[urlnew=http://www.crossfire.nu/itsnotdoneyet]Match Week 3![/url]

Australia 3 vs 1 Latvia[/center]]
Match Report : " Close, but no cigar."

A mouth-watering prospect at hand in this clash, especially after Australia Australia's earlier game in the day with Ireland Ireland. Latvia Latvia will find it hard to control the aiming talents of Australia haste but with Latvia Clown at the helm for Latvia Latvia, this could be an epic encounter.
Australia shaggy
Australia HM
Australia forty
Australia noname-
Australia hasteAustralia iceman34
Latvia vinyl
Latvia mata
Latvia fuzz
Latvia coconut
Latvia dunno
Latvia clown

Map 1 Radar, round 1.

Latvia Latvia pushed main with all their might and were shut down quickly but persevered and eventually took side and shortly after secured main as well. Proceeding that were many pushes via main, in which Latvia Latvia almost secured the west radar parts only to be shot down by the Australia Australian side.

At 7:10, Latvia Latvia constructed the command post and pushed heavily to the east parts. Push after push, try after try they were shut down. Despite Latvia Latvia's best efforts in reviving and running towards their objective, they just didn't have the firepower needed to infiltrate their base. Australia Haste and Australia noname- decimated the Latvia Latvians wave after wave, sending them to their graves. Australia Australia fullholds Latvia Latvia.

Map 2 Radar, round 2.

Slowly but surely Australia Australia advances towards the Latvia Latvians. Securing the east parts after some mishaps and mistakes, but west will be a whole different story. They've tried pushes around the back, boosting, trickjumping, running, nothing seems to help the Australia Australians towards the parts.

Latvia Latvia are just barely hanging in there, as Australia Australia tried to advance a spawncamp on them. However, things are looking just as grim for Australia Australia as they did for Latvia Latvia on offence. They just can't seem to get things together. Every attempt to grab the parts is foiled, boosts failing, airstrikes missing, Latvia Latvia definitely had the teamwork to compete, while Australia Australia used their aim to push offensively.

Latvia fuzz had many returns on the west radar parts, looking after them as if they were his newborn child; and that hardwork paid off as the last 40 seconds go by. An exciting last rush by Australia Australia leaves viewers stunned as they rush with 20 seconds left with 4 guys to the parts, three are taken out by Latvia Clown's arty and the last rushes to pick up the parts.

With 8 seconds left on the clock he drops to the main road, only to be killed by the respawning axis in the forward huts. Close, but no cigar. Fullhold for Latvia Latvia, which leaves the teams tied at 1-1.

Map 2 Delivery , round 1.

Australia Australia with a good start on delivery, planting both sides in record time. Forward bunker was no contest as they rushed like wild animals to the objective. At 12:30 they picked up the gold and brought it down low for it to be secured, however no one was in the switch room to make a move.

The gold was secured shortly after and Australia Australia were back to square one. Australia Australia seemed to have the concept of getting control of the room and grabbing the objective, however they are struggling at doing both at the same time. But, no problem for Australia fort

Match Report by Canada Animal

Sweden 4 vs 2 Russia[/center]]
Match Report : " From Russia with little love. "

For Sweden Sweden this was a must win game to stay in the competition. Russia Russia had already safely progressed through to the next stage but with the return of Russia murDa, the Sweden Swedes stood a good chance of being dumped out of the competition. The inclusion of Sweden jonas offered some wanted experience to hopefully guide them through to the knock-out stage of the tournament.

Russia joke
Russia jago
Russia humM3L
Russia pulZa
Russia murDa
Russia 4live
Sweden rat
Sweden tornis
Sweden smutzig
Sweden lelle
Sweden askungen
Sweden jonas

Map 1 Radar, round 1.

Russia Russia started off rushing like mad-men for the flag and incredibly, but also fortunately capped it within the first 30 seconds, just in time as the axis spawned back. They planted and secured the forward bunker shortly after.

