[urlnew=http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=article&mode=item&id=171]Match Week 1![/url]

Belgium 4 vs 0 Austria[/center]]
Match Report : "No guts, no glory!"

It was always going to be a difficult game for the Austrians, but with the departure of captain Austria spion, and the recent turmoil in the basement(!), Austria have had to make drastic lineup changes just to be capable of fielding 6 for tonights game!


Belgium xAv
Belgium Kevin
Belgium jetro
Belgium mAus
Belgium dAv1d
Belgium lio
Austria v1ech
Austria beAsty
Austria bl1zzardx
Austria rapture
Austria xXx
Austria hal

Map 2 supply, round 1.

Round 1 of supply, and he Austrians attack first, a panzerfaust from Belgium Lio whistles past the snout of Austria beAsty to pick off one of his team mates, another double grenade kill from Belgium Lio and the axis kill out and respawn, and this first round is well underway. The axis drop down and Austria v1ech lets fly with the panzer and takes down Belgium mAus and Belgium Jetro for fullspawns, and this attack looks promising! The Austrians pick up 3 more frags one after the other, and look to make short work of this first stage. That is until they meet the defiant Belgium dAv1d who holds of the Austrians at bay until the axis respawn. After that promising first attack, the Austrians have little luck, time and time again pushing into the bunker, only to be sprayed full of chocolate coated bullets, Belgium Kevin pushes out and picks up a 4 man air strike spawn kill. With just 4 minutes to go, be it through determination or the cockiness of the Belgium’s, the Austrians manage to pick up the flag, due to some United Kingdom sqzz like strafing from Austria bl1zzard. But they are full held at the depot gate, with Belgium Kevin picking up another 3 man air strike at spawn, follow by two smg frags.

Map 2 supply, round 2.

The second round gets underway and Lio squashes the Austrian defences and picks up a 4 man kill. The flag is captured and both gates are planted in under a minute. The Belgium’s make short work of the Austrian defences and quickly get control of the command post and get the east and west walls planted, shortly followed by the depot gate. From there its pretty much clean sailing with the truck never really stopping. The Belgium’s beat the time and with 7 minutes and 27 seconds to spare.

Map 1 radar, round 1:

The Belgium’s attack first, and quickly get into first gear. With veteran medic Belgium dAv1d leading the way and picking up two fast frags, Belgium have the flag captured and both main and side quickly planted. The Austrians are unable to cope with the Belgium offensive at the command post, and soon fall back to a east and main defence. But even the likes of Austria beAsty and Austria v1ech were unable to compete with the firepower at the hands of the Belgium’s and Austria crumble from an over whelming main push which leads to a stunning time of 4:24 for them to defend.

Map 1 radar, round 2.

The Austrians advance, and with the mighty sten wielded by Austria beAsty, they set out in search of a uniform, and those radar parts. With a side plant down, the Austrians get a foothold of the command post before Belgium vila, runs in, picking up 5 frags and clearing up. The allies finally capture the flag and plant main with juts 1 minute and 20 seconds to go, but it just isn’t enough and the Belgium crossfire is too much for the allies.

Player of the match goes to Belgium Kevin

Quote by Kevin I think the game vs Austria went pretty well, we actually got one or two pracs in before the game which is one or two pracs more than usual. Supply has always been the strongest map of edit and team belgium is pretty much us + some friends. The only games we lost on sd where the ones @ cdc which is kinda unlucky. We're pretty good on Radar aswell because it requires good comms and teamplay, which we (mostly) have. And if two lucky strikes are enough to give me mvp then yes I deserved it. But this mvp stuff is pretty stupid I think because it's all a team effort, there's no eye in tiem. Though Austria had a pretty weak lineup they deserve some respect for still playing and for not giving forfeit. Besides that I want to give a shoutout to vila and lioco for giving me the opportunity to become mvp of this game

[center]Match Report by England Cupper[/center]

Germany 4 vs 0 France[/center]]
Match Report : "France were just too wEAK for Germany!"

