The tournament will be played using a single elimination bracket, which each match being played best out of three. The first two maps will be assigned to you by Crossfire, to decide the third map should it be required each team will eliminate one map each. The team who won the first map will eliminate first.

Supply, sw_Goldrush, Radar, Adlernest, Frostbite -
Teams will choose their own map for the first matchweek.

Match Configs:
ET and Call of Duty will run on the Crossfire server config. Quakewars will run the current ESL config and Warsow will run the standard setup.

Arranging Your Matches:
Each match has a set period of time in which to be played, this tournament is running on a STRICT schedule and there is very little room for manoeuvre. As soon as your opponent is known and posted on your tournaments page, please contact your opponent immediately and arrange your match. Once you have arranged your match, send a message on Crossfire to QCUPAdmin telling him the teams, the date and the time that the match will be played, along with any other relevant information.

Should Crossfire feel teams are actively working against the Schedule that Crossfire has provided and working against the pre Christmas deadline of the tournament, they will be removed.

Reporting Match Results:
When you win your match report your score to QCUPAdmin – unless contested this result will be taken as accurate

Match Administration:
Not every match will have an onserver admin, teams are trusted to complete the matches themselves, however in the result of any conflicts ALL PLAYERS MUST RECORD DEMOS. Do not delete your demos until after the tournament, if there is a match conflict and demos are not available from either one side, or an individual player in question, Admins will rule in favour of the opposition, although each case is subjective.

Questions, Complaints and Queries?
All communication should be made to QCUPAdmin via Crossfire PM – This will allow all admins to see your message and answer your query as fast as possible. However teams should also idle in #crossfireqcup for questions to other teams and admins.

Want to write your own news and coverage for the tournament? Feel free please head to this link and add the appropriate information. Crossfire welcomes all written contributions.

Head admins:
United Kingdom hentai / Belgium Rafiki

Crossfire thanks you for your cooperation and participation.