A massive self-kill party put on by team Russia Russia ensued, as they pushed furiously for the main, only to be shut down by Sweden rat's spamity spam spam and Sweden askungen's support smg shooting. After a few mishaps at main, Russia Russia decided to push side and constructed the command post at 8:23 with hardly any defence from the Sweden Swedish side.

Some good crossfire from the Sweden Swedish side led the Russia Russians to struggle in stealing the east radar parts, but as they valiantly pushed through, they showed no remorse in securing the east radar parts at 5:30; except for a bunch of landmines and grenades from Sweden rat...

At 4:30 the Russia Russians grabbed the west radar parts and ran them long and with 3:27 left on the clock, they had secured them.

Map 1 Radar, round 2.

Sweden Sweden pushes beautifully within the first 2 minutes of this map, securing main and side within a minute. It is nice to see the oldschool works of Sweden askungen and Sweden smutzig back in action.

After several failed pushes for cp, the Sweden Sweden team decided enough is enough and rushed main with all their might. A couple quick thompson frags from Sweden askungen lead to the west radar parts being picked up, only to be secured moments later. While everyone was busy with west, Sweden jonas swooped in like an eagle for the east parts and picked them up as fast as he could, sprinting for his life. Russia HumM3L responding to Sweden rat's spam kills with a bit of arsenal of his own.

Landmines and nades galore were being spammed on the parts and main as Sweden Sweden struggled to dodge them. The east radar parts were secured and with 2 minutes and change left on the clock, things were looking grim for the Sweden Swedish side. As the time dwindled away for the Sweden Swedish side, their hopes and dreams were crushed as were the bodies being gibbed and exploded through the main entrance. Objective not reached, 2-0 Russia Russia.

Map 2 Delivery, round 1.

The Sweden Swedish side starting off very strong like usual, getting off both plants on the side walls. It didn't take much longer for them to be capture the flag with only a minute into the game.

They rushed and rushed, but maybe too fast as a well primed nade by Russia humM3L splashed into their faces taking out Sweden askungen, Sweden lelle, and Sweden smutzig. Rush after rush, push after push, only Russia Russian names pop up on the consoles getting kills as the Sweden Sweden side struggles to show retaliation. Nice shooting by Russia joke and Russia jago make the Sweden Swedish feel like hell has resurfaced.

However, things started to turn around for the Sweden Swedish side as their luck had changed as they rushed their little hearts out. Quite a turn around and turn of events, Sweden Sweden caps in 5:52.

Map 2 Delivery, round 2.

The Sweden Sweden side pushed for the first stage only for a third of their team to be dropped by Russia humM3L's panzer as both plants went off and main bunker was secured quite hastily. However, Russia Russia had the same problem with their initial push as Sweden Sweden, they just couldn't get in.

As the forward bunker was recaptured and Russia Russia spawned back, they were in for even more grief. They secured the controls, but couldn't get the build as Russia jago valiantly defended his engineer Russia 4live. It was constructed and with 2 minutes left, Russia Russia was still in this game.

Every attempt to secure that gold crate was shut down as the Sweden Swedish side intercepted and intercepted. I felt like I was watching a re-run over and over as Russia Russia just could not put the gold into the truck. Well played from Sweden Sweden and this win for them brings the game to a tie.

Map 3 Supply, round 1.

Sweden Sweden off to a very good start, capturing the forward bunker within 45 seconds of the game starting. Sweden Rat drawing up some impressive frags, with Russia joke, Russia murDa and Russia humM3L all falling to his feet.

Russia Russia will need to pull through with much more which it doesn't look like they'll be able to show as the Sweden Swedish side secures the main gate and the truck with 10 minutes still left on the clock. An incredible sneak build by the Sweden Swedish engineer gives them ample time to move that truck, securing the gold with 8 minutes and change still left on the clock.

As the Russia Russians try to hold back the Sweden Swedish onslaught as long as possible to gain as much time as they can, the truck just keeps on rolling through. In this case, Russia Russia was the carpet and Sweden Sweden was the angry maid as they pounded Russia Russia and capped in a very fast time of 8:40.

