Practically, these arguments are definitely justified. I mean, in all honesty: No one could ever reach up for example EstoniaNight's level just by using his config.

But for me, personally, it has always been a great honour to use configs of good players not only to get an impression how they used to play, but also to try to get used to these settings.

I definitely confess that changing your settings too often can influence your aim or the way you play quite drastically.
But somehow, for me at least, it (most of the time..) derived advantage from using other player's configs.

I still remember the day when NetherlandsteKoa sent me Finlandmystic's config from the cpc2 tournament. I was checking my mails like 24/7 and when I finally found the file in an email filled with a short information like "This is mystics cfg, hf with it!" I was instantly happy and on the way to try the config + his settings.

But somehow, I realized that this config was just not very different to all the other configs Ive tried before. Still, the thought of using his config made me playing with more ambition and motivation.