With no Germany drago or Germany kErAn for tonight, it was only a slightly weakened Germany German side but the monumental Germany kuraigu stepped in to complete a still noticeably forceful side.


Germany sNoOp
Germany kuraigu
Germany butchji
Germany haZer
Germany wEAK
Germany phate
France milit
France sinus
France kAribuu
France kARn4J
France kEEji

Map 1 Supply, round 1.

The Germany Germans are on the offensive and they seem to be in a hurry, with Germany wEAK capturing the bunker within one minute of playtime already. France France are quick to recover and prevent the Germany Germans from infiltrating the second stage with a covert ops.

France France then gain some precious minutes as they manage to put up a good crossfire, withholding the Germany Germans from reaching the command post for almost three minutes. With 10:30on the clock, Germany Germany capture the command post and immediately storm the depot main gate, getting a dynamite down half a minute after they secured the CP.

Soon after dynamite gets planted at both of the depot side walls, giving the Germany German side various ways to attack. France France are able to put up a good fight to keep the truck from getting into place and with about 8:00 left on the clock Germany wEAK sneaks in and puts the truck into position.

With 6:25 remaining on the clock, the Germany Germans have breached the upper level and have constructed the crane controls, putting the gold bars in the truck and the escorting goes nearly unhindered with a final time of 10:13 being set.

Map 1 Supply, round 2.

France France has a slow start, only capturing the bunker 1:30 later than the Germany Germans did but with a swift attack France France made up for the lost time by securing the command post fifteen seconds faster than their opponent did. France France then quickly pushed on and with 4:14 on the clock the truck is in position, and the France French start invading the upper level.

On 3:40, France France built the crane controls for the first time but Germany Germany soon took control back on the upper level and prevented the France French team from activating the crane controls. Germany Qraigu quickly spawns covert ops and blows up the command post with his satchel charge. One minute after the previous attempt the France French have again taken control over the top level, building the crane controls, however yet again the Germans strike back and manage to secure the area before the gate controls are activated. Germany Qraigu seems to take away all hope for France when he blows up the crane controls for the second time.

However with about a minute left on the clock the French team has gained control over the top level for the last time, now succeeding in activating the crane controls as well. However the clock is ticking and trough a solid defense by the Germans, France doesn't get the change to escort the truck.

Map 2 Radar, round 1.

Now it's the turn of the French to attack first on a map, and they look very strong as they push their way towards the main gate, even getting a dynamite plant down within a minute of playtime. However the Germans soon strike back and manage to defuse the dynamite at the main gate. The French team now changes its focus on the side gate, which they manage to blow after two and a half minute of playtime. However Germany wEAK and Germany haZer put up an effective defense, withholding the French players from the CP for another minute.

At 8:30 the Allied CP is constructed and the French can finally start the offensive for the radar parts. The east radar parts are put in the truck with six minutes and twenty-four seconds left, however the west radar parts are a lot tougher. With less than a minute left on the clock, some viewers of the match are calling good games already, however in a final push of the French, they manage to pick up the west radar parts and put it in the truck, setting a time of 11 minutes and 27 seconds.

Map 2 Radar, round 2.

Now the Germans are once again on the attacking side, having a very different attack as the French had, the Germans immediately rush for the forward spawn, which they successfully capture after twenty-two seconds into the game. Using a uniform the Germans launch an attack trough the front gate door, however the French team quickly terminates the attack. The Germans now start attacking the CP, and using the uniform obtained earlier Germany wEAK and Germany butchji infiltrate the side bunker from above.

Soon after the CP is in the hands of the Germans and they start their attack aiming for the eastern radar parts. They are soon captured and four minutes and two seconds into the game Germany wEAK puts the east radar parts in the truck. The focus swifts to the west radar parts, which are soon picked up by Germany wEAK after he wrecked havoc around the Axis spawn hut area. However Germany wEAK doesn't have the radar parts in possession for long, as he gets shot down after jumping on the road. However the Germans wouldn't let the French take back the radar parts, and they are soon picked up and brought to the truck. Team Germany sets a time of five minutes and forty-nine seconds, beating the original time set by the French by quite a margin.

