cdc4 was great except for the fact that i played shit but there were some really funny moments.
The funniest had to be when tyyrd got drunk on like 5 vodka redbull's and collapsed on the floor as u have seen in photo's. However, this wasnt the end of his drunk behaviour, the next morning i could not wake him up and it was just us 2 left in the cabins. I opened his eyes moved him, pushed him on the floor everything. So Sheep helped me by carrying him outside and dumped him in a puddle (thunder and lightning with heavy rain the night before) and he still didnt wake up until sheep basically ripped his arms off.

Then last night and early sunday morning (the day we had to leave) i had been drinking with kuraigu for 4hours. Then freedune came up to him and called him something im not gonna repeat and kuraigu was like gtfo. So i got freedune to buy kuraigu some beer and freedune left but then came back two more times and called him the same thing again. Then basically run away after kuraigu wasnt joking around.

Other hillarious stuff happened which takes too long to explain like tyyrd sleeping for 12 hours on the day we left with him waking up 1 hour before we had to leave and us thinking that he got kidnapped or raped.

w3st's impressions of terminator (matias we call terminator) while us and tlr were in the cabins made everyone laugh.

Anyway had a great laugh, too many shoutouts to give as i met so many great ppl, but thanks goes to tosspot and the admins of the tournament, and for the unkind players for coming to lan.

Expect more funny journals as this 1 is turning into a long story.