Group 3 - simular to the first group - already has a predetermined winner in the name of SwedenKiH. But in the battle for the second spot everything seems possible as Europefrozenfingers and Germanyoldskewl on the one hand don't really practise. EuropeCoH on the other hand seem to have difficulties getting into good shape.

Team: SwedenKiH
Lineup: SwedenMalmen, SwedenFeTTe, SwedenLelle, Swedensmutzig, Norwayzerom, Swedenozzy, Swedenarne, Swedenwuff, BelgiumsyL, Swedenaskungen
Interviewee: Norwayzerom

Tell me a little about your team for this cup as opposed to the last cups.
Well, basically we have the same lineup as before, but for this cup Swedenozzy is back which we are very happy about. We also have Swedenarne and Swedenwuff playing again who are both good players, though a little rusty. Overall I feel our lineup is more solid than in the last cup.

What are your goals for this cup?
Last cup we were very close to beating United Kingdom118, and if we had done so I think we could have won it all so of course we are still going for the top spot.

Do you think you will beat them this time?
I hope so. I know that if we play our best we can beat them, hopefully this cup it will happen.

Who is the player to watch in your team and why?
I could say the usual and say Swedenfette, simply because of movement and aim. This time though, I'm gonna say both Swedenfette and Swedensmutzig. Some crazy reviving action going on there.

Team: Europefrozenfingers
Lineup: Germanyzerb, Germanyjck, Germanyidlaw, SloveniaiNert, Netherlandsabort, Germanyiiky, Germanyrodo, Francejeje, GermanyPHATe
Interviewee: Netherlandsabort

Introduce your team shortly.
We kinda are a club that play several games now... with the new addition of Germanyiiky/kippenvel (which has been accused in ET several times) I suppose this mystery player got something to proof. I was kinda tired of always ending up 2nd and could not be bothered with the amount of pracs we used to have anymore. We will see how far we come. Our goal is to just to nail opponents we are likely to beat!

Who is the player to watch in your team and why?
Player to watch should be me as for overall performance as i am being positioned as the aimer of the team, eventhough i am not sure if i have enough time to make a come back. GermanyJ4ck might do very nice things under pressure though.

Is there any particular team you would like to face in the competition?
ehhhh Europeindomitus and Europecoh as I think we have fair chances against those!

Team: EuropeCircle of Haste
Lineup: EstoniaZeD, EstoniaCD7, Estoniahel, Netherlandspds, EstoniaRommY, Francedrkje, Netherlandsvio, NetherlandsJin, NetherlandskArma, Norwayrivjee, Italyart, SpainCiD
Interviewee: EstoniaZeD

Tell me a little about your team and where you see it in the current rtcw setting!
Our team had some lineup problems for the past 2 weeks , which made us weak. Currently trying to get back on the road again, seems like its getting better since we found our 6th. Time will tell

What are your goals for this cup?
First we will try to get top 2 in our group, beating SwedenKiH would be a dream come true, but you never know. We're trying to beat Germanyfrozenfingers and Germanyoldskewl 1st, then we will see further.

Who is the player to watch in your team and why?
I think most defenetly Norwayrivendale , think hes most intelligent and most experienced (finishing 2nd in EuroCup X with KiH) , altho hes bit rusty atm, but hes working on getting better."

Team: Germanyoldskewl
Lineup: GermanyMani, Spainhayes, Germanyvenc, Netherlandsstrango, GermanyTak47, AustriaRaul, Turkeymental
Interviewee: GermanyMani

Tell me a little about your team and where you see it in the current rtcw setting.
Our Team is just a big suprise. I heard about the cup and wrote Germanytak47: what about playing rtcw after a break of 2 or 3 years.
He was interested in playing the cup, so we decided to try to get some german players from the past. Some people of CoH, RTG and 535 told us that the game is dead or they dont have time or motivation to play.
So just the german guys tak, Germanyvenc and Germanyme decided to play. We got two other german guys (GermanyF-arzt and GermanySensi, but they are busy atm) , so we decided to get more players. After looking for players in IRC, Spainhayes and Netherlandsstrango told me to play for us.
They were really nice guys, so i thought: "OK, lets try it!" Now we were five people. Just before the Signup Ending we decided to get two other players in the Lineup. TurkeyMental and Austriaraul are good ET players and played rtcw too, so just hope to have fun with them.

What are your goals for this cup?
The main thing is just to have fun. I miss the time of rtcw. It was fun and not as kidding and flaming like ET now.
Hopefully we'll win some rounds without praccing :D

Who is the player to watch in your team and why?
Since we haven't trained since now, i dont know who is our "keyplayer". Germanytak and Germanyvenc were very good players in the past.
So i say: Germanytak47 is our mashine, our enemys have to cover him with 4 players!!!