One of the two more random poules. Despite having several Top Teams, the state of these teams are questionable on their activities and recent match scores. This is one of the pools were possible anything can go anywhere!

1. Europe Questionable

Belgium vila
Belgium lio
Belgium Kevin
Belgium acid
Netherlands abort
United Kingdom Sheep
Finland Matias

Questionable it is indeed. Besides the fact that the team has left MGC EDiT, their participation in this EC was also questionable thanks to the infamous PB-Gate scandal which featured lio getting kicked and banned from CB by doneX. However, this was resolved after it was shown as an abusive kick, done by cheater organisations the team is now back in the race. And so it should be, because last season's 2nd placers have only gained in strength! By adding spamming Pedobear and finnish allstar Matias they have gone Europe style and show they do want to go for Gold this time! Due to their long teamplay together as well as their awesome new additions I see them ending this poule as the number 1 team.

Quote by KevinWell anyway, if you have a look at all the lineups then you have to conclude that either Impact or KKK will win this ec. KKK might be too weak for that due to inactivity though. Behind these two I see an open battle between the likes of MPG, TCM and us.
As for Questionable, I think that we will atleast end up in the top5 of this ec, and if we manage to improve our game we might even go for a third spot, which should be possible when you look at our new lineup.

2. Europe Kirwa kirwanderin kirwurit

United Kingdom Mztik
Finland Xpaz
Finland Jauhis
Finland Tiigeri
Netherlands Azatej
Netherlands teKoa
Belgium dAv1d

Another amazing Line Up which has been announced at the start of this EC. Consisting half of the former Impact team, it is backed up by another formidable aimer, known for his online only skills, as well as 2 of the ET scene's bestest team players. Rumors say that this team isnt really active, but just a glimpse at their roster make your eyes blind from the stars in it. Their skill will take the second place in the poule, just losing to the excellent teamplay of team Questionable.

Quote by XpazI hope we can pass groupstage without practicing, but it won't be easy. Anything after that is bonus.

3. Germany Highbot

Austria beAsty
Germany criatura
Germany FaKy
Germany faux
Turkey fireBall
Austria jaN
Switzerland Rapt6rr
Germany roYal

Infamous team humM3l returns to ET even without their starplayer humM3l. On the downside however, the team is plagued by unlucky events. After showing their capacity in the qualifier versus 141 the team lost respectively to masculine mans as well as needing a decider in their ESL Major Series Qualifier versus Lost Soldiers. Besides that one of their players, jaN also get accused of using hacks. Although with these things combined, I can see them playing good enough, but not good enough to beat either Questionable or KKK in the endrun.

Quote by criaturaThis EC could be a very great one, cause if you watch through the team rosters, you can see so many skilled old-school gamers, who came back and enough teams are able to win the EC. HighBot is this season not the same like the other years, our team consists of 3 old players and 5 new ones. We came to show some great performances like the last years and we like to have a lil bit fun in playing this season.

4. Europe

Latvia fuzz
United Kingdom hentai
Italy Mama
Sweden NuggaN
Italy vegeta
Latvia vinyl
Austria xety

Another runner up from last OC which managed to get into the finals of that as well, only to be beaten by the BBQ boys of TAG. Thanks to their performance there and on CDC they were granted a qualifier match in which they showed the same quality and got their own spot secured in the prestigious EC. Even though rated last in this poule I still think that they might be able to pull at a trick or 2 in winning matches.

Quote by hentain1ce would most certainly consider it exceedingly pleasant should we pass the group stages, though with quite possibly the hardest group this season, we are definitely under pressure to perform. As happy as we are to have qualified, we were certainly lucky to have one of the easier qualifying matches. Regarding our groupstages, Questionable's new lineup will be debuting against us this week, allowing the community to see how their changes will shine or not. KKK are certainly one of the best teams this EC; we won't go against them with high hopes, as with questionable. HighBot on the other hand seem to not be taking this season especially seriously, so we hope to atleast give them a run for their money if not beat them.