What was your first impression by reading about the ETLive project?

Latvia Clown: I didn't read about it, but somebody told me. My first impression is negative, because I don't want ET "locked" to a single site/web server. If it goes down for an update or ddos or whatever - nobody can play et. This happened/happens to quake live. If ETlive is just an alternative option to et, then it's ok, it doesn't hurt, but it really doesn't help that much either, since there are no updates or anything anymore.

England R0SS: The ETlive project was something i was very interested and hopeful of reading, whilst attending the recent Adroits Lan. We have seen the popularity that QuakeLive once had, my immediate thought was that it would bring more players and sponsors which is greatly needed.

Netherlands saKen: I'll believe it when I see it, there are always big stories and big plans and then after a month or so you stop hearing things about it and it just slowly dies out.

Finland twidi: It's a great idea and I really hope they come through with the project, but on the other hand I'm pretty pessimistic about it as we've seen pretty many similar projects fail in the past. If the project will succeed ET should be a lot more easily approachable for the new players and we could see a substantial raise in the player numbers. Will be interesting to see how the project develops and let's hope for the best!

United Kingdom Merlinator: At first I didn't think much of it, but after a bit of thinking thought about some things that could be implemented which could make it good - an actual improvement as well as an easier way for new players to come into the game. Overall I think it is a good thing, if done peroperly.

Germany urtier: ETlive as been discussed for years already. Apart from the idea of releasing it for Steam it's probably the most promising attempt to attract a much larger audience. One of the main problems has always been the install progress and various mods you need to play ET (heck, I still use my 2004 installation). If ETlive works just as fine as QuakeLive it would be a massive step for the whole community and the game itself. I'm glad that there are still people working on promising projects for ET and I wish them all the best.

Portugal ag0n: Well first of all i would like to thank the Developer team for the effort and passion to this game. It's a great initiative, coming 3+ years late. The main idea is great and might help attracting new players to the game, considering the diversification of ET versions and mods associated to the complexity of ET installation. I just would like to remind that currently at the competition scene (etpro), the problem is not the installation procedure, so i don't think it will help that much for now. QL also fixed some bugs and improved the q3 engine a little bit (graphical bugs, performance improvement, etc..), it would be great for ETL to follow the same path, considering our game is somehow unfinished, there is still some bugs here and there.

Norway Domi: I was actually suprised when they anounced the ETlive project. But I really hope that they keep the motivation up and actually finish the project.

United Kingdom fumble: Etlive looks very promising and the people behind it should be admired for the work they're putting in, but I hope the project remains active and gets enough publicity as this is the only thing I can see that will give et a much needed boost.

Australia biggz: Awesome! I knew something like this had been in the works for a while now but was not sure who would be bringing it to us. When the announcement was made I was really happy the project would primarily be in crossfire community member hands.
The idea of a "one-cick" installation and updates to ensure all game modes/mods are accessible from a single location without the need to mess around with pk3 files and config files, is something that has been long missing and a constant frustration for new and even returning players.

Slovakia FiLuS: I wasn't really thrilled about this project at first. I heard rumours few years ago that there might be something similar under development (well, not similar, basically the same), but since then there was no updates on that, so I am a bit sceptical. In general, the idea is nice but it should have come couple of years sooner.

Germany kReSti: Well, ETLive is a big discussion.. it can be great, but it can also fail hard... et for the browser hum.. ET needs a change yes and some new faces so its worth to try it.. i miss the active competition from et nowdays there are just some teams left to play some cups or lans.. i dont want to to write too much out of contend now but ETLive would be a great step imo... may alot of players will get some new motivation? nobody knows :)

Czech Republic t4Mj: I was kinda suprised with this, it could be injection for ET to grow up again like in QL. Then comes the question, if low PC users wont have any problems with FPS. Another thing I am worried about is if we can still play through et.exe or if we are forced to use the webbrowser.