image: 1097cinestar

I've seen that many people have done some CDC4 journals so I thought I might as well share my view of it, since many fucked up things happened when me and Sweden savage went to Netherlands Holland.


I woke up and I put my phone on and I saw that Sweden savage had been calling like 3 times whining about me not having my phone on.

Later that day I drove to Sweden Arlanda to meet up with Sweden savage.

Sweden savage is a Sweden Norrlänning (meaning that he lives in the northern parts of Sweden, where there are penguins, polarbears and walruses. So he was quite confused when he arrived in Sweden Stockholm, where there are cars and people with jeans.

Anyways, I was waiting by the gate for Sweden savage when I suddenly saw someone walk past me, it was Sweden feruS, who had just landed in Sweden Stockholm, because he is a Sweden Norrlänning as well.

Later on Sweden savage arrived.. He was scared because he thought they might not accept his ID card as a passport and if that would be the case it would be FUCKED UP.

savage noticed that someone from his old "indoor bandy(hockey)" team was there.

Anyways we got on the plane and we managed to switch places with some guy so we sat next to eachother like real France gays and talked about gaming like real Germany nerds.

When we arrived in Netherlands Schiphol we noticed that the guy from his old "indoor bandy(hockey)" team was playing for Sweden fnatic in Call of Duty 4 and the whole Sweden fnatic team were flying on the same plane as us.

After going to pickup or luggage we met Sweden feruS again. He was going to take a car from the aiport together with United Kingdom Sheep and United Kingdom eVo.

Me and savage were hungry so we went of to eat at United States of America Burger King, and we saw that Netherlands Holland was crowded with Pakistan pakis.

I ordered a Cheeseburger Meal, but Netherlands Holland is an odd country so they did not have too much to choose from apparantly so I had to buy a Whopper.

Sweden savage is a

Quote by alexLfat emo

so he took a Double Whopper.

Anyways, after ordering our food we looked for a place for sit but there were no place to sit because the aiport was crowded with Netherlands kankers at that time, so we had to sit on some round bench like thingy. I ACCIDENTLY dropped my United States of America Coca-Cola on the bench, which resulted in me switching to another seat.

After eating we headed down to the trainstation where we met Sweden fnatic again, and the place smelled like piss. Which confirms the rumour that Netherlands dutchies like to piss everywhere.

savage had some weird fetish for toilets for some reason so he had an urge to have a picture taken of him standing in the badly smelling trainstation.

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savage at the trainstation

then we decided that we would take a picture of both of us.. The problem was that no one could take the photo. We somehow managed to set the camera on a 5 sec timer and we put the camera on the ground, but we failed.

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we failed..

and then..

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we failed again...

After a while we managed to get on the train. Sweden savage asked a Netherlands dutchie where you're supposted to sit if you travel with class 2, he was related to Netherlands Azatej so he just answered that you're supposted to sit where the class 2 people are supposted to sit. Anyways, we managed to get on the train and Sweden savage was amazed by the huge amount of football fields in the area.

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.. on the train.

When we arrived at the central station Germany FaKy wasn't there waiting for us. We were standing confused for like 20 min waiting. Then we called him and he eventually showed up.

Then we went by car around randomly, into some parkingzone and had to pay money for nothing. After a while we arrived to the cabins and it was fucking freezing inside. When we came up to the 2nd floor it was warm like in South Africa.

We left our stuff there and Sweden savage started posing.

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savage posing in the cabins

Then people started arriving to the cabins and we started to talk to some people and to the Germany 8bits-management, while we drank some beer.

Then we went to the Netherlands wzzrd iCafe and talked to some people that were there. We ordered a few Smirnoff Ice and started hanging out with some of the guys from United Kingdom unKind. United Kingdom tyyrd was insane so he bought us all some more Smirnoff Ice.

Then Netherlands Wesbo and Netherlands Kitty showed up and asked us if we wanted to go to a club nearby called Netherlands Lun4t1C. We said, yeah sure and drove there. When they asked me for an ID I showed them my passport where it clearly says that I'm born 1991 but apparantly it was O.K and I got in. Netherlands Domi didn't get in because he had the wrong pants.

We ordered a couple of drinks and got a bit wasted while talking to the likes of Netherlands M1lk who had some kind of hobby of taking pictures of DrunkeN people.

I believe I somehow managed to fall into a table, breaking several glasses, so therefor Wesbo came to the conclusion that something had to be done. He went to the bar and ordered 2 shots for me and Sweden savage. That's when our mom Germany FaKy used his mother instincts and realized it was enough. If we were to be able to perform on Friday we had to get back to the cabins.

When we got back to the cabins it was pretty damn late

Friday[/b]] We managed to fall asleep quite easily but we woke up because Netherlands DmasterX was screaming something about owning dignitas 4on5. So we only had like 1 hour of sleep that night. Then we went to the LAN center. I was fucked up that day so I barely remember anything except beeing tired like fuck. I do remember though that I tried to attract Netherlands Efax by putting some glasses on that I had laying on the table. (He said the he was going to break my glasses on LAN). He did not show up however so I was dissapointed.

Our first and only match that day was against my mates in Italy n1ce. I had zero space on the table and I never changed my sensitivity so I was constantly hitting Sweden savage's keyboard while trying to track Italy italians.

After one map I decided to put my sensitivity higher and I somehow managed to get highest damage on supply and I'm now LAN PROOF.


On Saturday we had some games. We managed to own MAZZ and played pretty well on Supply against v&e. That's when Finland Matias showed up and gave us two notes that he found laying on the ground somewhere that said "I'm clean now!", he gave them to us and then we lol'd.

Then we played our matches in the winner/loserbracket and we got fucking owned.


On Sunday we just decided to talk to some people and watch some shoutcasting. Then we left by train to the airport and ate at United States of America Burger King again. We were suprised when we saw United Kingdom crmbs walk up to us saying that he missed his flight. We started eating and he left. Then we went out to the busses that we were going to a hotel (we would leave in the morning on Monday).

And then United Kingdom crmbs was there again... and he asked us to stop following him :( <3


We went to the airport and took the flight to Sweden Stockholm. Sweden savage was sick like shit and it was pretty funneh on the plane because some kid was constantly staring the shit out of him while he was trying to rest.

Watch it here:

Some other funneh stuff that happened:

Germany quraigu owned me when I was using my China Bruce Lee moves on him :(
Portugal sexyhot told Belgium LioCo that he should be playing basketball.
United Kingdom w3st tried to steal a bike :D

There are too many people to thank and greet, you know who you guys are 8D