enjoy it as much as OOTW:2
pretty much agree, though I had more of an overall view of the movie, instead of every cam listed. the movie felt more random than ootw2, 2 was more concentrated on frags than this one, thus making it better fitting in the category 'fragmovies'.
Hrm, wasnt really impressed by the movie, but wtf@I didnt spot one more then 3man - panzershot
Wow I loved it, very beautiful movie, gg Nonix :)
just bit to much editing, but good frags.
man that was pretty fucking awful

like a bad lsd trip

only worse:D
"R" in : 2:43
"R" in : 6:04
nice frags, most of the cams were bad (some were good) and would of closed it if it was any longer, a very weird movie - some parts I liked, some parts I hated.
Movies before this were much better imo...
more frags, less editing.
didnt like it :(
I didn't enjoy this movie, movies before were better in my opinion..
hmmm this movie is the real ownage, i enjoyed very much. awesome editing, really not hard to follow/enjoy the frags, cameras and music was good too (especially the last song :]) great job, the best wing movie so far.
nice frags wingy, mostly because of dumb opponents tho ;D

didn't like the editing that much or the music, its just not my style. gj anyway nonix and wingy!
Nicely made nonix, not your best work but it was alright :)
the last song 0wnz, whats it called?
dling o:!
easily one of the best ET movies so far, only few things I didn't like:

-color filter too blue (it does look good in some maps, like supply, but bad in goldrush and radar)
-crosshair (get rid of it already)
-intro feels like a copy of Second Nature intro with the panzerfaust presentation

I'd give 9.2/10

and I really don't get the whine of ET movies moving into more "artistic" direction (overediting blabla...)
Well done nonix and some nice frags like expected.
Music was worse than in part #2 but otherwise nice editing though
What songs were used in the movie?
its more than a fragmovie, its a fragMOVIE :)

gj liked it alot
The absolute best execution.
never liked your style,tho the intro is one of the best intros I've ever seen
Are you a fan of DchozN's work?

I kinda liked it, but I think fast movie editing like this would suit alot better in an "aim movie" rather than in a spam movie.

The music was nice and unique.
2 much bling bling
The frag @ 2.46 sucks hard :|
nice but next time use music
R in 1:00 in tree its white map name radar
R in 2:43 in wall its black map was gr
R in 6:03 in wall its white map was gr
music and video are totally out of sync here :s
anyone knows how to fix?
the whole point of a fragmovie is to show frags, and help viewer understand them, know whats happening

ootw1 was great, great sync and it did very well in doing what a fragmovie should do.

ootw2 was an abortion, not a movie, it broke every singe movie editing rule there is and it was absolutely horrible to watch.

this is in between of those 2, parts of the movie are well edited, parts are horrible.

sync is good, color correction helped hide how bad your config is and it actually made it look interesting most of the time. i dont understand whine about quality, version i downloaded from own3d was good.

overall: nonix, you know how to edit, but you dont know when or what needs editing.
improvement from last movie is quite easy to see, but its still not as good as your first movie.
before you take on something new, visit and write movie editing rules. Then watch your movie and try to find a rule you didnt break.

6/10 (cause of good parts, i'd rate it a lot more if there wouldnt be some useless/bad editing)
rofl. Never heard a movie described as an 'abortion' before. :-P
Tbh, i expected more...its just no fun to watch dunno cant describe it. And the cfg is quite ugly

Nonix is sick...
Thx the comments. <3
I can make slow movie as well but not suit with my style.
keep you style, its great
What's the title of the last song?
nevermind the "slow style", was nice to see something different and more artistic (with more editing), good job
Low quality needed so i can watch it!! :(
Nicely done ;). I like!
worth downloading? since i didn't like the last one
another great movie by nonix <3
u need to make a lower quality version. like hypes movie
didnt rly like it.

editing is pro, but it kills the movie.
Very disappointing :-(
almost didnt download this movie after reading all the comments. fu flamers and gj Nonix, this rocks!
next time, put some bangbros pieces in it, nothing like watching a fragmovie with a stiff one
nice movie of good player
wtf, too much people whining about this movie, get life pls
btw i really enjoyed it! 10/10
love it
maybe not the best frags ever, but I think overall its a very good movie
sorry music killed it for me.
frags editing and all that stuff might be great but I instantly detleted the movie after watching, cuz I was bored like fuck while watching it (thanks to that music).
PS: the no music part was really great.
PPS: Dont take it hard it's a very VERY persobnal opinion, your movie making skill are good no doubt about that but hey it was just totally not my music
How come there's a headshot after the guy is killed at 2:31 btw? :o
I think this is the best piece of media created in the history of the world
Personally, this fast type of atmosphere is not my preference, however it is nonix's style and it is very unique. It's not overedited at all but it is hard to focus on the frags, which is probably a good thing as the frags were pretty boring and predictable.

++ editing (very creative)
+ quality (average)
+ textwork (nice and basic)
+ music choice (usually don't like this sort of crap music style that ultraviolet uses, but this seemed ok)

-- config (goldrush .. radar .. awful)
- motion blur (doesn't feel "smooth" at all)
- frags (zzz)
- compression (high ratio)

+/- cams (nice but overused, reminded me of that twk movie)

7/10 .. fix the config/colours and find a more interesting fragger, add a proper intro and outro and I'd have probably given it a 9, which until this date only fragarea 3 has managed to obtain :-/

Nonix moves up to 3rd in my top moviemakers list <o/ gj Sandor :*
Don't change your style. :D
I enjoyed as always.
More like an art movie than a frag movie. I didn't like
didnt like it
this movie is stylish ..... 9/10 (-1 BECAUSE only few will fell the vibe)
*incoming sucking of euro wang*

fucking brilliant nonix, your thought process for creating movies is both brilliant and unique.
nice movie
and it wasnt overedited, was jsut fine
dont like it, too much editing for me
good movie but the only good opponents were PENDORO ;o
bit crazy movie tbh! but i like it!
10/10 para todo, OMG
Loved it!
I really enjoyed the movie although I didnt liked the music.

very good movie but wingheaven out of the way 1 is still the best from all the 3 parts imo

<3 old good movies
contrary to some comments, i find the editing amazing...

We all know how the panzer frag ends. But by the editing, he gave me pleasure to see it.

really well done, i appreciate your style nonix, <3 all of the 3 movie.

What 's the name of intro's music, i just find it amazing.

Winghaven o/
where is the own3d url :<?
pretty nice, no problem with the editing, don't watch movies because of frags that much, at least not ET movies ;)
u, sir, are talking bullshit ...
frags were nice
rest not
didnt like the music + editing and the config was odd =/
greatest intro evah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111 respect
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