As this match was very important we assembelled you some interviews. We had the chance to talk to TosspoT, [CB]Anaconda, twidii (team Finland), and Shewie (team Belgium). We asked them what they think about the devellopment of the Cup, and if they agreed with Finland being this year’s winner.

<Koe> Hello twidi, i'd like to congratulate you again with your Nationscup
golden title.
How does it feel to be this years BEST Nation?

<twidii> Hello and thanks a lot. It feels great, specially when noone expected
anything from us before the season and people were just laughing at us.

<Koe> When you choose the map adlernest: weren't you a bit scared of losing
just as the previous time you met Belgium in this cup?

<twidii> Well, we had the choice between adlernest and braundorf. Braundorf we played only once with this team on the first groupstage game and adlernest we had played quite a few times already.
So although I really don't like adler, because of it's lotto-aspect, I saw it as a better
choice than braundorf. Atleast it is more exciting map for the spectators :p.

<Koe> What ran through your mind when Belgium put down a time of 3 minutes?
Where you still hoping you could win?

<twidii> I was thinking on my mind that since it's adlernest,
anything can happen, and that 3 minutes can be really fair enough.
I still saw the odds as kinda 50-50 on that situation.

<Koe> What were you thinking when some shoutcasters were shouting Belgiums’
vicotry already?
Did you want to take revenge on them and win this map?

<twidii> It always adds some extra energy and will when someone seems
to be sure about something which isn't finished yet. Just like the belgians shouting
about their win already before the game and all the finns not believing in us before the season kicked off.

<Koe> Why do you think there was no faith in your nation as they did a good job throughout the entire cup?

<twidii> I didn't say that there wasn't faith for us during the entire cup.
During the cup a lot of guys changed their opinions about us after they saw us winning the games, but at the start, I think that they didn't have faith in us just because our lineup didn't have any of the big names they would've wanted to see like mystic and raveneye for example.

<Koe> What could, in your opinion, been better this years NC?
Is there anything you really want to improve?

<twidii> I think that not much could've been better.
The coverage was just great with all those news items, reports, interviews, shoutcasts and ETTV’s. And nothing bad to say about the organising either. So I really got to thank ClanBase at this point for organising such a great cup! Hoping to see more cups like this in the future also.

<Koe> Will we see this Finland again next year?

<twidii> I dunno exactly when does the next NC start, but if the next cup already
starts now at Spring, I think that we'll see atleast the most of this lineup playing again.
But if there's a long time until the next cup, some players might not be playing this game anymore, who knows. Although, for next NC, I'd also want to see more of the big names playing :p.

<Koe> Thank you very much for the interview. I wish you good luck in everythingl you do
and let's hope we can see Finland defending their title well next NC!

<twidii> No problem at all. Thanks and hopefully we'll meet again when the next NC
is coming up! Still got to say that I really had a great time playing in this cup!

Now you heard Finland’s opinion, maybe let’s go to sort of an outsider’s one:

<Koe> Hi Anaconda, we mostly know you as [CB]Admin and [NC]Supervisor, but you are also a belgian! What were your odds for both teams before the match started?

<Anaconda> I believe both teams have earned their spot in this final match because both teams have had some great matches in the earlier stages of this NationsCup, for example there was Belgium vs Germany ( 4:0 ) & Finland vs Poland ( 4:0 ) but when it comes to a result for last night's match, i ofcourse hoped that Belgium would win, looking at their unbeatable streak this season, i thought the final result would be 4-2 for Belgium.

<Koe> Were you already singing the Belgian national song when Bel put down a nice time of 3 minutes?

<Anaconda> Yes i was, i even prepared a bind before the game started, at the time when Bel put a time of 3 minutes on adler, i didnt execute the bind though, cuz i was so afraid it would fuck up their game. Just a few minutes later, i remember HS`sinuss saying "gg congratz Belgium" or something like that, and i blame him for this Belgian loss ! xD

<Koe> It must have felt like running with your head against a wall when you saw Lepari secure the documents in time?

<Anaconda> Nah not really, i had another feeling back then. At the time that Lepari was running away from zet0, i was speccing Lepari and followed his Health bar, and when he jumped down and received the last hit from zet0's gun, i knew it was over and the only feeling i had here was pure frustration. But i guess the Belgian team had an even bigger frustration / anger than me.

<Koe> Thank you very much for the nice supping throughout the entire cup !

What would an interview be without having interviewed TosspoT:

<Anaconda> Hi TosspoT! You must be one of the most known Radio shoutcasters in the ET community. You are mostly known by your flapouts and your intense feeling with the game that is being played. What were your feelings about this match?

<TosspoT> Well, I'm still in shock that I have flapouts, not sure what they are but are you calling me fat? :P However, the match was fantastic! It was really nice to see a variety of styles culminating in a game that was entertaining to watch!

<Anaconda> haha not at all, i just think Koe means your spontanious responses sometimes.

<TosspoT> You saw all the different facets that ET has to offer in all three maps and it was really a joy to watch.

<Anaconda> Was Finland the well-earned winner of this game?

<TosspoT> I dont know to be honest, some people say belgium deserved to win it however Belgium weren’t in contention on Radar at all. Goldrush was tighter than radar, so if you want a points game like boxing .I'd give belgium zero points for radar and finland 10, and maybe give 10 points for belgium on goldrush but also finland 2.
The deciding map is exactly that a deciding map, so, I dont think the wrong team won, however thats not to say I dont think Belgium couldnt beat Finland
The important thing is that Finland did win :P

<Anaconda> Anyway, Thank you very much for the interview, and i'm looking forward to hear you again on the radio in the future!

<TosspoT> Shortest interview i've ever done!

As we wanted to interview Lepari too for his beautiful documents run on adlernest which surely contributed to his team’s win, we are sorry to say that Lepari wasn’t available for any questions. As we have to miss this we are skipping right though to Shewie!

(coming up very very soon!!!)