The first group at the same time is considered the easiest group by most. With Germanyrockit aiming to defend their title, the first place in the group is almost predestinated to be theirs. Also the lack of a 3rd seed in this group indicates that Ukraineindomitus won't have much trouble securing the second spot in the playoffs.

Team: GermanyRockit
Lineup: United Kingdomcrumbs, United KingdomMerlinatoR, United KingdomNecrostix, Netherlandsjuncie, LatviaClown, Austriadef, United Kingdomsharky, United Kingdomchrns, Netherlands2dxem, United Kingdomconker
Interviewee: United KingdomMerlinator

Tell me a little about your team for this cup as opposed to the last cups.
This cup we are under a new flag, a german one! :D with the great people over at #rockit - we arent much different from the past except Netherlandsjuncie makes his return after a small break missing EXMAS-Cup earlier this year. We also welcome back United Kingdomchrns who should be fairly active after a couple of years of inactivity.

Who do you consider to be your biggest challengers for the title?
EuropenoPressure and SwedenKiH are the main contenders, I really cannot see anyone else out of them and us in the top3 without some huge upset.

How are you planning to prepare for the cup?
We have prepared as best we can really, playing 3on3's when possible and scrimming when opponents let us play them! ;) We are yet to scrim as a full lineup yet. Best thing we can do is just aim to get out of the groups without too much fuss and see how the rest goes :)

Who is the player to watch in your team and why?
Its hard to call I guess, we have some top players and anyone on their day can cause people huge problems. I will have to go for United Kingdommyself or Netherlandsjuncie, purely because in the last few cups I personally havent been playing very well just comms + tp but my aim has picked up again due to my ET activity which is nice, so I wont be such a weak link ;) juncie as well will make a huge difference coming back into the team and you can never underestimate him!


Team: Ukraineindomitus
Lineup: BelgiummLy, GermanyCliffdark, Netherlandsoranje, Italyvirus, Ukrainetwister, United Kingdomdictator, Germanyurtier, Belgiumhomie
Interviewee: BelgiummLy

Tell me a little about your team for this cup as opposed to the last cups.
Our line up has changed a bit, Italyart has left the team and we recruted two new players, United Kingdomdictator and Germanyurtier. I think we improved a bit both on individual skill and in team performance.

What are your goals for this cup?
Enjoying rtcw. We should be able to go trough to the play off and then we will see. On a good day we can beat almost any team.

Who is the player to watch in your team and why?
If the team does well, it means that all of us played a good match. Although our new players United Kingdomdictator and Germanyurtier are the most experienced on high level and would be the ones to watch.


Team: EuropeNulli-secundus
Lineup: BelgiumisEN, Costa Ricarimi, SwedennordaN, Swedenslajdan, EstoniafrEeze, Estoniamant, Italymama
Interviewee: BelgiumisEN

Tell me a little about your team and what motivated you to participate in the tournament.
Well, our team EuropeNulli-secundus is mainly an ET team, but we thought it was fun and a challenge to compete in this RTCW cup!

What are your goals for this cup?
We dont have any goals what so ever, I dont have the slightest idea of how strong any team is. Our team consists of ET players, i guess not all of my teammates even knows the maps. So its purely fun in busy ET days!

Who is the player to watch in your team and why?
If this was ET, I'd say Estoniafreeze. But in this case, i dont have any idea!:D We'll see first map