What’s your confirmed lineup, and roles of the players?

We’ve had a bit of a turbulent route to LAN with a few dropouts due to real-life reasons which has changed our LAN up a few times but our lineup is now complete.

Playing LT, United Kingdom Adlad is our team captain and lead in-game tactician. I know he’ll bring his tactics dossier to pre-drinks before each game. He already has us revising positions and pushes.

Whilst also having the flexibility to pick up the panzer, Estonia ZeD is our second LT. He’s managed to grind his way top 20 gather player in the game (:KEKW:) so I have no doubt that he’ll bring some balance and experience to our team at LAN.

As the team’s third main medic, United Kingdom WhiteWolf is the second half to the WhiteZeD combo. He’s the fastest strafe jumper in the North and overall top lad.

Finland Nizou brings the firepower to our team as our panzer. On top of his movie-making skills, we’re hoping that he will be able to give us the power to cut through a defense on our attacks.

Finally, Finland Swanidius is our most recent and second Finnish addition to our team. Swani is a solid medic and experienced ET player with previous LAN experience which will be valuable to the team. He’s been trying to convince Niz to share a double bed in Ghent for a few days now, so that will only up our team chemistry.

What’s your goal at LAN? Is there a finishing position you are targeting?

We’re all going with the main aim to have a laugh and to put some names to the faces that form and help keep this community alive but we’re all motivated to win as many games as we can. Collectively as a team, we’re quite new and haven’t played as many games together as some of the other teams but I know we’ll give it a decent go to place in the top 3 or top 4 if we can.

What would you say was your best performance as a team to-date?

We’re still quite new when combined together 6 as a team, so hopefully, our best team performances lie ahead at LAN. We’ve had some close games with Belgium bZ over the past few months, so it would be nice to get one over those boys in their own back garden (:D).

Who on your team is most likely to miss their flight and turn up late to LAN?

We’ve all just recently booked our flights. Estonia ZeD will be the first one of us arriving at the airport but my money would still be on him being late due to his love of his pre-game siestas. I’m probably not a bad shout either with my 06:00 am flight to Heathrow.

How do you prepare for games?

No doubt United Kingdom Adlad will have the projector up in his room before each game at LAN, but online, we mainly just get together to discuss ideas for our attacks on an empty server whilst fragging each other.