Dear xfire retards,

So I got home yesterday. I was planning on taking the failtrain back home, but luckily David could give me a ride. I never knew you could get from Enschede to Antwerp in 3 hours, but at an average speed of 180km/h the trip didnt take that long :D

TAG had a some epic fails this LAN. Two days before the LAN started we got ourself a 5th and a 6th player. Having played one prac with the full 6 man lineup we didnt give ourself much of a chance, though we thought we could beat ephix (online we can fo sho!) It was my first ET lan and the TFT were just fucked up :/ It was kinda sad that the guy who wrote the tutorial on CDC settings didnt get it to work for himself! Later that day, I had to help david and I got it to work :'( Enough excuses! TAG = online only

Also got to meat Sol. I was planning on ignoring and hating him, but he started talking and being nice :'(

I didnt really enjoy this CDC that much. Playing ET at 9h just feels wrong :D Most of the games were delayed and Random had to play some of their group games at 3h at night. Spectating was boring too, most games that were shoutcasted were pretty one sided. I guess the only spectating I enjoyed was Ovrload vs Edit, but this had more to do with the great atmosphere and Fost. At first it was said hmg vs overload would be casted, both teams should have been evenly matched. i was kinda looking forward to it but for some reason Edit was casted. Overall, It felt like the LAN was all about CoD which is a boring campy game which might be ok to play, just dont ask me to watch some guy aiming at a window for 1 minute waiting for some guy to pop out and spray bullets at him :D I guess the CoD4 community at CDC can be described in one sentence:
Quote "LAN: serious business!"

About ETQW: I never seen such a big noobs getting sponsored. I was speccing one of the logitech guys and they used the limbo menu to change classes and select spawnpoints. One guy actually was changing crosshair when using vehicles, he used the ingame menu ... It was funny seeing all these ETQW guy having uberhigh quality configs, with FPS going from 80=> 250. The dont use configs, binds, everything is put to high quality. Smoke, particles, they really seem to enjoy the ubergfx of this game ... They dont give a crap about the spawntimes and the game doesnt force you to. When you attack getting from your spawn to the target takes 2 spawntimes. When they were defending players were just getting fulls all over the place. Anyway ETQW = noobgame. I guess I should start playing it as any med skilled guy can play in uberhigh pro ETQW team it seems ... yo ucan even plant mines at any spot in the map!!

Well, enough with the whining. I'm glad I came to CDC, got to see a lot of people, sharing beers with the people I played so many games with.

Yours truely,

Shoutouts to: TAG, Random, Overload, nP, Muse, Ephix, Fif, Mazzelaars, Schnee, Maverick, Frop, Bulldog, Cash and all the ppl I forgot! Thanks to all the people who made this CDC possible.