Playing this game since 2004 surely gives me a large overview of teams over the last few years in Enemy Territory. Concerning that, in my opinion, is counted among the most succesful and strongest teams back then made me focusing on their players.

I came to this game because of my brother who played 3on3 quite actively back then and he always talked of and the players.
Estonia Night, r3vers...
Germany urtier, senji...
He mentioned all these names and I was like..."Hm well, if he mentions them in this way, they have to be good!"
Speccing a few matches on ETTV I instantly "fell in love" with the team.
image: r2b

But, what is it worth, just to use a config of...lets take "EstoniaNight"?
In my opinion, it is underestimated to use configs of good players.
At least for me it helped me quite a lot searching players who fit my personal "gamestyle" and check their configs.

It took a very very long time for me to stick to ONE config. Over the last few years I NEVER achieved creating my own.

But suddenly, concerning that I am into playing rifle nowadays, I thought: "Wow, why dont you just try Night's config?"

For me, he has always been an awesome player, if not the best player (even if hes a bit rusty nowadays :D) and using the config of the best player definitely gave me a "boost" and made me sticking to his config the last few months.