Lioco's predictions

Group A: Tlr is obvious the strongest team in this group, relying on their latest results they even have a chance to win the event. vae on the other hand seemed to be a team that could have caused an uproar but with their latest line up changes they might took the wrong way and opened another way for the FF-team to survive the group phase and hold the polish pride as high as possible. Morrigu isn't bad aswell but I think the oposition might be just abit to strong for them.

Group B: Dignitas won't have much troubles to survive the group phase but the question is, will they be able to take on the big teams without their talisman Night, only time will tell. K1ck must feel quite happy seeing that netrunners dropped out giving them the second place only for the grabbing. As for OCTENse and ALIS I only think they can hope for a miracle win or just a huge mistake from the opponent.

Group C: This group looks more like a ball game with zeroPoint slightly running forward on the other teams. One.soldier are yet to prove themselves as a worthy second seed while zerobarrier and vigorz will do everything to prove them wrong. zP! might have what it takes to get to the finals but still I can't see them winning the tournament. The other teams in this group that would go through won't get much further then just surviving the group phase.

Group D: A lightening flash came in and we saw Impact joining this group, a worhty replacement for netrunners, thats for sure. I see them winning this group with option for the gold while Polar and auxilia will be batteling out for the second place, polar the have been abit on the background the latest week but you would be a fool to count them out for the prices. Auxilia have shown strong already but I think a lack off cohesion will put them down. KiH I haven't seen at all yet, but who knows, maybe they can put their rtcw skill in et victory.

Frozz's predictions

I think CPC 2 will be exciting to watch simply because we won't see domination by team dignitas. Atleast I think so,because Night can't be replaced by any other player.
In group A, I see a clear winner of the group and that is Tlr. Latest performance by Tlr impressed me and they are my favourite for winning CPC. With their latest addition, mAus, they finally have 'something' to beat dignitas. Besides, they are constantly praccing. Even though vae had lineup probles nowadays,I see them taking 2nd spot in Group A.

In group B,we probably all know who will take first spot,that is certainly dignitas. Second place will be taken by k1ck, simply because they kept this lineup for quite some time and their latest results surprised me. ALIS and Octense are actually mixed teams so I dont see them taking any of top spots.

In group C, I hope zP will take 1st place,and runner up will be one.soldier. vigorz had a lot of lineup changes last month or two, so they shouldn't be a hard team to beat. Zerobarrier could surprise,but I dont think they have got what is needed to take first or second place.

Group D is, I would say, group of death. Impact should take 1st place without any bigger problems,but there will be a big fight for 2nd place. Match polar vs. Aux can go either way,and will most likely decide who will be second in this group. I think polar will make it, with a result of 4-2. KiH could surprise, but I don't see them taking top spots.

In playoffs, I think final will be Tlr vs dignitas. My prediction for top 4 on CPC2:
1. Tlr
2. Dignitas
3. Impact Gaming
4. zeroPoint


Group A:
TLR: I expect them to come out victorious. Seeing their near-perfect streak of wins in the recent ET Masters tournament dropping only 1 map against impact so far, I believe they'll take it. They're stronger than ever with the recent addition of mAus to their lineup. They'll have to watch out for a strong FF team though.

vae-4i: It's a bit of a shame to have seen squall and razz leave, especially squall since he's the one that has been playing with them since like .. forever. It's never good to loose a player that has been in your team for so long. Their replacements decem and bull are both very experienced players, but it'll take more than experience to beat TLR.

FF: I think they'll cause some trouble for the other teams in this group. Looking back at their exceptionally good performance at PGA, I wouldn't know why they can't do it again. LANs are a great opportunity for them to play without any kind of lag or warping, which only makes them stronger than they already are. I expect them to take on TLR for the win.

mQ: A bit of the underdog in Group A. They have a good deal of experience, including the EC, but taking their recent lineup changes into consideration, I don't think they have what it takes to beat FF and TLR in this group.

Group B:
Dignitas: without a doubt the favourites for this tournament. Without Night though they're a bit weaker, but that still makes them strong enough to win this group easily. I think k1ck is the only team that might have dignitas playing seriously here, I don't expect OCTENse nor ALIS to pose a threat to dignitas.

k1ck: These guys have been growing stronger a lot recently, and I expect them to take second place. They'll have both OCTENse and ALIS right on their tail though, so I'm hoping to see some good fights from them against OCTENse and ALIS for that second spot.

OCTENse and ALIS: I think both these teams are ultimately aiming for the second spot against k1ck, but probably they'll end up fighting for the third spot against eachother. I believe k1ck has the strong hand over either one, but you never know when a team can turn out stronger than expected.

Group C:
zP: There's nothing much to say: a very strong team in this poule with tons of experience. I expect them taking the first spot.

one.soldier: An underrated team with lots of tricks up their sleeve. Shewie, mAx, Ganon are players that have proven their value to a team numerous times, and together with oldschool player mika and the experienced ovrboost and LiciD, I'm convinced that they will give us some great matches.

zerobarrier: I'm starting to loose track of how many times these guys have split up and reformed or changed MGC, but this is basically the former cZar team. A strong team no doubt, they have been playing together for as long as I can remember and know eachother very well, some good ingredients to form a strong team. They'll probably take on one.soldier for the second spot, a game I'm very much looking forward to, because it's pretty much oldschool team-be vs newschool team-be.

el vigorZ: I'm not very familiar with this team. I don't see them taking the first spot away from zP, but I think they will put up a nice fight against zerobarrier and onesoldier.

