The two most important things you need to know about are:

[*] The KOTH format
[*] The challenge system

I'll tackle each one in turn.

The format - how it works[/u]

The basic principle of King of the Hill is pretty simple. Teams aim to occupy a top spot, or be the king by beating the current king. We will arrange the first game between 2 clans, lets call them KiH and team Kreaturen. In this example, team KiH win the match, and become "king". All the other teams now have to beat team KiH to become king themselves. The clan who lose the game cannot challenge until after the next koth match has been played - this is to avoid manipulation of the handicap system. All the clans are free to challenge the current kings - the challenge system determines who it is who will actually play. This is how we work out who is going to play, and who is not when multiple challenges are received. Time then to explain the challenge system.


Challenges are received before a certain day, and from that the challengers are paired together in 1 map games. The winners of round one go on to play in round two, and so on until one clan emerges from the final two.

This becomes a lot more easier to understand when shown in a proper diagram:

image: playoff

Challengers are paired at random, and, as in the case of the diagram there are an unequal number of teams, one team will automatically receive a by to the next round (again at random).

Each round match is 1 map long. In the case of a double full hold, an elimination is done from the mappool. The chosen map is then played once.
Teams have 5 days to play all their challenge matches. Teams can organise the dates/times themselves. In the case of a dispute, talk to an op in #crossfire. If a time cannot be agreed (clans are allowed 2 vetos for bad days), the match date will be forced. If a clan cannot play on this day still, they receive a forfeit loss. In this way we encourage clans to challenge when they know they can play. The whole KOTH system revolves around a weekly basis:

The KOTH Week

Monday - Tuesday - Challenges taken. If you wish to challenge for the position of King, PM an op in #crossfire. We only accept challenges on these two days.

Tuesday - Challenge matches published. This will be announced as a news item.

Wednesday - Saturday - All challenge matches played

Sunday - KOTH Final[/b]

This process then repeats itself.


[*] braundorf_b4
[*] sw_goldrush_te
[*] frostbite
[*] adlernest_final
[*] radar
[*] et_ice