Map 3 Supply, round 2.

This looks like a repeat of the Sweden Swedish offence, as the Russia Russian side manages to get a plant off at around the same time the Sweden Swedish side got the flag; and it doesn't stop there. The Sweden Russian side is doing everything faster, the cp was constructed 30 seconds faster, main was blown faster, however the truck remains untouched.

Some incredible crossfire coming in from the Sweden Swedish side as Sweden rat manages to 1, 2 and then 3 them, followed by a Sweden smutzing 1, 2 and 3 of his own. With 3:25 left on the clock, the truck is moved into position, and STILL this is faster than the previous half by 3 seconds. Sweden Sweden will not be a pushover and let these controls get built as fast as they got them, as they all set up near the controls.

As the time ticks away, the Russia Russians realize that they were in the same boat that Sweden Sweden was in on radar, they just don't have enough time. Sweden Sweden manages to get the hold and secure the win 4-2.

MOTM goes to Sweden rat for the damage bombs dropped on radar and supply. The man with the plan has a name and that name resembles something very tiny, but his game play contradicts it for sure. Well played both sides.

Match Report by Canada Animal

Poland 4 vs 2 United States of America[/center]]
Match Report : "Antilantic Battle!"

Another game to decide first and second place, Poland Poland where clear favorites here and a damage limitation exercise was on the cards for the United States of America US team. Poland n00n had picked his best squad again, so the Poland Poles weren't taking any chances.


Poland krisek
Poland edain
Poland zMk
Poland dialer
Poland dolar
Poland wiesek
United States of America ouch
United States of America quota
United States of America bliss
United States of America vader
United States of America axcess
United States of America fragman

Map 1 Radar, round 1.

The United States of America US team start off with pushing side, simultaneously trying for a sneaky capture on the forward bunker. 11:25 to go and the forward bunker is taken, leaving Poland wiesek and Poland dolar left to protect the main gate. Somehow Poland Poland keep main going, with a trio of kills coming in from Poland wiesek.

With 10:12 on the clock Poland Poland push forward and retake the flag while at the same time United States of America US plant the side. Such a strange way to start a game of Radar. Eventually with 8:30 to play, the main and side are both blown and it's left to Poland zMk, Poland wiesek and Poland krisek to look after the side. The United States of America US team need to get their skates on here.

7:36 to go and the CP goes up while Poland Poland set up an east radar defence. Some nice colt action from United States of America Fragman around the east parts allows for his team mates to quickly bounce down from the CP and United States of America ouch grabs the east parts. The parts are captured and with 5:53, Poland Poland set up a west radar defence.

The United States of America US team keep pushing across from the CP but some devastating crossfire from the Poland Poland team sees them off convincingly and Poland wiesek knocks up yet another trio of frags. Poland wiesek is doing well down at the axis spawn, racking up some nice damage after each United States of America US attack.

3:36, at the United States of America US team do manage to push past the CP and grab the west parts but they are quickly returned. The danger isn't over for Poland Poland, as the United States of America US guys have their opening. 2:49 and United States of America ouch grabs the parts only for Poland Poland to make what can only be called a miraculous recovery with a series of fortuitous frags combining to secure the return, culminating in a landmine kill for Poland edain. Poland Poland surely can't full hold this here.

1:09 on the doors and Poland Poland looked to have recovered here, could the United States of America US have missed their chance? 30 seconds to play and one last gasp push from side sees the parts grabbed with 16 seconds to go and finally, the United States of America US team manages to set a time of 11:53.

It would have been a real shame if the United States of America US guys didn't set a time there, they never gave up.

Map 1 Radar, round 2.

Poland Poland push long round to main, with United States of America Fragman and United States of America quota waiting at the truck. They are quickly dispatched and the dynamite goes down with 10:54 on the clock. The main goes at 10:27.

Some great rifle defending from United States of America Axcess slows the Poland Poles down for a while on the way to the side, but eventually, the dynamite does go down on 9:45. The United States of America US team are giving this a real go and after a good struggle, the CP goes up with 7:54 to go and the Poland Poles have both directions to attack from.