Player of the match: Germany wEAK

Match Report by Netherlands Sainted

Malta 4 vs 0 Turkey[/center]]
Match Report : "ToXic Horror for the Turks!"

In a group with France France and Germany Germany , this teams are seen as the underdogs who battle for a ticket in the playoffs. The winner from this match could already made a big step forward to get further in this competition and also the odds on gamestv showed it would be an excited match between Malta Malta and Turkey Turkey.


Malta Hex4
Malta Killerboy
Malta Oneball
Malta reky
Malta Toxic
Malta viki
Turkey AL1
Turkey Hope
Turkey Jok3
Turkey KaZe
Turkey Metc
Turkey Razzah

Map 1 Supply, round 1.

Malta Malta were first to defend on Supply and they made a pretty good job of it. Turkey Turkey had a hard time to make their way towards the flag and after a couple dynamite plants by Turkey AL1, Turkey Turkey finally reached the first stage of Supply after 4 minutes. Then it went pretty fast for Turkey Turkey and after 7 minutes they has already blown the depot gate. Malta Malta's defence became a chaotic and Turkey Razzah went frantically went upstairs through the depot defence (which wasn't built) to try and catch out some axis players for a full spawn. A two-man-panzer by Malta Toxic couldn't prevent Turkey Turkey from fixing the crane controls and ran away with the truck, setting a time of 11.27 minutes.

Map 1 Supply, round 2.

Malta Malta knew what they had to do and started their attack with a lot of incentive and determination. As a result, Malta Reky slipped through the Turkish defence without being noticed and managed to capture the flag exactly on Malta Malta's spawntime. Malta Malta started to steamroll Turkey Turkey and with 5 minutes remaining, Turkey Turkey decided to do an oldschool upstairs defence, where they could keep the gold safe for couple minutes. The rushes from Malta Malta became stronger and after some nice reviving work from Malta Viki, they slipped away with the gold. The next 2 minutes were astonishing and with only 20 seconds left on the clock, Malta Malta just managed to take the first map.

Map 2 Radar, round 1.

Malta Malta started on allies this time and began with a 4-man main rush towards the maingate. Malta Malta were able to plant the maingate immediately but the dynamite got defused by Turkey AL1. Turkey Turkey set up a strong defence on the flag but Malta Malta forced them to fall back after they fixed the command post after 3 minutes. Malta Toxic grabbed the west radar objective soon after but the objective was secured after a fantastic two man kill by Turkey Razzah. Seconds later Malta Reky picked up the west radar objective and this time it was successfully captured. 1 Minute later the east radar objective was secured as well and Malta Malta could set a time a decent time of 7.31 minutes.

Map 2 Radar, round 2.

Now on the axis side, Malta Malta setup a nice defence on the first stage and they held the flag for approximately 2 minutes. With 5 minutes on the clock, Turkey Turkey fixed the command post and slipped discreetly away with the east parts which they managed to secure in the truck. Turkey Turkey had 3 minutes to go to save this match and these last remaining minutes turned out to be the most exciting.Turkey Turkey picked up the west radar parts numerous times and even required last gasp one man panzer kills to prevent the Turkey Turks from forcing the game into a decider map. The Malta Maltese just managed to hang on though to take the win.

Player of the match: Malta toxic

Quote by toxicThe match was horrible, ive never played in something as hectic and as unorganised as that. But considering we played without kiitos and nils and played with people that haven't touched ET for quite a while now i gues we did ok by winning. I see us qualifying from the group stage if nils and kiitos play with us vs france but after that... nothing else. I was the only good player on... the server so i aint too surprised that i won POTM i guess

Match Report by Belgium iMmi

United Kingdom 4 vs 0 Switzerland[/center]]
Match Report : "practice makes perfect, and the swiss are clearly lacking."

