k1ck eSports Club - Netherlands bullvox
We are not doing anything speacial to prepair us for the lan. Just prac like we normal do and try to get the team playing on it best.
Tbh we were happy to see that Impact Gaming replaced Netrunners in group D and that OCTEnse joined up in group B. Before we had to face both dignitas and impact gaming and it would be so hard to get in the playoffs with that two teams in our group. Now we got dignitas, octense and alis and our chances did raise.
I think we are lucky that we have to face dignitas in the first game. Get used to the settings, table, chair and stuff like that since we aint got anything to lose against them. So we can play on our best in the two most important games of the lan against Alis and octense. We wont underrate any team since its a lan. In our team only Lightning has been playing on a lan before. So we first need to see how things will go in our team. So we hope we can beat both alis and octense to get a place in the playoffs. And then the lan is already ok for me.
Our first goal was to try and take a win against Impact or dignitas what would be well almost impossible. Now the groups changed a bit we might be able to look a bit further (?) to the playoffs. But like i said before playing on a lan is different and we just have to show what we can there. If we end top 2 in the group its already nice to play two extra games on the lan. For the rest its nice to meet people and we just want to have fun.

Morrigu - Netherlands Leonekke
Most of the preperation was during the et-master games we've had. The last 2 weeks we have been fairly inactive due to the exams in holland. Still trying to play a few games a week.
Our group is proberly the hardest of all groups (why the hell are we in it!). Nr 1 and 2 I think will be TLR and vae. FF though is a strong team and you never know how they perform. Same actually for all the teams at lan. It stays a lan, anything can happen ;).
We all attend with the lame ambition to have fun as long as we can make it last. Even though we'll play 2 games max (min :X?) we'll try to get the fun out of it.

Netherlands Wesbo - We haven't had a lot of practice the last few weeks, because people have been away due to exams and such. I hope to win at least one map in the group stages and maybe even try to reach the play offs though I don't see this happening. Our ambitions for the LAN? Well to have a whole lot of fun and meet a lot of people that I know online. I hope to see some great games though I will be more focussed on doing "real life" stuff (going out etc).

Kno i Horn - Sweden zerom
We really haven't done any preparations at all. We have hardly played any ET the last 2 weeks. Me and some others have been playing some rtcw but that's it.
I think Impact will win it easily, then probably polar or maybe auxilia. We do have a very small chance of going through, but that would mean we would have to have a VERY good day :) We are just there to have some fun in Holland and I guess we might try to win the rtcw tournament. Our ambitions for the ET tournament are very low to say the least :)

ALIS - Denmark Arachon
In the upcoming week, we will be playing each night (probably more than we usually do), unfortunately because of easter we haven't been able to practise very much in the past week. Before the dropout of Netrunners the group was pretty much doomed, by having dignitas and impact as dominating teams: with the arrival of OCTENse it becomes a bit more open. I think that dignitas will rape every team in our group and the team that looks the strongest to take the second place is in my opinion k1ck. We do however realise that it is a LAN competition and things happen to be a bit different offline, I am not saying we are going to own everyone besides dignitas but if we get lucky we might be able to take down both OCTENse and K1ck.
Our ambitions is not that high though, since we have not been able to practise as much as we wanted lately, so we are going to have to rely on our old-school skill.

Polar eSports - Netherlands perfo
we didnt have any preparation as for playing ET, basically we just played the same as we always did, we just focused a lot more on playing since we will be playing serious officials instead of random practice matches. We also didnt start earlier or ended later... we havent even been playing that much last week.
In our groupstage i think there will be a few tight games especially now netrunners are gone and impact replaced them. of course you can't always be sure how certain teams will perform on lan but i think we'll do pretty good and a 2nd spot in our groupstage is certainly reachable. maybe we could get 1st as well, but i dont know how good everyone will play on the lan - whether or not there are some unbusted cheaters etc!
Our ambitions for the lan are of course get in the prizepool, we want to show the community what we are capable of because we kind of failed in doing that in the ET masters cup. I am hoping for a top 5 spot, i dunno how the rest of my team thinks about that though

