What does the future hold for you and the team following LAN?

Most of us don't have plans of sticking around after the LAN, but RTCW has this habit of drawing you back in anyway so we can't be sure. The game had a good run with the revival and I think it would continue if the same people would stick around in the gathers and scrims. The nature of those gathers has changed throughout the last 6 months and more and more people choose to not play them, which is a shame.

If you could make one change to the game, what would it be?

RTCWPRO should have drawn the line at 'OSP + better antilag and hit reg', which was the original plan to begin with. The extra changes have slowly but surely pushed a lot of RTCW players away. The game is still fun to play because it's the closest you can get to proper RTCW, but it's not really RTCW anymore.

Are there any maps outside of the 7 at LAN you’d like to see in future tournaments?

Radar. It has the Assault-complex where it's a horrible gather map, yet a very fair and balanced map for competitive play.


Adlad: Thanks to Kevin for answering these questions, and I’m looking forward to trying the amazing Belgian takeaway food you’ve told me about after a few drinks. Proost op onze lever!