The Self acclaimed poule of Death, this group features top teams which are almost equal of skill. If all teams in this poule play to there max it will be hard, bloody, entertaining and no clear outcome. Lets sure hope so!

1. Germany MegaProGaming
Germany haZer
Germany drago
Germany butchji
Germany wEAK
Latvia Clown
Scotland razz

Gold Winners of last EC who need to play harder for their prize this time! With the addition of the Latvian CAREBear Clown, German's finest rifle haZer and the all-infamous Raged razz they may have changed abit, but the core is still there and this team does remain strong looking on the papers! Therefore, I still expect them to end as number 1 of their poule.

Quote by wEAKThis EuroCup Edition defintitely features more stronger teams than the last one. Tough im not that impressed, since quite some teams will just show off for the officials and wont put a lot of effort into serious practising (quite disappointing). But still, I expect some intense games when it gets closer to the playoffs. VAE,IMPACT,KKK,TCM and MPG will fight out the top5 positions if everything goes the "standard" ways, though i'd be happy if some team could surprise me.
I expect us to finish somewhere in the top3 if we can keep the motiviton-level up until the end of this EC Season.

2. Netherlands Team Coolermaster
Netherlands BuLL
Netherlands foSt
Netherlands M1lk
Netherlands mize
Netherlands modus
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands spho

The Dutch Allstar Line-Up former known as OVERLOAd Gaming aka Kreaturen just made the step into the big MGC world by joining the famous Team Coolermaster. With this move they show their dedication, but looking at the last noted comments of some players and their motivations it is questionable, to be said, wether this team is so active and serious or not. Nevertheless, they do feature an All Star Line Up, which should be enough to dish out the damage needed to pass on!

Quote by M1lkhopefully we'll see many surprises in this EC as there are just so many quality teams participating. I expect impact to make it to the finals but have no idea who the will face there. As for team coolermaster, I think realistically we have the possibility to end in the top3. Though I doubt we will. Good luck to all participating teams :p

3. Finland Incomplete
Finland Fel
Finland kmble
Finland Raptor
Finland Spirea
Finland Stuka

Number 4 of last Season is trying to climb once again this Season. Featuring an all Finnish Line Up, which played together for quite some while, they can be accounted for. But I dont see them fighting it off against the Dutchies as well as the Germans. They will unlucky enough end in the 3rd position, above our next team!

Quote by Spirea As for current lineups, I think impact and KKK will battle of the throne. With the recent lineup changes I don't see mpg higher but 3rd place. Also vae and edit are black horses that can suprise everyone. For Incomplete, we have had lineup problems with Reikkeri in army not able to play much. Now we play with kmble as 6th and I think we can prac this week without more problems. We are happy if we make it out of the groupstage.

4. Belgium 8bits <[o]>

Belgium Jetro
Belgium spiROZE
Belgium Worm
Belgium Rfki
Belgium zeto
Netherlands hayAa

A nice upcoming team in the ET scene who have worked their way up since their play at CDC 3. The team features a nice mix of some experienced players with NC flavour as well as upcomers in this EC. In my opinion they have a really nice team and play, but unlucky enough this will not be enough for them to get farther in a group such as this. Due to the fact fo the other strong teams in the poule I see them finish as 4th.

Quote by JetroRegarding the lineups, history and achievements of some of the invited clans I'd have to say that there are a few teams with some great potiential. First of all EDiT, with their new lineup they've brought in some valuable players who are for example able to play several classes. Other teams like MPG and Impact also have a good shot at winning this EC, those last two don"t need any explination.
After qualifieng against xtrazone we found that it was necesarry to change our lineup because things didn't go as smooth as we expected, we made too many schoolboy errors. Bringing zeto and rfki to the lineup made sure we had an "all-dutch" lineup which improved the comms on vent etc. I'm feeling pretty confident about the upcoming EC, who knows what will happen..