With the notable absences of United Kingdom Mztik, United Kingdom sqzz and United Kingdom razz, the odds seemed to be turning for the Switzerland Swiss and with a NC line-up full of experience at this level, they where really in for a shout going into this clash.


Switzerland MTM
Switzerland gifty
Switzerland vegi
Switzerland DabSter
Switzerland Rapt6rr
Switzerland ReavEr
United Kingdom w3st
United Kingdom griim
United Kingdom syK
United Kingdom hentai
United Kingdom kye
United Kingdom crumbs

Map 1 Radar, round 1.

United Kingdom UK on the offensive this time to start, again pushing right through, despite the efforts from the Switzerland Swiss side. As the United Kingdom UK capped flag, got main and started pushing to the command post, it looked like all had been lost, until Switzerland gifty came through with an incredible frag in an attempt to stop them from building, but in vein as he fell to United Kingdom griim’s knife. Again, similar to supply, once the UK started their push, it just kept going, as they grabbed the West Radar parts 4 times consecutively in order to secure them to set a time of 6:04.

Map 1 Radar, round 2.

United Kingdom UK on defence were almost impeccable. With United Kingdom w3st picking up several frags at flag, fending it off from all who dared go near it. A few valiant attempts from Switzerland to grab the parts were made, however the United Kingdom secured them each time and shut them down. Clearly the United Kingdom UK were just too much to handle for the rusty Switzerland Swiss side.

Map 2 Supply, round 1.

United Kingdom UK started on axis, and the Switzerland Swiss side struggled as they started off slow and desperately tried to infiltrate the UK’s defences. Finally after many attempts to grab the flag and plant, they capped the flag at 9:40 thanks to Switzerland vegi. The hold continued just as strong throughout, with nice teamwork and reviving from the United Kingdom UK side. With 1:10 to spare, the Switzerland Swiss team moved the truck into position.

Map 2 Supply, round 2.

On allies, the United Kingdom UK team showed what they were made of, showing no mercy for the Switzerland Swiss. They showed no signs of weakness as they pushed right through their defence and secured the gold in the truck with 7:15 still left on the clock, which gave them ample time to move the truck; United Kingdom UK finishing and setting a time of 7:52.

POTM goes to United Kingdom w3st for his incredible performance on defence and pivotal performance as an engineer on allies. All in all, well played both teams.

Quote by w3stI felt the match went really well, as most would of noticed we was cut short before the game comenced as mztik was unable to be online, so we had to do some player switchin and class adaptin to make the tacs fit in warmup time. So I believe it was a very good victory considerin the Swiss side has a reall nice lineup of players on there behalf. We dont yet know which our stronger maps are in my opinion as we aint maybe had enough time to prac over a cast of maps to give our strongest views wot without the captain bein here for the first 2 wars we have played Swiss, Ukraine. I never like to consider myself as a player deservin of man of the match as I feel its a 6 effort and without crossfire and 6 wise players u wldn get anywhere so i wld like to say thanks for being rated as potm, but was mostly glad of the teams performances and preogression into the playoff stages in which we hope to do well.

Match Report by Canada Animal

Finland 4 vs 0 Estonia[/center]]
Match Report : "Free Flowing Finland In Fine Form"

Group favorites and gold medal hopefuls Finland Finland cruised through their opening encounter in a match ruined by Estonia Estonian connection difficulties - failing to live up to its billing as 'Match of the week'.


Estonia EmeRica
Estonia euruz
Estonia sCyter
Estonia zinnu
Estonia rAUL
Estonia LudA
Finland Squall
Finland chmpp
Finland Stuka
Finland crosby
Finland Jauhis
Finland lettu

Map 1 Supply, round 2.

