Team miNd consists of a predominately Finish lineup, this may be a determining factor of their performance in the cup. In addition to the Fins griim and Leonneke have been added in order to complete their lineup. With the combination of the Finish riflenoob miNd who has been performing well lately and the multiple EC and NC winner Sample the team looks promising. Added to this is Aiming extrodinaire Altsi who has recently proven himself as an allstar in the clash between Le Europe and Finlanders The final member of the notorious krp Quadrouple: Vanhoamena, who is famous for his sniping ability and aim power. Although the Finish sector of the team promises excellent teamplay, only time will tell how nurse griim and Leonneke will fit in.

United Kingdomgriim

Quote by VanhaomenaTeam Beautiful Mind thinks this event is a fresh and welcome idea. Our team is very motivated and we'll certainly win it unless something straynge happens.

Team miNds first game is against team FLoPJEHZ:
image: game30138

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