Zerobarier - Belgium lioco
We have started practice from the day we knew we qualified for cpc, and from that point cpc was our only priority. Meaning we tried to practice from sunday-thursday 19-22 wich most days worked out, ofcourse with some off days aswell. We have had our hard times but if feel we are now almost on the point that we got everything like it should on every map. Most likely we will finish our practice with a long praccing day on wednesday. As mentioned before we are gathered in the group with zP!, onesoldier and vigorz. We feel anything can happen in the group but ofcourse we hope that our long days of practice will work so we can survive the group fase, wich we feel we should be able to do. Vigorz had many line-up changes and now with matias dropping out they might have a hard road to go. ZP is a stable clan but not as stable in their results, I feel they will survive the group phase. The "most" important match fur us will most likely be the match on saturday vs onesoldier, I feel for both teams this might be the match that will decide who will go through of us both. But if vigorz can cause an upset, you never know. Atm we just try to think the best way and maybe already qualify the first day after our games vs Zp and vigorz.
Our ambition is like every team to win the event, and I think this is the best way to look at it. Winning starts with self confidence and I feel if you don't have this it will be difficult to remain calm in difficult phases in the tournament. You have tax, you have aim but spirit is also an important factor in gaming and should not be forgotten. We would be dissapointed to not survive the group phase but after all I think either way, we will amuse ourselves.

Vicious & Evil - United Kingdom Sheep
No preparation whatsoever... all we have done LAN wise is book flights and arranged transport etc... we haven't even played the map Bremen yet.
Groupstages... with a bit of luck considering our recent activity and "non-lannable" members... we might just scrape 2nd place.
Ambitions for the LAN, after what has happened... I expect nothing. Just going to go and have fun with some of the lads and ladies.

OCTENSe - Netherlands Viax
Well, seeing as we only found out we're playing this weekend, we haven't had the best preperations possible. We all have different teams that can't go by themselves, so we don't have alot of time to practise either.
In the groupstages we'll be facing ALIS, Dignitas and k1ck, which means it's not the hardest group out there. Dignitas and k1ck are obviously the clear favorites, and we're obviously the clear underdogs together with ALIS. On LAN anything can happen though, we'll certainly do our best. Our chances of reaching the playoffs might be slim, but they're still present!Seeing as we're pretty much a last-minute-pickup-team with little time to prepare we obviously don't expect to get far. We're just going to the LAN to have a good time, playing some ( hopefully ) nice matches and meeting the people that threatened to beat us up at LAN!

el vigorZ - Estonia asd
We haven't prepared very well. Due to a few lineup changes we haven't pracced as much as we wanted but all in all i hope we'll manage.
zP will win our group obviously, but the 2nd place is wide open. I hope we can play our best in those 2 games vs one and czar and grab the 2nd place.
Besides wanting to perform well at the lan, i also want to meet my teammates and everyone else that i'm usually playing against online and to spend quality time with them.

one.solider - Belgium mAx
We played enemy territory to prepare for the lan, we were all 6 on a ventrilo, and practised on the maps supposed to be played at cpc so we could be ready to play any kind of opponents on them. It was really cool to play all sort of onliners twat and it didn't feel like wasted evenings at all. I have no idea, any team can beat any team on lan. We're terrible online but I'm quite confident we can surprise a lot of good teams in a offline environement.
Same answer than in your CPC 1 coverage, to have fun and a top 3 wouldn't bother me.

Impact - Finland Tiigeri
We've been trying to prac 4-5 days a week 2-3 games/day past few weeks, we've been talking about our real life adventures (weekend stuff etc.:) to increase our team spirit and to get known each others a bit more in a more personal way :p
It will be a tough race gainst polar to grab the first spot in our group. We should be able to win kih and was it Auxilia(?) atleast to get into playoffs :)
We are looking forward to wednesday, since finns in i.gaming + gaso are gonna spent a night in bremen. Would be awesome to find some nice night club so we could party like mad, and once again, increase our team spirit. Would be nice as well to get know some of the german girls from that 500k people city. At Enschede we have this nice bungalow booked and evo will be our personal driver, so should be nice.
I'm personally looking forward of meeting new people and some of the old guys from Et-scene of course as well. Some international gesture exchanging with dutch girls should be quite top in the list of ambitions as well.
When it comes to ET, impact.gaming will do the very best effort to win the whole tournament, Raveneye is so freaking excited about the lan so that should not be a problem!