A strong lineup of Finland squall,Finland lettu,Finland stuka,Finland jauhis,Finland crosby and Finland chmpp - with the notable absence of Finland decem, following a pre-match altercation with team captain Finland squall - began their rout on Supply. Their initial push, a standard split was convincingly repelled by the Estonia Estonians - but they where unable to recover in time for the second wave - allowing Finland Jauhis to sneak in and take control of the lower levels. Two Fins pushed on up the stairs from the side and captured the flag in under 45 seconds. This Estonian team, lacking the great names of old had collapsed under the pressure.

Left with no choice, and hoping to avoid embarrassment - the Estonians fell back and regrouped, setting up a standard defence around the Command Post, with an engineer guarding the tunnels. This tactic finally offered some resistance, with Estonia sCyter performing admirably as the rifle engineer. Estonia looked comfortable, offering a strong crossfire across the horizon.

As the seconds wiled away - the Fins lacked any inspiration, unable to muster a moment of brilliance. That was until a stroke of luck, an Estonian lagged out and Finland capitalized - using the truck as cover to break the stalemate and push on up the hill. Unfortunately, this was where the farce began. Blighted by laptop difficulties one of the Estonians made the first of many pauses. Their concentration feigning, Estonia lost control. They where soon overrun by the Fins who secured a plant on the East with 11:35 remaining. Though the Estonians had managed to recover some resemblance of respectability - adding an extra 3 minutes to the clock, they never fully recovered from their disastrous first stage. The plant on the Main now nothing but a formality - and it came 30 seconds later.

Finland where everywhere and nowhere - hemming the Estonians into their spawn, flanking from both east and west. Failing to offer any form of outer defense they fell back, preparing for the ensuing dogfight in the corridors - a double nade by Estonia zimo seemingly the only consolation.

Finland Jauhis lead the charge on up the stairs and easily overran the few Estonian players that'd made it out the spawn. They constructed the crane and escorted the truck home for an average time of 8:17.

Map 1 Supply, round 2.

This intrepid reporter missed the first few minutes - so we'll join round 2 with 5:47 left on the clock. Estonia have captured the flag, and just blown the main entrance. Squall has positioned his troops around the CP, with a strong crossfire coming from the tunnel & rocks. The spam & smg fire from Finland Squall cuts down the advancing Estonians - who frequently fail to make it beyond the crest of the hill. They're held inside their spawn for a full minute & a half before Estonia sCyter finally makes a break for the CP. With 4:01 on the clock, Estonia have the Command Post and set their attention on the main entrance. Which falls just 15 seconds later. This is where Estonia ran into a dead end. The Finnish crossfire was simply too strong - combing smg with spam they easily held the Estonians at the main entrance - only allowing them through when it became clear the match was already won.

Finland Finland take Supply - onto Radar !



Finland Finland cruised through what was a potential rubber skin tonight, never once losing control. Yet I remain unimpressed. Their teamwork was average, their tactics lacked creativity and their arrogance unappealing. Their emphasis on aim only tactics will be found wanting as the competition progresses and they come up against equally strong opposition, who have both the aim and the teamwork - and I'd be surprised if they progress beyond the semi finals. Finland Finland need to step up to the mark - or get out quick before they're embarrassed by a heavyweight.

Match Report by Anonymous NCAdmin

Australia 4 vs 0 Ireland[/center]]
Match Report : "No Contest"

Predicted as a one sided affair, this didn't look massively promising for the Ireland Irish lads. With the recent departure of their captain Ireland flushje, Australia kad knew Ireland were more than likely disorganized, unfocused and on a platter.


Australia shaggy
Australia HM
Australia forty
Australia noname-
Australia haste
Australia iceman34
Ireland Solomon
Ireland shiver
Ireland cadea
Ireland Coco
Ireland Dozy
Ireland Bilgrim

Map 1 Radar, round 2.

Ireland Ireland with a heavy side push comes through strong and uncontested, as they get the plant off and blow the side entrance at 10:43. However clearly their shots are no match, as Australia Australia pound them down on every rush. Ireland Ireland then switch their concentration to the maingate and secured the forward bunker along with the main entrance at 8:09.

