Name your two most important features the developers should implement to ETLive!

Latvia Clown: A ladder, can't really think of anything else.

England R0SS: Two most important features for me are ETPro (competitive mod for many years) and config and or settings/commands.

Netherlands saKen: A working anticheat and some guid/ip/player tracking!

Finland twidi: Most important thing is that they don't change the game too much from it's current state as ET has already been pretty much perfected with ETPro and all the competition settings. What I would like to see would be player profiles with implemented statistics from the games. Also some sort of match making system for gathers and draft games would be great.

United Kingdom Merlinator: Well I think good competition support is needed - Ive done a bit of reading about it and it seems to be aimed at a public scene - hopefully thats changed or been modified. The competitive scene is the driving force behind keeping ET going long term. Other then that I think it is key to have a high level of integration - by this I mean access CF in the ETLive page, GamesTV ETC. ETC. this way even public players can access the competitive elements of the game something other more recent successful titles have tried to incorporate.

Germany urtier: Granted that the current game will stay the same, I'd still surely like to see the flag-objective-system from RtCW (the one on the right below the fireteam). As for the browser implementation, I think it would be nice to follow the QL example and add profiles, friendlist and stuff like this. Surely a nice addition for casual teams and public play. Also whats needed is either the option to follow the game through ETTV of course and maybe even a stream.

Portugal ag0n: There is alot to name, but i am specially interested in a simple match getting system (somehow like LoL for example), perhaps even a "mix system", few players change their status to "etl merc", the game gathers 6 from +/- same skill and get them a match, or even gather 12 players and create a team..
The 2nd thing i would like to see it's improvements. Not only bug fixs, but also improvements for spectators for example. The ETTV system could have a more detailed hud, with for example a score system, 2 "fireteams" saying whos alive or dead, with both spawntimers ... details!!! Something that could get some new players excited to play more and more!

Norway Domi: Competition play ofcourse! They should keep as many original features as possible tbh.

United Kingdom fumble: Obviously Tzac needs to be implemented but I would also say different game modes like HnS or Speedcup!

Australia biggz: 1st: Friends lists etc. being able to see friends in-game and join off them or send/receive server invites from friends and 2nd: Server ranking (similar model to what Quake Live uses, green, yellow, red arrows etc.)

Slovakia FiLuS: 1. built-in anticheat - it doesn't have to work perfectly, it's needed for players to feel secure. This general paranoia which has been developing over the years is really hurting ET. Even TZAC didn;t really help with this, game is really suffering from the "fight" between TZAC and full public servers. You either have TZAC forced on public but such public are empty almost all the time, or you set TZAC as optional but then you have to deal with frequent cheater visits. Either way, it's not ideal solution. So having working AC implemented in game itself right from the start is a must.
2. ETTV - this is why I think ET is still semi-popular even after all those years. It's spectators friendly, it's free to spec anyone at any time, you don't need anything extra, just game itself. I could see some new features added to current system as well, based on previous work of hannes with custom ETTV client - fully customizable hud to see some important info/stats (like spawntimes of both sides, health of players), something similar to what we can see in CS streams. But current ETTV system is awesome already as it is and it should be keep at least at same level.

Germany kReSti: Well firstly there needs to be a trustable and awesome Anti-cheat tool.. when we compare ET with css / cs:go / cod4.. et is a bit outstanding with AC.. i dont get all the talking with TZAC will drop.. 1 day later it wont etc.. i guess nobody really knows what is going on atm and who we could trust.. ET needs a stable platform to play on!

Czech Republic t4Mj: Different pub and competitive mode with TZAC! Additionally good and stable FPS would be nice and of course make it playable for ladder and cups.