United Kingdom Bdy: Hey Kris, first off, tell us about yourself. Where you live, how old are you, what you like to do outside of gaming. What do you do to make a living, and what are your dreams?

Norway o8.Kris: Hey, I live in norway, i'm 17(soon 18) years old, outside of gaming i have school and my skateboard. My parents are my main sponsor so I dont work. And my dream is to never grow up.

United Kingdom Bdy: How did you getting into online gaming, and how did you get your nickname?

Norway o8.Kris: I got into online gaming in late 2003 with rtcw. And my nickname is simply because my name is Kristoffer, NOT because im a fan of kris.NL <3

United Kingdom Bdy: So what games have you played before? What teams and with what players have you played with?

Norway o8.Kris: I'm a rtcw player, started with ET february 2006. That was the time i decided to drop rtcw to get abit more active gaming, at that time I played in Deaths Embrace with players as Xionn, viX, sanctity, smutzig, myst'x and the panzer noob DeV.

United Kingdom Bdy: You are currently playing for Noll8, how did you find the transition from Rtcw to Et, was it hard or easy?

Norway o8.Kris: The games are very alike in many ways but the most different thing is the way you aim, at the time noll8 asked if I wanted to play ET I didn't even play the game, just tried it a few times before so I had to get into it fast.

United Kingdom Bdy: With noll8 joining up with inVidia-eSports do you now expect to go one step further than last time and Qualify for the LAN?

Norway o8.Kris: Yes, thats our goal at the moment. But its still abit unknown if we are able to go there, so its a question of our players can go and money.

United Kingdom Bdy: Being of norweigen nationality how does it feel to be the only foreign player in an otherwise fully swedish lineup?

Norway o8.Kris: Norway and Sweden aren't that different, I understand everything they say and they understand abit of what I say so its ok.

United Kingdom Bdy: 5on5 or 6on6 has been one of the big arguements of Et in recent times, what are you thoughts? And which format do you prefer?

Norway o8.Kris: I prefer 5on5 because you get many of the landmines removed and it gives less spam in many ways.

United Kingdom Bdy: What do you like about Et the most?

Norway o8.Kris: I don't really know so I am going to say, what I like the most about ET is that you don't have to wait 2 hours to find a 3on3 in the middle of the day.

United Kingdom Bdy: What do you dislike about Et the most?

Norway o8.Kris: Spam, the maps, trucks, tanks, mgs, barriers, landmines, prone, no spray, so many corners and bushes, the way the luger goes up when shooting, riflenades, mortar, the weak panzer, mobile MG, multiple objectives, the rails on TC_base where you can't walk on them without falling down.

Quick Questions:[/u]

United Kingdom Bdy: Pizza or Burger?
Norway o8.Kris: burger

United Kingdom Bdy: Et or Rtcw?
Norway o8.Kris: rtcw

United Kingdom Bdy: Swedish or Norweigen girls?
Norway o8.Kris: blond swedes or norwegian girls.

United Kingdom Bdy: Gangsta shizzle music or hard rock hallelujah?
Norway o8.Kris: Can't we have a little of both?

United Kingdom Bdy: Thanks for the interveiw mate, any Shoutouts?
Norway o8.Kris: Shoutouts to: noll8(capten, if you are out there), norwegian players, ozon, solbusk, deaf, sjuel, DForce, Bragen, Gjerry, Nokve, Mickey and thats it I guess.