EuropeTeam Kevin:

This review will be a bit shorter since Kevin found the time to write a large statementwrite’s extremely fast and is able to give us a good review himself.

Kevin and Iron are currently playing together. Iron a Finish rifle, who is able to pick up the frags. Kevin himself won the Nation Cup for Belgium once and ended second at plenty of EuroCups. Butchji, what do I have to say about him? In many eyes one of the best Aimers in et ever. This german is an old schooler that just came back to ET. For several players I heard that he is doing good and if you take into the calculation that he just came back you could say he is doing great. Definitely a player to watch. I will leave the rest to Kevin.

Quote by kevin
Well my team consists out of Iron, Butchji, Gifted, Saken, Dialer and me. I took Iron because he was the best rifle left after Xylos got picked and not because I already know him, he's not that fun to play with anyway since he teamkills you atleast once every couple of minutes. I think it speaks for itself why I took Butchji. I chose Gifted and Saken because they have stable aim and besides that they are very intelligent players ingame, I wanted to have some allrounders in my team. Last and least, I took Dialer because he's a very strong damage dealing medic.

When I look at the other teams I think that Night or Clown will win it, Jere's team could be a very strong outsider if they get some teamplay going. As per usual Night will lift his team so a higher standard making it one of the strongest contenders for the victory. Clown on the other hand is also very good at organising a team, though a bit less talented than Night, but his team will be the second strongest contender due to Xylos his magic.

As far as my team goes, if we get some teamplay going I think we could actually be the third strongest team here. It's a shame that we have to face Jere's team in the first round and that is probably to early for us to get our game up.As a conclusion, I think the most important fact that we learned during the preparations of this cup is that Clown can't into aim (c) Unkown English Pro.

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