Currently, I have the unenviable task of adding all the clans to the xfire database whilst someone, no names (CHAPLJA) thinks its amusing to delete the communities article.

When adding a clan, I use the following information:

[*] Clan name
[*] Clan tag
[*] Web URL
[*] IRC channel
[*] Lineup

+ logo

The information is sourced from several sites, including Warleagues & ClanBase. The logo is a 88x31 image in jpg, gif or png format. Unless clans send me a pm with an alternative logo, I will upload artwork cropped from exist clan imagery if a logo is not available already.

If you wish to have any information or artwork changed, send me a message on this site or on #crossfire.

Because of the way the site software works, we require that for members to be added to a clans roster, that person must be a registered member of Crossfire (it is our competition after all). While the search feature has been refined (it isn't the public search module), sometimes players have names that we just aren't able to guess. For instance I was looking for the player 'gmx' for the [<<] rewind roster, and it was only when I was told 'gmx' actually was 'gumiflex' that I was able to add him (as search term gmx returned 0 hits). Therefore, if you want your rosters complete, please notify foonr of your players's site names, or get them to register - there simply isn't any other way you will have players added. Same goes for any roster changes - simply tell any Crossfire admin, and they can do it for you.

Clans & rosters are being added right now, so please have a little patience while we perform this time consuming task - thanks!