The United States of America Yanks set up an east radar defence and just barely manage to take out the first Poland Polish attack. Here they come again and the Poland Poles are very contempt to pick off the United States of America Yanks from range, allowing for Poland edain to pinch the east parts and some nice camping from Poland wiesek allows for a safe capture with 6:14.

Soon after on 6:02, Poland dialer grabs and with little resistance, secures them after an easy trip via the main entrance. That was basically one Poland Polish attack that never stopped. They just progressed round the map while members of the team covered from range or camped at close quarters with some impressive results.

Map 2 Delivery, round 1.

Here we go again and some more impressive long range shooting from Poland Poland completely wipes out the United States of America US flag defence with United States of America bliss falling last to Poland krisek's covert garand. 13:31 and Poland edain secures the flag. This slow progressive attacking style of play is working well for Poland Poland.

Poland krisek leads the charge forward with the rifle but a flurry of frags from the entire United States of America US team completely shuts down the Poland Polish offence. Some nice shooting from United States of America ouch keeps the controls clear and United States of America Quota is on hand to help his fellow Yank.

With 11:43 to play the United States of America US team have these controls locked down and with some more impressive shooting from United States of America Quota and United States of America ouch along with some great rifle action from United States of America Axcess. Don't forget United States of America Fragman and United States of America bliss, they are more than happy getting down and dirty as well.

10:21 and some divine inspiration from Poland dialer gets the controls built and Poland Poland secure the first crate immediately after. The United States of America US never cover and after a quick return the second crate is secured. It's just a real shame that United States of America US defence couldn't recover, it was a vast improvement from Radar.

Map 2 Delivery, round 2.

United States of America US on attack now and immediately a panzer flys past Poland edains ear. He must have filled his pants there as he screams "Great Shot!". Some great covert garand work from United States of America vadar keeps the flag covered and United States of America Quota follows things up with some nice smg kills. 4:02 on the clock and the United States of America US guys finally manage to push in.

3:19 and the United States of America US move for the controls and some great smg work from United States of America Quota gets the objective going and the first crate is secured on 2:57. With 2:14 left, United States of America ouch has a crate in hand and is waiting for the controls to be activated. Poland Poland seem completely stunned here.

1:25 to play and Poland dialer secures the objective, can the United States of America US still do this? Again another return by Poland Poland, 57 seconds to play! 47 remaining and United States of America bliss has the gold and with a hop, skip and jump dashes past Poland wiesek and secures the objective, brilliant stuff!

Poland n00n fires off some random keyboard spam from spectator to signal the end of the round, showing what he thought of his sides performance.

Map 3 Supply, round 1.

In the warmup the United States of America US team try to get under United States of America Poland's skin, with Poland wiesek telling them in no uncertain terms to "STFU"

United States of America Quota takes out Poland dialer with an instant panzer, allowing United States of America vader to nip in the bottom floor from the off. Poland Poland clear out and self kill on 14:05 to set things up again. The United States of America US team have upped their game a little, Poland Poland are showing a bit more caution now.

United States of America Axcess pings in a rifle grenade and killing Polanddolar, signalling a United States of America US push. The push is eventually dealt with and with 12:50 to play, the United States of America US need to build on their previous map win. A three man rifle spree from Polandkrisek stops the dynamite being armed but with the entire United States of America US team chipping in, the dynamite gets armed with 11:34 to go. [flag=] edain gets the defuse despite heavy pressure.

United States of America vader again with some nice frags but Poland krisek is in all the right places at the moment he's foiling all the United States of America US attacks at the moment. 10:40 and the main gate is planted again can the United States of America US get it blown now? It does get blown and the United States of America US team stream forward.

As soon as they walk over the hill however, boom, Poland Poland wipes the attack out with some more great long range shooting. 9:14 to play and Poland Poland have a great cross fire over this hill here and Poland zMk rapes the United States of America US attack with a four man smg/artillery spree.