The Ireland Ireland side just kept trying to persevere and push side hoping to see a hole in the axis defenses. They just kept getting shot down. Many attempts finally resulted in a command post being built at 5:30. The likes of Australia haste and Australia HM were just too hot to handle for the Ireland Ireland side.

Australia Haste just dominated the allies as they kept rushing behind the east radar parts, coming out of duels unscathed. His epic performance leads me to believe that he is the best shot Australia Australia has to offer in ET at the moment, so it should be interesting to watch him in upcoming games.

The round ended in a fullhold for Australia Australia, and Ireland Ireland secured the east radar parts a little too late as the clock counted down to a dwindling 0.

Map 2 Radar, round 2.

A strong Australia Australian side rushes to side entrance with much success, however, Ireland Solomon did manage to kill 3 or 4, but the tricky Australia Australian side got a uniform, destroyed the cp and constructed it with 10:30 still left on the clock. Making this match seem like they're trying to get it over with as quick as possible.

East radar parts are picked up at 9:43 by Australia HM, and they flew off to side as the rest of the Australia Australian team is left to spawnkill the vulnerable Ireland Ireland side. West radar parts were then stolen at 9 minutes, following a little struggle at main, Australia Australia managed to cap the parts with a time of 3:16. An expected time for such a match up.

Map 2 Supply, round 1.

Australia Australia are just relentless, as they cap the flag on their very first rush, basically uncontested by the Ireland Irish. As both gates are blown Australia Australia just didn't want to cut Ireland Ireland a break and they are showing they are all business, as they valiantly progress towards the depot gate for a plant.

At 12:35, east is planted and 12:17 depot gate is planted. Ireland Ireland just can't touch them. At 9:47 the crane controls are constructed as Australia Australia just power housed the Ireland Irish side, leaving no room for error. The last spawn for Ireland Ireland and I have never seen a team go down so fast, as they kill all 5 in under 5 seconds. The truck is moved into position with a time of 6:44.

Map 2 Supply, round 2.

A one sided match like I have previously stated, Australia Australia without practice just mozying around, defending the first phase as if it were nothing. Frags came left and right, leaving Ireland Ireland little chance to strike back with their own firepower. Even when they take one down, there is always another Australia Aussie waiting right behind him for them.

Too Ireland Ireland's dismay, they may have lost, but at least they can enjoy the rest of their Sunday. I keep hoping to listen for the sound of "the allies have captured the forward bunker" but I am filled with disappointment. It will be interesting to see how Australia Australia fairs against better teams such as Latvia Latvia, who is in their group as well.

As the time carries on, all hope is lost for the Irish side as they are fullheld at flag. It's hard to choose a POTM for such a one sided match, however Australia haste's
impressed me the most, so I would say Australia haste was the POTM.

Quote by taceWe're doing ok, it's hard though. I thought we did okay on Radar against the Aussies, though we lost the flag too easily. But it wasn't a full lineup we had to use some backup players so it wasn't our strongest squad. I thought we could've taken Supply, we trained mostly on that map - Radar I didn't expect any result. Latvia next and they have done well in the past on goldrush, but bremen is perhaps our strongest map and they aren't a solid lineup like Australia either who have played whith each other for 4 years. I'd be happy as long as we set a time and try and go for it, if we lost without heart then yes I'll be dissapointed.

Match Report by Canada Animal

Hungary 4 vs 2 Latvia[/center]]
Match Report : "It's a game of three halves!"

Latvia Latvia were the clear favorites going into this one and with a somewhat strange lineup of old and new players fielded by the Hungary Hungarian side, most would predict this one would be a walk in the park.


Hungary Nonix
Hungary phobeus
Hungary sebi
Hungary adze
Hungary Logic
Hungary tuvok
Latvia Clown
Latvia FUZZ
Latvia vinyl
Latvia Mata
Latvia Speedy
Latvia dunno

Map 1 Radar, round 2.

