Like you will probably have already seen, we (raza) has implemented a whole range of new xfire software to help the competition run smoothly. In this section of the article I'll explain what there is on offer, and how to go about using it.

[img|left][/img] The main page. This pretty little fella sits on every single xfire page for users with a sensible resolution to admire. It contains the current champion, their logo, and the recent match results. In the image example we can only see one result, but that is because there is only one result entered into the system! There are also a number of hyperlinks in use here.

Firstly, clicking on the clan name will take you to that clan's particular profile. Each clan who have been added to the database have their own profile, and as you will see below, it contains further details about that particular clan, including lineups.
The same is true for the clan names and logo - clicking on a clan name (including the loser in the results) or logo will take you to the clan profile.
If you click on the result score, ie the 4 - 2 part, you will be taken to the match report page for that particular game. Again, more about this further down this page.
The last link for you to click on is the actual "King of the hill" text in the title of the box. Clicking this will take you to the main KOTH page, where you will see an overview of all the games which have taken place in the competition, as well as their respective match reports.

[img|left][/img] The clan profile. Each clan who have been previously added to the database has their own profile. Each profile lists the clan's vital details, including:

[*] Clan name
[*] Clan tag
[*] Web URL
[*] IRC channel
[*] Lineup
[*] Logo

Again, clicking any of this information will take you to the respective page, channel or player profile.

[img|left][/img] The match page. Each game is going to be comprehensively covered, giving the opertunity for people who missed the match to discover just how it played out and why the score was how it was. Only admins can add reports, but users are welcome to submit and reports or observations they have to be posted. In addition, there is a comment area for discussion and or ridicule. Clan names link to their clan profile pages.
Each report functions just like a news, column or article box, meaning we can add things like map shots, country flags, stats and so on.

[img|left][/img] Clan listings. As each clan is added to the database, it will be listed here on the clan page. Again, each clan test links to its profile, etc.
Currently we are in the process of adding clans one by one, which will take time to finish. But rest assured we will keep at it. It serves as a quick reference to the clans in the KOTH, and of course who is playing for what clan.

Finally, the koth homepage lets you see an overview of how the competition is playing out, as well as who is the current king.