Of the teams signed up on https://www.rtcw.events/teams so far, what’s your prediction for final rankings?

I think everyone will be expecting nP to be the favorites to win, so I’d go with them as my first pick. Other than that, I’d say that EBT, BZ and ourselves from the remaining teams will form their closest challengers but I suppose that anything can happen on the day, especially with a few beers on the go (even though most of the pints I’ve seen from Discord look like milkshakes with their 8-inch heads).

As old-schoolers, Marauders have been putting in the hours over the past couple of years and I’m sure there’ll be some close games with AAA. On top of that, the entire gaming world knows that #follow.rtcw will want to top their previous #top11world placing at the last ET LAN, so I’m expecting some big things from those lads and lasses.

Who are you most looking forward to meeting at LAN and why?

I’m looking forward to putting some faces to names. Lockdown and COVID had spoiled previous plans for N9 meetups so it’ll be good to meet the lads in person.

Other than that, I know Belgium Kevin has been dying to meet me over the years and it’ll be nice to hear what Belgium syL has to say about all of those frags he stole for me in KiH. To be reunited with Netherlands Joep after meeting him back in my neck of the woods a little while ago will be decent as well.

Which player do you think is the most likely to drink so much they can’t play the following day?

United Kingdom WhiteWolf has a reputation in the North for being a mean-shot demolisher and beer pong pro, so I have fears that we’re gonna have to keep an eye on that absolute madman.

Are there any particular match-ups you’re looking forward to?

bZ vs EBT will be a good game to watch as a benchmark to see what we’re going to have to do to get as highly placed as we want to be.

France Spike’s production has been on point during his casts with Belgium Graceos so I’m looking forward to seeing the production value he’s going to bring to LAN. Fingers crossed for some guest casters throughout the weekend for some tasty soundbites.