Somewhat of a peculiar start to the game saw Hungary Nonix hammering a panzer right into the back of Hungary Logic's head and then the rest of the Hungary Hungarian team then fell victim to a well placed airstrike by Latvia FUZZ. An ominous start you may say but Hungary Hungary soon recovered, advancing over to the side entrance steam-rolling through the Latvia Latvians.

With 10:31 left on the clock a dynamite went down on the main gate and the CP was completely blown pushing Latvia Latvia onto the back foot. With a massive 9:54 left on the clock the main gate was blown and the CP was built and Latvia Latvia were soon to adopt the west radar defense that worked so well against Australia Australia.

Hungary sebi took the east radar parts in quick succession, securing them with 7:54 still to play; Hungary Hungary seemed to have the upper hand. The tide soon turned, as Latvia Latvia dug themselves into their defensive mindset.

Hungary Hungary then completely lost all momentum and with a few cheap smg kills here and there lost all their cutting thrust which had gotten them to this stage. The rustiness of some players in the side seemed to becoming apparent.

Finally with 3:30 to go, Hungary Hungary manage to conjure a little creative offense pushing for the west parts. A moment of brilliance from Latvia Clown soon eliminated the threat and follows up his three man killing spree with a vital return. Latvia Latvia are out of place and with mere seconds remaining Hungary Hungary pick the west parts again only to be denied yet again by another killing spree by Latvia Clown with an amazing last gasp lugger frag. Thankfully Latvia FUZZ was on hand to follow up with the return and hence signaled the end of the round.

Hopefully Hungary Hungary could pull themselves together for the next round, otherwise this match would become a very one sided affair.

Map 1 Radar, round 2.

Latvia Latvia's turn to attack now and they decide to push all the way round to main, somewhat catching the Hungary Hungarians by surprise and successfully push all the way round to he main gate, get a plant down and take the forward bunker with 10:59 still to play. The side is planted at 10:28 and it's left to Hungary Nonix and Hungary sebi to try and contain the rampant Latvia Latvian team.

With a burst forward Latvia Latvia penetrated the side defense and if it were not for the heroics of Hungary phobeus raging through with a three man killing spree, all would be lost. Latvia Latvia kept pushing but just couldn't get past that two man side defense, with Hungary Nonix racking up the kills. Finally Latvia Latvia use every last man to try and get that side and do eventually manage to blow the CP despite the best efforts of Hungary Tuvok, who almost thwarted the oncoming covert with a lovely timed grenade.

At long last with 6:48 on the cloak, the side is secure. The Latvia Latvians waste no time in advancing forward, pouncing straight onto the east radar parts. Hungary Hungary tried to setup what looked like an east defense but with a timly two man support fire reigning in from Latvia Clown, the east parts are quickly nabbed by Latvia vinyl who brings them home to the truck with 4:54 still remaining.

Hungary Hungary in their enthusiasm completely forgot to watch the west parts and with an amazingly sneaky move from Latvia dunno going in behind the advancing Hungary Hungarians, grabbed the parts and jumped clear of danger, winning the round for his side with 4:30 to spare.

Map 2 Supply, round 1.

Confidence is high in the Hungary Latvian camp, as with one or two attempts of asking, the flag is taken with still a massive 13:50 to go. Hungary Hungary valiantly try to setup some sort of CP defense but a 1:30 after the bunker is taken, the CP falls. With Latvia Latvia planting the east depot wall at 10:45 the Hungary Hungarians scamble back to try and set up some sort of organized depot defense.

Some great work from Latvia vinyl helps his team progress down to the depot gate and the gate is planted with 10:04. Hungary Hungary choose not to fall back however and they seemed to be convinced an aggressive defense will pay off for them, we will soon see.

Finally the east wall is planted with 8:50 to go and Hungary adze starts clearing up the Latvia Latvian attacks with some nice smg kills at the depot gate. The truck maneuvers into positions with 8:17 remaining and with some slack defending the controls are instantly built and Latvia speedy is on hand to activate the controls.

