8 matches spread over 4 months. A rally this year’s NC Champion had to pass.
When Finland first came to this cup their odds were little. With no big famous names in their team, Finnish players didn’t even believe in the chances their nation had. Nevertheless they applied to enter the Cup, and they were (ofcourse) granted access. In the shadow of big names as the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, etc nobody even deared to guess this nation had a decent chance! But time showed that the underestimating of this nation wasn’t fair of us!

This newsflash is an overview of Finland’s season in Nationscup X. We’re going to start from the front to the back all over again (though in a much smaller version). The report will be a mixture of comments, background information and interviews. Sit back tight and let’s replay the movie one more time.

Finland has a Nationscup history that dates back many seasons! And up till today they still are alive and kicking in this game, and can now even name themselves NC Champion again. Yes you read it well: Finland has already been Champion one time! And as previous time they also had to play against Belgium this final. But that’s for later on, let’s start with the beginning of the season.

Fall 2006, leaves are falling off the trees, the weather is getting bitter and kranky, the ultimate gamersmoment! On Wednesday 25th of October Anaconda and Lab annouced Nationscup edition X. Soon we would finally see some kickass action of the highest level! Before the kick-off of the real season, first some qualifiers had to be played. Finland though wasn’t part of them, they were accepted when applied and did not have to face any quaklifieng matches anymore.

First match coming up. Finland would face Israel. Clanbase odds made it a 2 to 1 odd in favor of Finland, but would they make those odds true? Yes they would, Israel was no match for Finland and couldn’t create the needed pressure nor were they dangerous enough. An easy warmup. But still natives and fans weren’t conviced of the quality Finland could bring.

26-11-06 Finland - Israel 4 : 0 groupsmatch

No time to worry because next match was nearing by. You could call it a cold shower because their opponent Ireland gave a forfeit loss. As Finland couldn’t confirm their skill in this match, nobody was actually watching them from close distance.

03-12-06 Finland - Ireland 1:0 groupsmatch

Sunday 10 December, time to play another match. Hungary was this time’s victim. As in the past Finland didn’t have much issues in passing this opponent, this time wasn’t that hard either. Another 4 to nil victory was the result they achieved.

10-12-06 Finland - Hungary 4:0 groupsmatch

Would Norway be able to stop this Nation from its march to victory. Their upcome was still unnoticed by many, but nevertheless the amount of players behind Finland was increasing every second. This match would be hard one but once again Finland prooved to be the strongest one.

17-12-06 Finland - Norway 4:0 groupsmatch

Finland would now challenge a hard opponent. They were confronted with Belgium. Nobody believed in their chances, nor did Belgium who wanted to ensure their first place. Battle to death was the only goal Finnish players had in their minds. Unfortunatelly for them they found death earlier than victory. Belgium clearly was the better team in this match, and Finland had to back off. For many people this was a confirmation of Finland not making any chance on the title.

21-12-06 Finland - Belgium 2:4 groupsmatch

Even though they lost their match versus Belgium they still landed on the second place. And that means they are going to the playoffs! In their first confrontation against Sweden, Finland had to realise this was serious shit. This wasn’t an easy bash against Israel, or Italy, this were important and deciding matches. Finland took supply as their map: an excellent choice it seemed to be at first sight. Not facing any hard problems in it, Finland was surely going to take this map. But it seemed that was a totally wrong statement. Sweden held Finland off this map. Surely to not let them get skipped out of this cup, Finland took a massive re-offense at Radar which they easily won in 6minutes! In the deciding map the gods favored Finland as they now could pass on to a next stage.

14-01-07 Finland - Sweden 4:2 playoffs

Poland did an excellent performance in this cup so far. But tonight they would been battling for a place in the final. Would they let Finland pass in stead of them?! At least they didn’t want to do that, but as Finland suddenly surprised the entire ET community with taking out Poland in a straight 2 mapper, Poland missed the Nationscup final, and in their stead Finland could take a place!

23-01-07 Finland - Poland 4:0 playoffs

Nobody ever expected Finland would be one of the finalists. Soon after the second finalist, Belgium, was announced, people started already saying that this year’s NC Champ would be Belgium. When people starting making models there were few in which Finland won. Everybody putted their odds on Belgium, knowing Belgium had already beaten Finland once. Many Finnish people even shared the Belgium side and didn’t support their nation team! A very stupid decission that was!! Finland showed us their ET skills in a very exciting 3 mapper final against Belgium, which they eventually WON! Against all odds in, Finland had become this year’s NationsCup Champion leaving many people broke behind in the Cbooky’s! For a full report on this match you can either still watch ETTV servers, or read the article on this link: http://www.clanbase.com/news_league.php?nid=240035&lid=2799.

06-02-07 Finland - Belgium 4:2 FINAL

26-11-06 Finland - Israel 4 : 0 groupsmatch WIN
03-12-06 Finland - Ireland 1:0 groupsmatch WIN
10-12-06 Finland - Hungary 4:0 groupsmatch WIN
17-12-06 Finland - Norway 4:0 groupsmatch WIN
21-12-06 Finland - Belgium 2:4 groupsmatch LOSE
14-01-07 Finland - Sweden 4:2 playoffs WIN
23-01-07 Finland - Poland 4:0 playoffs WIN
06-02-07 Finland - Belgium 4:2 FINAL WIN