image: CGSBanner

With the Chicago Chimera in the lead and the rest of the teams all with the same score the third week of the CGS promised to be an exciting one. All 6 teams were about to play 2 matches each which brings the total of matches this week to 6. First to take the floor were the New York 3D and the Los Angeles Complexity.

image: CGS_NY-LA
This time the match started with the DoA4 Male fight. For 3D we had Cali Jared and for Complexity we had sWooZie. The last one had no chance and was wiped off the floor with 5:0 which was immediatly the starting score between 3D and Complexity.

Next up was FIFA 2007 and Complexity's KreeganBG fought back for the Los Angeles side by winning 1:2 over 3D's Wizakor. Overall score now 6:2.

Project Gotham Racing 3. BadAXX and DoubleB for 3D versus Chavisan and GeeTeeOhh for Complexity. Though it was a tight one, Complexity took it with 4:5 bringing the overall score to 10:7.

CS:Source is a possible deciding factor in a CGS match but in this case it wasn't. 9:10, with only 1 point Complexity wasn't gaining enough on 3D. The difference was already made in the first match due to sWooZie's 5:0 loss... Overall score after CS:Source: 19:17.

Last but not least DoA4 Female. Could Complexity take the win through Belle? No was the answer. 3D's coolsvilla took it with again 5:0 bringing the final score to 24:17.

The strange thing is that LA Complexity actually won 3 of the 5 games but because every point counts they lose to NY 3D. Furthermore I think DoA4 is very decisive because you can make a big difference quite easily as the NY 3D players proved today.

image: CGS_NY-LA
FIFA 07 was the kick off of this match. Optx's Stermy versus Venom's Novusnaim. A pretty big score in FIFA for what we've seen so far. Novusnaim took the win with 0:3 and delivered the first points for Venom.

Though the Optx came back at PGR3 with the dynamic duo of Beisbol and Skittles who won 6:3 over Venom's IndigoFerret and chaos. Overal score: 6:6.

The CS:S had to make the difference this time and finally the Optx crushed Venom with a 11:7 score, bringing the match score to 17:13.

Could the Dallas Venom DoA4 Female player Rasberry Tea save the day for the Venom? Apparently she wasn't in a very good shape because she lost against Optx's Vanessa with a staggering 5:0. Overall score: 22:13.

With this loss the Venom we're allready out chances to win because the maximum score in DoA4 is 5 points. So it already didn't matter anymore what Dave Cheppelle and Master we're going to do. Finally it was Venom's Master who took the win 3:5 and with that the match ended in a 25:18 win for the San Fransisco Optx.

Other 4 games will be added later