Group A

United Kingdom TLR should be the obvious winners of this group assuming they are as good online as they are offline. Questions have been asked about players like Belgium mAus and many a suspicious eyebrow have been raised in the past about his play. In Enschede he has the opportunity to silence his critics and assuming his form is as good as it is online then this team will win this group and i would be surprised of they even drop a single round. They have the sort of squad that can hurt teams, arguably one of the best rifles aCoZz, in Winghaven they have someone who can change a game, often accused of being the weakest in the TLR squad he has the ability to turn a game on the spot with a crucial panzer shot or air strike, Clown is undoubtedly totally underated and one of the best smg engineers in the tournament, dAv1d is always a force to be reckoned with one of the final questions remain however is how much of a loss their key player Marv will be, the all star is replaced by some polish firepower by the name of doktor, with no lag advantage online will he be strong enough to replace the allstar Marv. If they hold it together they are for me in the top 3 favorites to win this tournament.

Germany VaE - 4i ... well what can you say about this team, 1 month ago i thought they could go on to win this tournament, now with the unfortunate lineup changes which have dogged this team i think that qualification from their group will be the best they can achieve. Realistically they just haven't had enough time to practice the maps together as a team and we could be in an ammusing situation @ cpc2 if we hear United Kingdom Sheep issuing instructions to the newcomers in the squad just prior to playing their game. I really hope this team does well however i think lady luck has not been with this squad in recent times.

Poland FF prooved they can be very strong at LAN before during the PGA tournament however having personally seen this team in recent weeks during practice and officials i think they will have to do an aweful lot to make any kind of impact at CPC2. They did not look a shadow of the team that not so long ago stood toe to toe with Poland Netrunners and a winner could not be decided. Qualification from the group is possible but they will need to take wins from mQ and VaE for that to happen.

Netherlands Morrigu would appear at first glance to be the whipping boys/girl of the group however they have caused some upsets during the ET Masters tournament with wins over cZar so they have shown that they do have teamplay and firepower. To make it stick though they will need the heavy hitters in the team like mize and the very questionable rocky to proove their critics wrong. They could qualify from the group however that will be as far as i think they can go.

Group A Predicted final rankings

#1 United KingdomTLR

#2 Europe VaE

#3 Netherlands Morrigu

#4 Poland FF

Group B

United Kingdom Dignitas without the estonian powerhouse and leader Estonia Night should be at their weakest since we saw their defeat during the 5v5 debacle. The loss of such a player cannot be underestimated, simply put its a massive blow to the team. They have brought in an irish tinker named Ireland Sol and although he is a decent player he cannot replace Night and so we will see a very different dignitas team at cpc2. They will of course still steamroll this group which is by far the weakest in cpc2. Key players to watch out for: Estonia Reload; the young estonian has the attitude and ability to change games, during cpc1 we saw him as a key figure leading the attack for sFx.Lan and i expect him to have a similar impact here. Germany Urtier; without doubt for me he's the best FOP in ET, his ability to consistently call key air strikes and artillery that can stall and damage teams will be needed at cpc2 if Dignitas the tournament favorites want to retain their gold from cpc1. That being said i can see some upsets during this tournament and a dignitas team which in certain players not mentioning any names Jakazc definately has an air of arrogance could be silenced by some of the tournaments other big hitters. We can but hope...

Portugal K1ck EU will be a very happy team right now having seen Impact moved to group D meaning they are now seed 2 and looking at the other two teams they will be fairly confident of qualification from the group. That however will be probably as far as they can go depending on who they draw in the elimination stages. A team that has been together for quite sometime they are certainly not lacking in teamplay however firepower is where they appear to be a bit short. Against some of the tournament favourites they will probably find themselves outgunned. They will probably be happy with qualification and maybe a win or 2 at the elimination stages.

Europe OCTENse are a team that have come in for quite some stick for jumping into the open cpc2 spot before the far stronger force of Finland Insignia Cadre however in fairness they just were quicker than the fins. Looking at the group they will set themselves a target of beating Alis and maybe getting a result against K1ck. For me though this wont happen and they will surely have a fun time playing however wont be able to qualify.

Europe Alis may be the surprise team in this group. At cpc1 ronner showed that during LAN conditions he could shine leading T&F a lot further than anyone though possible. With the addition of old school ex Finland Parodia player gaso and assuming most teams know how big Maverick is the threat of pissing him off and meeting him again later in the evening drunk is enough to make most ET Players hand shake just a little each time they frag him. This team could sneak into 2nd place.