Group D:
impact gaming: Probably the strongest and most fanboyed team in group D that will have all attention drawn to the seat mystic is playing in. I think they have a good chance at taking the first spot, but they'll have to watch out for a strong polar side which cannot be underestimated. They'll probably take first place.

polar: Formerly known as cdap pi, these guys are a strong team with a solid and consistent lineup. I expect these guys to put up a good fight against impact for the first spot. However, I believe impact will take the win, which brings polar to an honourful second place.

Auxilia: A fairly new team, I don't think they will beat the established polar or powerhouse impact just yet. I think they'll end up fighting KiH for the third spot.

KiH: A team I believe is overrated. I don't see them winning from impact or polar, so I expect them to take on auxilia for the third spot.

Perfo's predictions

TLR: With the latest addition of mAus to their squad they've played quite a lot of good games against opponents like impactgaming etc. Totally deserve the first seeding and I think in their group (vae-4i, Morrigu, FF) they will easily end first. I expect them to end in the top 5 final rankings for sure.

vae-4i: After the departure of Squall and later on rAZz people were only screaming online-only. I can't agree more because squall and razz were not just players in their team, I think they were two of their best players. They are now replaced by decem and BuLL who of course both played on a high level throughout ET but I don't think they will do that good on the LAN. A second place in their group is possible but they will have a hard one with FF.

FF: Good lineup with experienced and nice players, also very friendly players (you don't see it that much in ET). I guess a 2nd place in their group is indeed possible, and if not second they will end third for sure. But I have the idea that due to their experience with the same team over a longer period I think they have the skill to end second.

Morrigu: Basically the black sheep in Group A. A team with EC experience BUT with a different lineup. Although the team exists for almost 3 years already afaik there have been a lot of lineup changes and even I have played there :P Recent addition of rocky (Mr. Aimbot) and a relatively unknown, but oldschool one might say, player N30 they might cause an uproar but I don't think they will be able to end higher than third in their group.

Dignitas: basically the favourite of the tournament. Without Night however a tad weaker and they found the replacement in the form of sol the pokerplayer. Probably gonna end first in their group with relative ease, only K1ck-eSports is able to give them a close game due to their experience. I don't see either ALIS or OCTENse capable of beating them so a first place in their group will be no surprise for me. I think they will end in the top 3 but I have my doubts whether they will end first since there are teams that are willing to go all-out because idle doesnt have night :P

K1ck-eSports: a long-lasting team with different names all the time :P I believe their roots lie in Maybe, and later on formed team pingwins. Their lineup has possibly weakened a bit since then but they seem to have become better and better in the last few weeks. Can't be underestimated and will probably take the second place.

OCTENse: this team has a few of my old teammates in the lineup! Although they beat us in prac on radar in 2 minutes I don't see them end higher than the third place in their group. ALIS might beat them but I think that will be a relatively close game seeing as ALIS has the long-term experience in ET.

ALIS: I don't really have that much to say about this team, it's formed by a few oldschool players. They seem to be a nice combination of experience and all-round skills, but I don't see them end higher than third although they will probably take the third place.

zeroPoint: after replacing rapture by FeTTe I think their communication is a bit more sloppy but I am not aware of how good FeTTe's german skillz are. However I think FeTTe is a wonderful player and so is the rest of the team, they also have a lot of experience so an easy first place should be achieveable.

one.soldier: people were a bit furious about the high seed they were given but if you look at the lineup one can't really wonder why: the belgian trio Shewie, mAx and Ganon along with probably the most fanboyed panzer mika, dutch rifle LiciD and dutch medic pwner overboost. This team will surprise the most on LAN, unfortunately we haven't played them in a prac yet. I'm looking forward to meeting them though :P a second place for this team is surely possible.

zerobarrier: basically the old cZar team. All-belgian lineup makes them have good comms I think. Their flaming skillzare also extraordinary, as well as their speed. However I think they might end second if they manage to win against one.soldier but that's the question.

el vigorZ: a team with almost only highsensers afaik. Very underrated but most people hate them after their battery ownage against neg img. I don't think they will do that good on LAN, they are nice guys but lack the team spirit to outplay their opponents.

Impact Gaming: Team with Finnish saunapoika and dutch pownerboys. Probably the best team in group D, at least looking at every individual players I think this team is the most hyped one. Fanboys will go wild and cum hard over the idea of mystic shooting 5hs or teKoa raping someone with luger. Will have a few hard games against aux and polar though and second/first place is achieveable for them.

polar eSports: team with players that prefer to go rambo then playing with the team, and I know that! Individually features a few good players and mixtures spam and aim together with a solid lineup for almost 4 months since the team started out in early september under the name pi. I think we will end second or even first in the group, but it won't be easy. After a bit weak performance in ET masters prolly gonna go all out on this LAN.

auxilia: relatively new team with known players like humM3L and fireBall leading the forces. A team with nice players
but they lag like shit online :P so dunno how good they will be on LAN. A second place is possible, but a third place is more likely looking at the stability of the other teams.

KiH: teamed up with the oldschool players ozzy and co + legendary BB4E riflenader rbnt and danskerkill gyzr. Actually after the departure of some of their lineup their communication style must've changed and I don't really see them owning the LAN. I'm looking forward to seeing them again tho.