The truck manages to move all the way round to the east wall before it's stopped and with a colossal 6:58 to go, Hungary Hungary are on the ropes. Latvia Clown picks up a three man support fire as the Latvia Latvians pick the truck up with ease, impeccable timing from him yet again.

With a time of 8:49 set the Hungary Hungarians seemed to fall asleep yet again when it truly mattered, allowing the crafty Latvia Latvians to reap the rewards.

Map 2 Supply, round 2.

Here we go and oh dear, a bad start from Latvia Latvia as the Hungary Hungarians take the flat on the second attack with Hungary Nonix and Hungary Tuvok leading the charge forward. Hungary Hungary managed to grab a uniform just in time and an engineer is sneaked through over the hill toward the CP. Carelessly, Hungary adze manages to blow up his own engineer Hungary Nonix, as he tries to take out the CP.

That doesn't really matter and with 5:45 on the clock the depot gates are planted and Latvia Latvia would have gotten the defuse if it were not for a timely rifle grenade from Hungary phobeus. Both east and west are planted with 4:43 remaining. The truck is quickly moved round to the crane controls and with 3:36 still to play, the gold is secured and on it's way. Could Hungary Hungary manage a remarkable comeback here?

To the dismay of Hungary Hungary, Latvia Clown managed to stop the truck at the rear spawn exit with the aid of Latvia FUZZ, rampaging through the Hungary Hungarian side with a four man killing spree. 2:11 left, time is running out.

With 1:04 to go Hungary Hungary manage to clear the truck and get it moving to the depot gate and not even a last gasp two man support fire from Latvia vinyl can stop the Hungary Hungarians getting away with the gold, beating the Latvia Latvians time with only 13 seconds left in the round, spectacularly entertaining ET!

Map 3 Goldrush, round 1.

With the game being pushed into a decider this one is shaping up for a spectacular finish. Latvia Latvia's defense isn't convincing at the start of the round and with numerous kilsl from Hungary phobeus and Hungary Logic the allies quickly overrun the tank and get it up and running with 13:27 to go.

A Latvia Latvian attempt to push forward and repair the barrier is soon thwarted by Hungary phobeus and Hungary adze with some great smg frags coming in from high and low. With 12:25 still to go the tank creeps into it's final position and with a perfectly timed spawnkill, the Hungary Hungarians push the courtyard grabbing the gold with 11:37 to go.

Hungary Nonix takes the objective up the slope and waits at spawn for the all clear and yet again his team mates deliver with yet another brilliantly timed camp, completely closing Latvia Latvia out of the game.

With a final time of 5:32 set the Latvia Latvians don't know what hit them and clearly couldn't shake off that narrow loss on Supply. All credit has to go to Hungary Hungary though. With some brilliant individual shooting and some great timing on the spawn killing, they dominated a shell-shocked Latvia Latvian side.

Map 3 Goldrush, round 2.

Latvia Latvia get off to the start they needed in round two, moving round to the tank getting it up and running with 4:30 to play. Hungary Hungary haven't worked hard for nothing though and with some relentless hustle from Hungary sebi and Hungary Logic, they managed to get the barrier constructed and Latvia Latvia really didn't need this.

At 3:13 a plant goes down and Latvia Clown does well to stop the defuse coming in. 2:43 to go and the tank goes through the barrier but with some great covering Hungary adze halts the tanks for a few precious seconds, allowing his teammates to recover on the courtyard. It's all for nothing and with a dramatic turn of events, Hungary Hungary take the 4:2 win.

What a match, simply great entertainment. MOTM has to go to Hungary phobeus for his display on Goldrush. He simply utterly trounced everyone in terms of shear damage output and came up with the frags when they where required. Hungary adze and Hungary Nonix had a good game as well but weren't in touching distance of Hungary phobeus when it went into the deciding map.

Match Report by Scotland pedro