When did you start playing RtCW, and how did you get into it?

Me and a few classmates played the demo, and I bought the game on release date. They quickly moved over to another game, but I kept on playing till 2005.

I decided to reinstall the game in 2016/2017 and I was surprised to see people still played the game.

Why do you play RtCW over other competitive FPS games?

For me RtCW gives the best multiplayer experience as a team.
I switched to ET in 2005/2006 and it lasted 2 years max, but it felt so different compared to RtCW.

I tried other games, Overwatch, Dirty Bomb f.e. but they feel so bland. Nothing comes close to RtCW in my opinion.

What’s your most memorable moment so far in your RtCW history, and why?

Playing Eurocup X and Warleagues Premier Division with clan wArning! back in the day. It was a mix between Spanish and Belgium Players.
Belgium dAv1d, Belgium F3nceR, Belgium Xeon?, Belgium viX, France Swoke, Spain F@nteR, Spain FlaT.

Recently taking 5th place at Quakecon 2020 and 3rd at Quakecon 2021 were also great results. Both final games for us were very intense and needed a decider.
To this day we still have no clue how Prowler manage to plant on Assault vs Underdogs

What do you feel is the most important skill in terms of contribution to winning games in RtCW?

I think it’s a combination between game knowledge, and fast decision making that is the key in winning rounds for your team.