The intention of this article is definitely NOT to prove that I am a Night fanboy or anything similiar, but just to show that the predication "A config of a good player doesnt automatically make you a better player" is just half correct.

For me at least, it helped quite intensively scanning over Nights config (and additional other rifle player configs, e.g Estoniar3vers) and putting all the interesting things together in one personal config.

I adjusted graphics, added some personal binds and behold: my personal config has finally been created.

This article should just remove all these prejudices of some people here instantly flaming others when they see journals such as "Anyone has mystics cfg?" or "GZA's config needed!".

Why dont they just answer like: "Look at this image: ximg"

Last but not least I know that there are still players who dont have their own configs yet, and I can really, really understand it.
This article should motivate them just to use the pro configs as S O U R C E and create their own.
I mean, is it really advantageous to use the lowsens of Night if you dont get along with it? No, but maybe his crosshair settings or graphic settings can be fine for you, too!

Phazor, 2011