United Kingdom Bdy: Hey Blaze, first off, tell us about yourself. Where you live, how old are
you, what you like to do outside of gaming. What do you do to make a living?
And what are your dreams?

Sweden o8.Blaze: Hey mate. My name is Andrej Kurabasa I am 20 years old and live in Sweden. At the moment I am studying and some weekends I’m working as a pizza baker. What my dreams are? That’s a hard one. Get filthy rich and marry Natalie Portman will do as an answer?

United Kingdom Bdy: How did you getting into online gaming, and how did you get your nickname?

Sweden o8.Blaze: Well I started playing quake @ LANs with friends back somewhere in 1997 or something like that. It was quake that got me interested in gaming. But my first online game was star craft. So you can say that Star Craft got me into online gaming xD. Blaze just sounded cool have no other explanation xD.

United Kingdom Bdy: So what games have you played before? What teams and with what players have
you played with?

Sweden o8.Blaze: War Craft III, Battlefield, Diablo II (lol xD) quake III and some more. Don’t know exactly how I started to play ET, but when I did I got really attached to it. My first clan was Banana Troopers lol xD. Me and lotix playd there :P I think the rest have stopped gaming. Well actually I played with quite many players, in quite many teams. But I don’t want to mention the players cuz I might forget some and that’s not cool xD. But most of the players I ever played with are great guys.

United Kingdom Bdy: You recently attended the Cpc with dMiZe, was it fun meeting people you had
played with and versus online? And were you dissapointed with dMiZe's final
place at the lan?

Sweden o8.Blaze: Ye the dMiZe guys are great. I had an awesome time with them at CPC. Yes of course it was fun meeting people I have played with and versus online. Al the guys at the LAN where really cool. Ye I would lie if I said I was satisfied with dMiZe's final place at the LAN. But the whole experience was great.

United Kingdom Bdy: The famous pictures of you laying around stoned while in your hostel and
other places have been posted on Crossfire many-a-time since the LAN. Do you
think you 'antics' affected your play at the LAN?

Sweden o8.Blaze: Hehehehe looooooool xDDD. No comments xDDDD

United Kingdom Bdy: There are alot of rumours going around about where the cpc2 will be, where
do you personally want the LAN to be?

Sweden o8.Blaze: Well I don’t know. Rotterdam was nice so why not have it there again?

United Kingdom Bdy: You are now playing for noll8, do you wish to attend the LAN again? Even if
noll8 dont qualify.

Sweden o8.Blaze: Not qualify? That’s a joke right? xD

United Kingdom Bdy: With noll8 recently announcing a new lineup for up coming cups and
tornaments, what do you expect this team to acheive? What are your strengths
and weaknesses?

Sweden o8.Blaze: I like al the players in noll8 we are all good friends and I’m very confident in this new lineup. Well I expect us to do a good EC and play great at the next LAN. One of our strengths is that we are organised and have good communication. Weaknesses? What is that? It doesn’t exist in noll8 lol xD.

United Kingdom Bdy: Aswell as noll8 announcing a new lineup you have announced that you are
joining the mgc " inVidia-eSports " . What are the ins and outs of the deal?

Sweden o8.Blaze: Well yes we are joining inVidia-eSports. The management of inVidia-eSports are nice guys. They are giving us bnc's, servers and will try to give financial support for the LAN.

United Kingdom Bdy: With noll8 being an all swedish speaking team do you think it gives you more
fluency speaking on comms? And do you think it will be an advantage at LANS
with the other teams not being able to understand you?

Sweden o8.Blaze: Yes I think it’s an advantage when it comes to communication. On the LAN you should not be able to here the other team anyway lol :P

United Kingdom Bdy: 5on5 or 6on6 has been one of the big arguements of Et in recent times, what
are you thoughts? And which format do you prefer?

Sweden o8.Blaze: Well I think 5on5 fits noll8 better. And I was very sceptical I the beginning but now I really enjoy 5on5 more then 6on6. I think the next CPC LAN will decide if we will play 5on5 or 6on6.

United Kingdom Bdy: What do you like about Et the most?

Sweden o8.Blaze: The spam xD and like the ET spawn time system.

United Kingdom Bdy: What do you dislike about Et the most?

Sweden o8.Blaze: Well hard to say. All the cheats and a Punk Buster who almost never gets updated.

Quick Questions:[/u]

United Kingdom Bdy: Pizza or Burger?
Sweden o8.Blaze: Pizza ofc, I work at a pizza shop.

United Kingdom Bdy: Et or Rtcw?
Sweden o8.Blaze: ET

United Kingdom Bdy: Swedish or Norweigen girls?
Sweden o8.Blaze: Haha Swedish o/

United Kingdom Bdy: Gangsta shizzle music or hard rock hallelujah?
Sweden o8.Blaze: Omg, real rock music.

United Kingdom Bdy: Thanks for the interveiw mate, any Shoutouts?
Sweden o8.Blaze: Thank you mate. No shoutouts this time :P