Team Jere:

Team Jere by many people rated as the number 3 of this tournament but with some good team play they have a good shot at the first place. Lets start off with the captain himself Jere, the Belgium Allstar is one of the best rifles in ET today with his aggressive play style he picks up frag after frag. He had an active year especially at the end with g2p. phyZiC probably the best golf player in ET aside from that he is also great in ET perhaps the breakthrough player of 2011. With his low sensitivity and yet awesome movement he will hear the sound of shooting headshots plenty of times if isn’t yet immune to that sound. Matias an old schooler that is back aswell just yesterday we saw him making a journal about fixing some mouse problems, but with his expierence of countless LANs not even to speak about his online experience he will know what to do and make this team even stronger. Nuggan the Swedish beast, like phyZiC a great aimer with awesome movement is probably going to take the most damage award home. Al1 an active Belgium player, has been playing along the side of Jere plenty of times and will know exactly what Jere means when he gives a command. Twidi is a great Finish player if his internet allows it. During the battle of berlin he had a lot of connection problems hopefully this will be fixed by now so he isn’t MG only.

Quote by JereI think Clown's team will win this cup, they've got a strong lineup and Clown will be able to make a team out of it. Night's team is very strong too, I expect them to become 2nd. My team should be a great challenge for those teams and I expect us to become 3rd.

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