There is a dedicated team working on pulling this event all together to make this event happen for you. We've a structured staff list to make sure everyone has not only a specific function but also so that players and spectators know who to go to for whatever question they have during the event.

Netherlands Cash & Netherlands Sizah - Tournament Directors

These two have been working tirelessly the past weeks to ensure a successful event, both as a tournament for the community but also as a gaming event. The pair have illustrious histories within gaming.
Cash may be more familiar to the ET community as former ET Game Supervisor for Clanbase, since leaving that position he has pioneered a successful position within the GGL/CB writing staff, and hes the one making sure ET dosent get forgotten on the front pages of CB.
Sizah is a highly decorated for CB Sup, Not only a founding manager of gaming clan Fnatic but also supervisor of many tournaments. Sizah has experience within gaming money simply cannot buy having attended events across the globe in a number of capacities.

United Kingdom Nellie (et) & Ireland Crow (cod) - Tournament Head Admins

The tournaments are their babies, committed to the successful crowning of champions these two are poised with the task of administrating both ET and CoD tournaments. They're the heads for their respective games and will be making the decisions should they need to.

Belgium Raza (cod) & United Kingdom Munchies (et) - Tournament Point Men

Before each game you must check in with your respective Point man. He will tell you when you can setup and then assign you to your computers. There is alot of computer sharing and there will be alot of time needed for setting up and getting drivers correct and people comfortable.
These two will be poised with the responsibility of making sure you get as much time as possible. Players are requested to check in with the tournament point man at least 45 minutes prior to their match.