When did you start playing RtCW, and how did you get into it?

I started in a league in 2012, the one which saw Warwitch return as caster. I don't really remember how I got into it, but I ended up in Badazz with Netherlands Crabje, Portugal Osiris, Germany Oksi, United Kingdom Dts, Netherlands Voice, Netherlands Ironic, .. and it was a really fun time.

After a few months I started playing with Overpowered which had people like Netherlands Bully, Norway Kris, Finland Sirkka, Estonia Mata, Finland Mystic and the greatest RTCW player of all time Estonia Pudi in there. They really introduced me to 'high level' RTCW for the first time. Ever since that period I regret having played ET instead of RTCW for all those years.

Why do you play RtCW over other competitive FPS games?

The fast paced tracking with a pretty short time to kill is pretty unique in the FPS scene. It's also a very bland shooter which is fun, nowadays games feel the need to add special elements which usually makes them less appealing to me.

From a team point of view it also offers infinite possibilities. Games, unless you are running into a brick wall, rarely feel a repeat from previous games.

What’s your most memorable moment so far in your RtCW history, and why?

It's not a specific moment, but the two seasons I played with Carrot were probably my most fun and rewarding time in RTCW. The infinite tuning of tactics and finally getting them to work was a lot of fun.

United Kingdom Crmbs and Netherlands Bully also turned me from a good into a great player, on my specific positions on every map that is as I'm still the least versatile RTCW player out there. I'm still grateful to them for that. Small tips and tweaks over time really added up into feeling extremely comfortable in my spots. There are worse fates than the one of being a one trick pony.

What do you feel is the most important skill in terms of contribution to winning games in RtCW?

A combination of composure and the ability to keep an overview of what is going on during a round, if you make the right decisions you usually end up on top. Estonia Mata is the perfect example of this. He has good, but not great aim, yet he's still arguably the best or second best RTCW player of all time because of the attributes I just mentioned above.