To start of with the top-seed team, the first team to be introduced will be Knö i Horn. This team, a well known and respected name in the RTCW scene will play at this tournament replacing Amnesia (or the mix that called itself amnesia :P) who sadly were unable to field a lineup.

Really, this team needs no introduction although it will most likely be far from as good as the original team we all knew and looked up to (!). Although this will probably be of no importance as at the moment it is pretty much imposible to call a team active in the rtcw scene or what's left of it. There are still four or five OSP teams playing each night and there's always a good public to be found but this all cant be compared to what rtcw used to be in it's days of glory.

To get back to the point, let's start of with KiH's LAN lineup this weekend:

Norway zerom
Sweden arne
Sweden ozzy
Sweden smutzig
Sweden mick
Netherlands slinger

There are several reasons why this KiH lineup wont be anywhere near the level KiH once reached. One of them is no practice at all. Another is the lineup being quite different to their "oldschool" one. Their weak spot probably being Dutchy "slinger" who 's playing in their Enemy Territory lineup too this weekend. Although clearly talented (:PPP), this Dutch powerhouse is definately lacking the experience to keep up with the others. Also, there might not be enough time for him to learn swedish before the rtcw tournament starts!
Still, this team is sure to give an impressive show and will certainly entertain the viewers. The question is, will it be enough to come out on top and beat everyone's favorites, namely onesoldier? Will their lack of teamplay be made up by their experience and skill. Only time can tell!

Next up is by many considered as top favorite for a number one placing despite their second seed. I am talking about one.soldier ofcource. Let's have a look at the lineup they will show up with:

England merlinator
England sharky
Belgium viX
England chronos
England crmbs
Netherlands juncie

This team boasts not only a lot of spamming capacity, but also enough teamfeeling and experience to challenge KiH and more. The team has been as active as the current rtcw scene allows them to be, or at least it tried to. Crmbs for example, one of their most talented players, has been quite inactive over the last months because of a lack of quality internetconnection at his university. He has been playing some from there, but the actual practicing was only possible when he was at home. Add other inactivity for some players and being unable to find opponents to play against at times to that and you have a picture of how much they´ve been able to practice.
Still, the team will definately have a better teamfeeling than "the swedes" and it will be interesting to see how these two teams will fare against one another.

Also not to be underestimated is the all-Dutch lineup of Verdiend:

Netherlands Sir5alL
Netherlands Frituurkoning
Netherlands Lus3D
Netherlands Mano
Netherlands Miek
Netherlands warheart

These boys have been back in the rtcw scene for some months now in preperation for just one thing: CPC2.rtcw! They've been quite active for RTCW standards and are likely to show some sort of teambased performance. The lineup basically consists of the "oldschool" verdiend line-up but Frituurkoning (also known in the ET community as PLU172) replaced veritas. As in KiH, the newcomer is likely to cause a weak spot in the team's lineup and there's no way to tell what effect it will have on it's eventual performance. The team certainly has good potential but if it will be enough to beat teams like KiH or onesoldier? I have no clue!

One of the two not-seeded teams is w00ps, also known as fallanx.LAN. I am not sure under which tag the team will play but whichever they will choose, their line-up will look like this:

Sweden jul
Netherlands Arick
Netherlands yullaw
France frost
Belgium clit
Netherlands bully

This line-up contains a lot of (for rtcw-involved people) well known names. Their teamleader is team-sweden's captain jul who will certainly provide the team with a good deal of experience. Jul, however, isn't the only experienced player this lineup boasts. Although not seeded, this team has a lot of aim and strong players to offer and they are definately my personal favorite underdogs!

Last but perhaps not least is rTg:

Germany m!das
Germany pSy
Germany loPed
Germany Dayton
Germany piti
Germany oracle

There is not much I can tell about this team. I was so unlucky as to miss the days when rTg were still active but I'm pretty sure these guys have all played together a lot already. Apart from a lot of hours on their own public server, though, these guys have been the opposite of active. The lineup contains a few well-known names and they can take advantage of an all-german situation on comms but if this all will be enough to challenge the other contenders is unclear.

Now you all have a general view on which teams will be attending the tournaments, it is time to provide you with a few predictions!