Due to the fact I am writing this text at a quarter past two in the night, I am unfortunately unable to ask certain people's prediction. I will consider adding some others later, but for now I give you:

Germany rTg.m!das

QuoteIn my humble opinion one.soldier will win this tournament. They have built such an impressive teamplay and have good aimers to offer like crmbs or highskilled spammers like merlinator. I cant really judge KiH though, because I never saw them play in the past few months but they definately were one of the best teams some years ago so dunno really.Also, I guess verdiend can do pretty well. It seems that they have been very active during the last few weeks but I havent played against them. They also have some very nice players such as Sir4alL. Fallanlx or w00ps or however they call themselfs in this tournament are also a team we obiously shouldnt underrate! All of them played together for a longer time now and they should have some teamplay to work with. Not all of them are as active as they used to be in the past but they can surely rage one.soldier or KiH. Lmy team rTg have the great advantage that all played more than 1 time on a lan together or against each other. I think we can surely take one or few maps and try to confuse the opponents.

Aparently, midas did not agree with Crossfire's seeding for this tournament. Let's see what sharky has to say:

United Kingdom one.sharky

QuoteKiH are surely the favourites to win with lots of experience both at rtcw’s highest level and at lan. Having said that I’m really looking forward to playing them and I think we should give them a good game. Counting against both us and KiH is the severe lack of activity and preparation for the tourney which should work in falx/whoops favour who are surely the most active team competing. I really have no clue about what RTG can achieve having not seen them play recently (have they even been playing?) but they have some experience at lan together and some decent players so maybe could cause an upset . The guys at verdiend (not verendi!) are easy going guys and have some really decent players in sir5all and lus3d and could be a dark horse.

What you wont see at CPC is teams playing at their peak because I think all of the teams going just haven’t had the time to practice as much as our ET counterparts. What you will see is stable teams of friends playing together for years on maps they have played for years in a game they love J.

Final standings :

1st one.soldier ;)
2nd KiH
3rd verdiend
4th falx/whoops
5th rtg (sorry but I think some of you don’t even have rtcw installed anymore :<)

One can tell mister sharky was bored at his work but he surely gave us something to think about. Next up:

Netherlands KiH.slinger

QuoteI am definately looking forward to playing the rtcw tournament this weekend. This will basically be the first and probably last time I play in a competitive tournament for RTCW, not counting last season's adventure in warleagues premier group with fallanx. Much more than in the ET tournament, I am really driven to win and do well and I hope we will have a great time together over there. As for my prediction, I think the seeds are pretty much correct, apart from the top 2 seeds. One could argue that onesoldier deserves the first seed more but it's really hard to tell what will happen when these two teams go head to head.
Still, I think wOOps should definately not be underestimated as they surely boast the qualities it takes to challenge the others. Their weak point will prolly be a lack of teamplay or perhaps their international comms. I do not think verdiend or rTg will be strong enough to end on the podium but perhaps they will prove me wrong saturday.

United Kingdom pt.dictator

QuoteI find it hard to see past one.soldier winning, the experience playing together and their activity in rtcw should prove decisive.
KiH will probably show some strength and maybe able to beat one.soldier if everything falls for them, but not having played rtcw for a prolonged period I can't see them being as polished as necessary. But the skills of FeTTe and smutzig could enable them to take 1st place. One "downside" some people would attribute to KIH would be slinger, but I feel having somebody active in the rtcw scene and knowing how one.soldier may play could benefit them more than having another older KIH player.
Verdiend for me could surprise a lot of people, I feel they have relatively good skill levels and good teamplay and could cause an upset, but I don't believe they've practised as much as they would've liked.
Fallanx have experience together and have been practising but I can't see them being a match for one.soldier or KIH due to lower levels of teamplay and skill compared to the aforementioned teams.
rTg really come into the tournament as underdogs and i can't see them being anywhere near the levels of the top teams.
My tentative predictions are:
1st. One solider
2nd. KIH
3rd. Verdiend
4th. Fallanx (whoops whatever)
5th. rTg

Opinions seem to be quite onesided but none of the interviewed can tell with certainty how the tournament will end. I think we are in for a nice and exciting saturday filled with rtcw and I wish everyone involved good luck and the viewers fun!