United States of America vader, United States of America Quota and United States of America ouch push over to get the CP but United States of America vader is left on his own, he needs help here. 8:09 to go and the CP is built, come on the United States of America US! 7:52 and the east wall is planted, the United States of America US need to stop Poland Poland getting setup here otherwise, they'll get mince from range.

7:11 and the main gate is gone, with Poland Poland desperately trying to secure the main entrance and setup up another devastating crossfire. Three kills from United States of America Quota helps matters by a two man airstrike from Poland zMk halts the United States of America US attack. Poland Poland are setup nicely here, can the United States of America US break this powerful defending team?

4:49 and the United States of America US head upstairs, with the controls built on 4:40 and the gold loaded onto the truck. Poland Poland set up at the rear exit and some nice shooting again from Poland wiesek halts the United States of America US progression. The truck is moving with 3:36 to play and some great camping from United States of America Quota and United States of America bliss helps the truck get out beyond the main gate.

A three man spree from United States of America vader ends things and with a 12:20 time set, the United States of America US really need to come up with something special to win this game.

Map 3 Supply, round 2.

Poland wiesek screams "na berzie" just before the second rounds gets going, wtf. Poland Poland have the United States of America US guys rattled as on the very first push with some great work from Poland wiesek. The United States of America US recover with a three man spree from United States of America Fragman but it seems Poland Poland are yet again happy
to bide their time. Somehow the United States of America US are barely hanging in here.

With 10:02 to go Poland edain gets the plant down and United States of America vader goes for the defuse only to be gunned down by Poland zMk from afar. The main gate gets defused but Poland Poland have already secured the flag and have a plant down upstairs.

8:43 to go Poland Poland push across the hill and the United States of America US try to emulate the Poland Polish crossfire from the previous round. With temporary success, the Poland Polish team move across the hill soon after and the CP is up with 7:51 to play. United States of America Quota and United States of America ouch combine to try and thwart the polish attack but the east is planted with 7:11 to play.

Two team kill landmines from United States of America Axcess don't help matters much and the United States of America US are trying desperately to buy some time here. A rifle from afar stops United States of America Axcess defusing the main gate, Poland krisek had it well covered.

With 6:01 remaining Poland Poland just keep plodding along. The United States of America US do manage some frags but they never seem to be able to completely wipe out
any of the Poland Polish attacks.

With 5 minutes to go United States of America Fragman stops two polish players from heading upstairs and allows for his teammates to get set upstairs. 4 minutes to go, could the United States of America US hang on here as they defend upstairs? God knows how the us are doing this, by a thread at this point.

With 2:24 to go some great shooting from Poland edain gets them into the controls and with the gold secured on 2:05, this one will go down to the wire.

1:48 to play and the truck is at the rear spawn exit

Poland Poland push from east and some great reviving from the Poland Polish medics gets the truck moved round the corner to the east entrance. With 34 seconds to go the us are desperately trying to stop this truck but with a flurry of frags from Poland zMk and Poland wiesek the poles successfully secure the gold with a mere 14 seconds remaining.

You've got to give the United States of America US loads of credit here, they never quit. Even at 2-0 down they kept on going and almost managed to cause an upset in the last map.

Well played Poland Poland. it was a great team effort on supply and the key factor that won them the map, was the fact their offense never stopped the truck was kept moving at all times. It's hard to choose a MOTM for this one, it was such an excellent match to watch. The whole US team had a great game and deserve
a mention, with United States of America Quota and United States of America vader being the stand out names for the us team. For consistancy, the MOTM award has to go to Poland wiesek.

He had a blistering game on Radar and camped the axis spawn on defense and offense like a man on a mission. Again, on supply, he came up with some valuable frags when it mattered and he was the player who led the long range firing squad of Poland Poland which at the end of the day, is what won them the match. there insane ability to shoot at distance grafted them a victory and it will be great too see how both teams play in the knock-out rounds.

Match Report by Scotland pedro