AuxiliA - Russia humM3L
We got like 4 weeks with praccing only the 5 maps, but in the last week we havent played much. Most times its better to have a break before, and we know all 5 maps really well and looking forward too.
I think we got a rly hard group, one of the hardest on the lan. It was totally unfair that IMPACT went to our group and OCTEnse to group B. Our group was allready one of the hardest groups. Nevermind, I think we can finish 1 or 2 in that group. Our team has got a lot of lan experience, and i think lets find out how good impact are playing on lan.
Our maingoal is coming past the group stage, thats all. If we make it then anything is possible. We will try to meet many guys and we will have a lot of fun there. I honestly hope that it will be a great time there.

dignitas - Estonia r3vers
After we found a decent replacement we haven't pracced a lot, actually the first 2 weeks i was on vacation and then sol was away for a little while etc. basically we have only pracced normally last week and that's quite it. I think we won't have any harsh times in the group and k1ck would be the other team to advance from group. For the lan as a whole we would like to have lots of fun and 1st place wouldn't hurt aswell...
After we found a decent replacement we didn't practice a lot. Actually, in the first two weeks I was on vacation, and then sol was away for a little while too. Basically, we have only practiced normally for the last week, and that's it. I think we won't have a rough time in the group, and I think k1ck will be the other team advancing from our group. In general, we're like to have a lot of fun at the LAN, and placing 1st wouldn't hurt either

Germany senji: Except the two weeks we could not play because of holidays it was pretty okay i think. Still it should have been a lot more especially because we are not playing with our normal lineup.
Our match against pingwings will be pretty close i think. Group A and D will be funny to watch aswell! I don't think there will be any surprises but on the other hand it's LAN so who knows ;)
Of course we're aiming for the first place but it will be really hard. Actually we probably should be satisfied if we finish in the top 3 but i know noone of our team would be satisfied with that result.

Fear Factory X-Fi - Poland Thoro
We were playing usually 5 times a week for few hours, but 3 weeks ago we had to replace our rifle for nrs, because krisek couldn't go. Sarna had some problems with internet also, but for last 2 weeks we played with our stable line-up.
I think we have the stongest group ... TLR is favorite and i think they will have 1st place in our group. We will fight for 2nd place with vae. They had 2 major changes in their line-up and i think their teamplay will not be as good as it was 2 weeks ago with Razz and squal. Anyway they are still good and it will be close match.
We would like to be in top 3, but currently i think it won't be easy. Anyway we will try to pass threw the groupstage and do our best in playoffs.

zeroPoint Gaming - Switzerland gifty
We've been going through the normal praccs, we didn't do anything special for that lan :P
I expect us to win our groupgames, IF we didn't smoke too much the night before, and FeTTe wasn't totally drunk!
I'd say top 3 =)

The Last Resort - Latvia Clown
Well, I think we have prepared pretty well, and we should thank et masters cup for that. It really motivated us to practice more and I think experience which we gain from this cup will help us at CPC2.
I don't know what will happen in our group, It's hard to predict because it's lan, an event ive never attended, but i suppose FF will play better than online. So they will be a harder opponent than they are online :) Don't know how well has v&e team coped with the line up changes, they might not be at their full strength but we wont underrate them - that would be just plain stupid.
And about mQ, I haven't seen them for a while so it's hard to give a defenitive answer, but i know one thing, they are the underdogs of the group, and that isn't always a bad thing :)
I must admit, Im quite nervous and I dont really want to predict how well we will play at cpc2 so I dont get even more nervous trying to keep my promises, but Im hoping that we won't play worse than we normally do.