What’s your confirmed lineup, and roles of the players?

Belgium Homie will be our panzer while Netherlands Leon and Belgium Syl are the main medics. I'm the main LT and Netherlands Eddo is kind of the jack of all trades.

We also have Belgium Jin, lmao.

What’s your goal at LAN? Is there a finishing position you are targeting?
We don't really have a gameplay related goal at LAN, I suppose having the feeling that we did well is pretty much it. We know we are capable of finishing second, but our pracs are usually disasters and we don't gel extremely well as a team. Time would always fix this issue, but in a team where everyone is over 30 it's sometimes very hard to even find one evening a week on which you can play.

I tried to convince Belgium Maus to play for our LAN team, but when I called him his wife picked up and told me to stop bothering them while Maus kept saying 'mor allé' in the background.
This is actually a true story.

What would you say was your best performance as a team to-date?

Last season’s official against NN comes to mind where we all played horribly individually, but managed to pull through as a team. It's part of the beauty of RTCW where the team performance will nearly always outshine the individual ones.

Who on your team is most likely to miss their flight and turn up late to LAN?

Belgium Jin.

How do you prepare for games?

We don't, and it shows.

It's a miracle when we get our main lineup online, and we're never really sure in advance.