United Kingdom Bdy: Hey Raged, first off, tell us about yourself. Where you live, how old are you, what you like to do outside of gaming. What do you do to make a living, and what are your dreams?

United Kingdom inVid|Raged: I live in the United Kingdom, England, I am 18 Born on 9/11 what a bad date huh? I'm celebrating while people are sobbing. I actually dont do much apart from study Media Production (Creating tunes, and practising Deejaying, Designing for websites and scripting) at my Local college with 'Apple' Currently From #metix.et . I am currently unemployed but done alot of work with websites, Deejaying at local Bars and Clubs. I dont have many dreams but get married to blaze from noll8 addopt a few kids, and maybe a flash car or a few.

United Kingdom Bdy: How did you getting into online gaming, and how did you get your nickname?

United Kingdom inVid|Raged: Well i got into the online gaming through my 35 year old uncle 'Si' (simon) around 7 years ago. Rtcw & Americas Army were the first games i ever played. I got my nickname 'Raged' From my all time id0l 'Rage' (quote: you just got Raged!) around 4 years ago with an old Rtcw 'Icefire' (Icefire if you're reading this contact me!!! He just went off and never came back :( was a sound guy man). But since i began gaming i have always used 'Bonkers' and occasionally do. But i addopted my name from Rage or r4ge, who too changed his name to Raged because of nicklamers. But now Raged is as popular as i am ;)

United Kingdom Bdy: You are currently part of the management at inVidia-eSports and you are also the founder. What I want to know is, how did you come up with the name?

United Kingdom inVid|Raged: Well I didn't 'Apple did, i hate Apple for this. Me and him Founded 'inVidia-Gaming' as it were. We was searching through lists of latin and italian phrases and words. We searched and scrolled and after 2 days we came upon 'invidia' which means 'envy'. We still get quoted; nVIDIA wnb! which is rather annoying but i have got so used to it it just passes.

United Kingdom Bdy: Im sure alot of people mix you up with nVIDIA. Have clans ever asked if they get nVIDIA hardware if they join you? Also have you ever thought about changing the name to stop the confusion?

United Kingdom inVid|Raged: Yes we have had alot of clans ask for hardware or even if we are the real deal 'nVIDIA'. I think of changing the name every day but i've had enough of renaming or remaking clans or communities for some time and think I should stick it out. inVidia-eSports is the first and longest lasting community or clan i have made thus far.

United Kingdom Bdy: Today marks the end of a busy week for inVidia-eSports. You have announced new sponsors, a new website and a new team. What do you want to happen with inVidia in the future?

United Kingdom inVid|Raged: Well i hope we can grow, takeover the world and 'use the force' and maybe 'join the darkside' which unfortunately won't happen. Seriously i hope we can grow get good reputation put up more gameservers, public Battlefield2 or 2142 as it is soon, Enemy Territory and many more public gameservers and voice communications. I also hope we can adopt our community within the BF2, CS, CS:S, FEAR and many more games the previously announced are games we're planning on adopting to.

United Kingdom Bdy: The biggest news for inVidia this week, ofcourse has been the announcement of noll8 as the new et Squad. What are your plans for noll8, how do you want to support them in the future and why did you go after noll8 in the firstplace?

United Kingdom inVid|Raged: My plans are to support noll8 to their full potential. I hope they will be long lasting and hopefully we can support them to as many LAN's as possible especially with the new sponsors help! But not just to bring back money the fun and experience is nice and i hope to attend the cpc2 LAN with noll8. We will also ofcourse support them with gameservers, voice communications, Bouncers and many more! I hope we can start a great partnership with noll8 and give them all their needs.

United Kingdom Bdy: So what are the ambitions of inVidia for the next year. Where do you want to be this time next year?

United Kingdom inVid|Raged: Well our ambitions as you know Bdy (Simon) are to grow into more games and more partners, create some nice friendships with many communities and clans and grow to our FULL potential!

Quick Questions:[/u]

United Kingdom Bdy: Pizza or Burger?
United Kingdom inVid|Raged: Pizza ofc

United Kingdom Bdy: Et or Rtcw?
United Kingdom inVid|Raged: Hmm. Nice question, i've played around 5 - 6 years now and enjoyed RTCW very much, although i sucked at it ;) I later on moved to ET obviously because Rtcw was dieing. So i would have to say Rtcw as it had alot of laid back players and not much arrogance as opposed to ET. I say 2 names; Viax, Nevari -.-

United Kingdom Bdy: Swedish or Norweigen girls?
United Kingdom inVid|Raged: Hard question cant i have half Swedish and half Norweigen? :P

United Kingdom Bdy: Gangsta shizzle music or hard rock hallelujah?
United Kingdom inVid|Raged: Neither i'm into UK Hardcore. But i like bands like Disturbed, JIMMY EAT WORLD - PAIN all time favourite!

United Kingdom Bdy: Thanks for the interveiw mate, any Shoutouts?
United Kingdom inVid|Raged: I'd like to shoutout to my Best friend 'Apple' ofc (theres no envy without us ofc; private joke; hope your reading Peach boi;)
I'd like to thank Bdy for his full support and i'm glad i brought him into the Community.
I'd like to welcome irZ to the Management team @ #inVidia-eSports community as our New Server manager.
I'd like to say thanks to Kjell 'kIlla' (kill@lot) for the nice long-term relationship (which has now ended, because of personal problems) throughout the ET-scene gaming and hope we can do a LAN between the old Blood-Rangers (Blood//.) and maybe do a Public Gameserver for old times sake.
Shoutout to BarthezZ for his full support for me and my noob skills with windows and linux dedicateds & inFlux's support!
Shoutout to noll8 and welcome them to the family! hope they enjoy the stay!