What does the future hold for you and the team following LAN?

In N9, most of us have played together for the best part of 2 and a bit years now and it’s been some of the funnest times I’ve probably had in all the years I’ve played. It would have been great for some of the other lads to come (shoutout to United Kingdom Lasher, United Kingdom Nova, Turkey Canhanc and Germany DozA) to make it but I know that we’re all looking forward to LAN.

I’m getting older now, so with work and family, I’m not quite sure what the future holds for me personally or N9 in general, but as for now, we’re just looking to make the most out of LAN. A bit mad that this game is still going, so I guess you never know.

If you could make one change to the game, what would it be?

RtCWPro has been a game-changer over the past few months and it’s helped breath some life into the game and community. I think some maps (like Frostbite, Village and Ice) could benefit from more dynamic spawn times, so it would be nice to see how those impact gameplay on those maps in the future.

Are there any maps outside of the 7 at LAN you’d like to see in future tournaments?

For me, not really. I think with the addition of Adlernest, the pool is solid enough as it is. I would though like to see Kungfugrip thrown in there for the bants (:D).


Adlad: Thanks Ditto for answering my questions and kicking off this series! The remaining 6 interviews will be posted over the coming weeks so keep an eye out for them. Hope you all manage to stay safe, get your travel booked and I look forward to seeing many of you at LAN soon :).