Do you like the idea releasing ET for the browser and do you think this project can turn into a real alternative to our beloved ET.exe?

Latvia Clown: As I said, if by releasing ETlive, it's the only option for league/clanwar play, then I'm against it. But if you can access the same servers etc. with the way it's done now - then it's ok.

England R0SS: Again, having played QL a lot i like the idea of playing ET browser based, however i have a config and i hope that this can be implemented into ETLive and maybe possibly some additional features.

Netherlands saKen: Assuming they manage to make it run 2.60b automatically and have some good plans to promoting it I guess it could help attract some new player, I wonder how long those will stick around in a community as toxic as this one though.

Finland twidi: Personally I don't mind too much whether I use ET.exe or play the game in the browser, but like I said in the previous comments the browser version with easier configurability would be a great thing for newcomers. Of course it is a possibility that the browser version would replace ET.exe in the future, but I don't think that it is going to happen very soon atleast.

United Kingdom Merlinator: ET.exe hasn't had much love in recent times - lets be honest. I mean ET itself was an incomplete game when released, basically an alpha - it got to where it is now based purely on community support and thats exactly what ETLive will need for success and hopefully not just an alternative but the main way to play and access everything to do with Enemy Territory.

Germany urtier: See first answer!

Portugal ag0n: I don't really like the idea of launching the game using a browser, but even QL got a .exe to launch it if i am not mistaken, so it's not something i am worried about.
Personally i think this game needs something new, needs improvements... IF ETL can manage to fix bugs, get bani to finally release source code and improve it a bit, ye it might be a alternative! I would just like to remind that there is few coders at community and people who can help somehow, so lets all work for a common good!

Norway Domi: I love the idea of ET as a "browser" game, I am just wondering how it will turn out, if you look at all the things possible in ET. I am not really convinced that this will "save" our beloved ET, but we can atleast try!

United Kingdom fumble: It sounds like an easier and quicker alternative, but I just hope ettv doesn't die as a result.

Australia biggz: Yes, 100% Some point out the division created when Quake Live was released and that the same thing will happen to ET. The difference with this project is the CF team put right what QL guys got wrong from day one. Rather than losing its audience and potential "convertees" before getting around to fixing issue and providing additional features.

Slovakia FiLuS: As I said in answer to previous question - idea of ETLive is nice. I am playing QL from time to time, so ETLive won't be a stranger to me. It's certainly more accessible for the public - grab a modern browser, get ETLive account, install plugin and you are ready to go. No need for a research on what version to download, what AC to use, just click and play. If the gameplay will be same as ET (in terms of aiming and general movement and game pace) it can surely replace ET.exe .

Germany kReSti: See first answer!

Czech Republic t4Mj: Definitely. People nescient of ET can get closer to this game w/o problems with application errors, same for casual players - it will be a great thing. I guess ETLive can replace ET.exe in the future and become the dominating client for this game.