We have kindly used our ability to copy and paste and have stolen some of the text below from an unnamed german league.

•• General Match Rules – ET & CoD2

•• Scheduling and Registration

Teams are required to check in with their tournaments point man as specified in the CPC Guide on Crossfire 45 minutes before their match, after this time Crossfire will seat you when the space is available. Beware, the schedule published acts as a guideline, after you have checked in Crossfire may instruct you to begin your match earlier that initially stated.

•• Choice of server
Crossfire will provide match servers for the LAN with the certified configs for both tournaments.

•• Server settings
The ET server will use the Crossfire & ESL config. Launched prior to the IPS qualifiers, the current IPS qualifier config is not to be used by Crossfire participants. The Call of Duty config is the same as the Eurocup config using Max Rounds 10, rather than 15. Round times will remain the same.

•• Player settings
The player settings (e.g. config. values) that are listed in the game-specific rules are to be abided by.

•• Results
Teams are responsible for confirming the score with an admin at the end of each match, in turn Crossfire will then publish this result.
Should one of the opposing teams be late to a game, the other team is to wait for 15 minutes before Crossfire will make a decision accordinly.

•• Illegal actions
Should a team fail to turn up in time for a game, it receives a forfeit win which are due after 15 minutes, counting from the previously arranged time at which the game was to commence, or both team have to agree that they will play at a other time that is confirmed by one of the cup admins. Exiting a server during a game without good reason is forbidden. The meaning of a good reason is under Crossfires disgression.

•• Trouble shooting / protest procedures
Teams are welcome to leave their match as soon as the result is clear. Should problems occur, these must be announced clearly by one of the players by calling “Protest”. As soon as the match is over, the protest form must be told to one of the cup admins. The admins will then check the case with the help of the form and impose a penalty if necessary.

•• Map Rules

Maps will be selected at random via a drawing method 60 seconds before the match starts. Both teams must setup, confirm they are ready and then the maps will be drawn. After that point teams have 60 seconds before the referee will force the start of the match.

•• Protest Rules

The codes of conduct must also be kept to in case of a protest. Verbal misconduct or abuse in any form can be punished with penalty points.

•• Server problems
Should problems with a server occur, a different server must be found and used. Should no other server be found in a measurable amount of time and should the game server definitely not be functional, the game can be resumed at a later time and date.

•• Player drops
Should a player drop during a game (e.g. disconnected due to technical problems), then the game is either paused or the map is restarted, if the still complete team wishes to do so. In the event of a drop, admins can pause the game however many time they feel is appropriate to resolve the problem.

•• Drivers

All drivers, mouse tweaks and usb rate fixers are ALLOWED

Game Specific Scenarios:

•• Scripts

CoD2 – No scripts are permitted in the CoD2 tournament
ET – There are no stated restrictions, however admins can use their digression to ban a script that is not common knowledge. If you have any questions regarding this you should contact the tournament supervisor.


- ET Tournament is 1 Double elimination bracket

- CoD 2 Tournament is 4 X 3 team groups with the top 2 advancing into a single elimination bracket

- 1st Place receives 1500 Euros, 2nd Place 1000 Euros and 3rd Place 500 Euros to be paid after the lan.

- A tentative schedule is available here

- Map Pools are as follows:
[*] CoD - mp_dawnville, toujane, burgundy, matmata, carentan
[*] ET - Radar, Frostbite, sw_oasis b3, sw_Goldrush, Braundorf

- Teams Attending:
[*] CoD - Speedlink, Dignitas, TMPClan, cZar, DigitalMind, apu, RAW, dSlash, Owned, Logic team, esuba, Webone
[*] ET - idle, Northern Darkness, riZe Gaming, dHb, Team NL, V&E, cZar, sFx.