Team FloPJEHZ first pick was strafing legend sqzz and rightly so, he is arguably the best player in the game at the moment, FLoPJEHZ also has german powerhouse sNoOp who is famous for his abilities as a field op. Estonian pistol whiper subbi is also included in Team-FloPJEHZ, he is sure to offer many headshots. sup3r recently back from a spell of inactivity will surely offer his syringe and modist aiming ability to help balance out the team. ZaK-, will help pull the team together and basicly play any class that's needed. FloPJEHZ, captain of the team, will offer his noobstick and attempt to deal damage like there's no tommorow.

United Kingdomsqzz

Quote by floPJEHZWell at first I thought it's a very goot idea, its smth new we never had before, but after the flame and senseless discussions yesterday with razz and all these guys, it's got a bit stupid. But now where all is fixed I am looking forward to this tournament with great matches and funny games. Who is going to win this? Humpf, that`s hard to say, because imo the teams are pretty even, and noone is really outstanding or smth, so I can`t really say that, I am just looking forward to some great and funny matches!

Team FloPJEHZ's first game is against team miNd:
image: game30138

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