Group B Predicted final rankings

#1 United Kingdom Dignitas

#2 Portugal K1ck

#3 Europe Alis

#4 Europe OCTENse

Group C

Sweden zeroPoint have been an eratic team of late, losing officials to Netrunners and Impact they have shown that they are no longer dominating the #2 spot in ET. The loss of Germany Hatred has hit the team hard, Sweden FeTTe although a top ET player for me does not have the same level of firepower that his german predecessor had and this has showed. zP however still have a team with a host of talent which undoubtedly can go a long way in cpc2, they are one of the tournament favorites and rightly so. On their day they can beat anyone apart from dignitas as their history has shown. That being said their big name players need to stand up and be counted in Enschede. If they hit form this team could go on to win, if they make mistakes then we could see an exit during the elimination stages or if any upsets do occur we could see them go out early on. For me this is the second hardest group in the tournament and they wont easily take the top spot, all their games should be tough. That being said i think they are one of the nicest teams in ET even with Gifty's ego quits :) , always good to play against <3

Belgium one soldier - I have not seen a single game from this team since their formation so i really cannot judge how far they can / will go. Based on player names they have a bit of everything. mAx will be your rambo medic who has a quality aim that can see him make plenty of multi kills. Mika is your winghaven type player except from what i understand his aim is a bit sick so i will certainly be spectating him to see what he can do.Ganon and Shewie are the belgium duo that have done it all, ovrboost in his day was called by many "one of the true aimers", does he still have that ability, we'll see. The team on paper has a lot of firepower, i haven't personally had chance to judge their teamplay so they are for me a total unknown coming into the tournament.

Belgium Zerobarrier .... new name same team. The old cZar ET squad, i think this team wont really surprise many people, a good squad of players and a nice bunch of guys however looking at the other teams they will struggle to qualify from this group and it could mean an early exit for the belgium team.

Europe el vigorZ, again new name same team, the old VIB squad. Kicked from VIB after their performance against Finland Cadre in the ET Masters tournament they are a team that on paper could be very strong with some heavy hitters however recently they have been forced to recruit a 6th after losing a player for the lan and that can only disrupt the team play of the squad. We'll just have to wait and see how much of an effect it makes.

Group C Predicted final rankings

#1 Sweden zP

#2 Belgium One Soldier

#3 Europe el vigorZ

#4 Belgium Zerobarrier

Group D

[biased review] In my opinion United Kingdom Impact Gaming have gone from strength to strength recently. Their teamplay has improved and they have decent form going into cpc2 losing only to TLR. They are the #1 seed for this group which for me is the group of death in the tournament. All 4 teams stand a decent chance to qualify and you cant say that any one game is going to be really one sided since i can see this group being extremely tight. I think Impact will qualify however it wont be easy. For me they have a team with a bit of everything. Firepower in abundance with the likes of the much fanboyed Finland mystic, arguably the best rifle in ET (certainly for me there is no better) in Finland Raveneye, Finland The supply depo jumper xpaz whos in game leadership, key strikes / panzers and general reading of the game which has to be up there with the most intelligent ET players will be crucial, Finland Tiigeri has come in for a bit of stick from some since his move from rifle to smg was not well received by some however for me he is like another Latvia Clown, they are the kind of players that do the hard work, the graft that makes the rest of the team function, then the remaining two Netherlands dutchies teKoa and M1lk, both these two boast some heavy firepower which you have to say leave Impact going into the tournament as one of the favorites to win. [/biased review]

Europe Polar eSports for me are a dark horse of the tournament, questions are there as to whether they have done all they can do with this team but for me there is a lot left. In ET Masters they looked like a team with a hangover and in some ways i think that was the wakeup call they might have needed. Expect to see a well practiced and prepared team at cpc2. They certainly have the firepower in the squad to rival anyone out there, they really are very strong in aim, the question i have always had about this team is do they have the blend and teamplay. I think we'll find out at this cpc2 cause you can be sure they are pumped up for it and for me i rate them as one of the teams who could win it.

United Kingdom Auxilia are a surprise package for cpc2, put in poule3 and i think underated here. They have had some big wins in recent times and for a new squad thats impressive. They practice and train more than any other team i have seen in ET at the top level recently and that means that they will be fully prepared for this lan. They have the firepower, they have the team play and they have brilliant english speaking skillz and ofc they have snuble <3 this team will do well but they are in a strong group and they will have to play out of their skins to qualify.

Sweden Knö I Hörn seem to be a mix of players brought back following the demise of the old KiH squad. In a different group i think they might have qualified however i fear they will struggle against the other opposition and will see an early exit. A shame since they have some nice players in their team.

Group D Predicted final rankings

#1 United Kingdom Impact

#2 Europe Polar

#3 United Kingdom Auxilia

#4 Sweden KiH

Final CPC2 prediction:

Winner United Kingdom TLR

Runner Up United Kingdom Dignitas / Impact

Third Sweden zP / Europe Polar